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Author Topic: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"  (Read 26807 times)

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2004, 03:15:56 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 05:13:
this seems like a good oppurtunity to wrap up Tylers visit to the UY diamension.
RP on
Tyler had been liveing in Tomibiki since the incedents in the last half of the RPG. However something was about to change for him.
In another timeline on a futuristic earth Tyler was missing and beleived dead. To the inhabatants of this timeline he was the equivelent of elvis or Jimmy Hoffa. occaisionaly someone would claim to see him at a gas station and report it o tabloids.
The only person who hadnt given up on finding him was empress Azalyn of the Raalgon empire who had nick named Tyler paco paco. However one day a strange spacial disturbance emerged inside her flagship (I forget the name of it). Azalyn didnt notice it and fell into the desturbance.

Megane was sitting outside Mendo mansion singing "I've got the blues! I've got the loves lost blues! I've got the blues!" Bakuto ran up and shouted "Shut up your singing is terrible!" A red haired girl with pointy ears fell out of the air inbetween them. Bakuto asked her "Dont you think his singing is terrible?" Azalyn just said "Uhh..."
Things were getting worse inside the mansion. A dinosaur had just walked out of one of the rips and several alternate versions of Shingo had just apeared who were anoying Mendo.

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2004, 03:16:12 PM »
By Parias on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 05:49:
Cygni was just beginning to get aquainted with the crew of the Enterprise, and starting to think that Wesly wasn't all that annoying after all, when suddenly a shockwave hit the ship, sending everyone sprawling. Her last image was of Picard landing on top of Data, whom both went flying into the viewscreen, cracking it, then her vision went blue, and she found herself in the tunnel again.

When she landed, she found herself in some kind of playground, near a school. The area seemed to be desserted, but she could hear faint singing in the distance. It was hard to make out, but it seemed vaguely familiar...

She opened the door to the school and cautiously walked inside, then after confirming that the area seemed to be empty, she walked down the hallway untill she heard the singing behind one of the doors. She put her ear to it and listened in.

"I love you... you love.."

Cygni winced. "NO! It can't be..."

She slowly cracked open the door, praying it was just a TV left running or something, and stopped cold when a group of young school children turned to face her, along with one purple dinosaur.

"Ho ho ho! It must be one of my hip-happy friends!" The dinosaur jumped in glee.

Cygni cracked an evil grin that would make Hudson sweat through 4 pairs of socks, and reached for her Desert Eagle.

Oyuki walked into the room to see Bakuto and Ten fighting over control of the pad, with Bakuto screaming something about lawsuit charges and Ten mumbling about delicate proceedures. Benten walked in behind her and laughed.

Oyuki began to set up her equipment while watching the TV screen that had been set up out of the corner of her eye. Benten turned to it intently, watching as Cygni opened the door, saw a particular annoying purple dinosaur, and reached for her gun. She cheered and began rooting for Cygni. Bakuto stopped tugging at Ten's control pad and joined her side, cheering as well. Ten grumbled and returned to work, helping Oyuki out.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #62 on: October 23, 2004, 03:16:22 PM »
By Parias on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 08:13:
Jocko: Not too sure about which one it would be, nor would I be able to tell the difference as I sux0r at history >)

It went by pretty fast anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter..

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #63 on: October 23, 2004, 03:16:32 PM »
By Jocko on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 18:42:
Yeah, it could've been either Europe or the Pacific. Looks like Megane will need to be given a new hobby...who should it be? Oyuki, Benten, or his "Venus" from UY4? An Oyuki and Megane romance was already very well explored in the excellant Lemon fanfic "The Prince and the Lecher" while the UY: The Senior Year fanfic series fleshed out the "Venus" chick more. And of course, no post about alternate fanfic romances for Megane would be complete without reference to Fred Lee Cain's Sugoi character!

Personally, I wonder how Benten would feel about Megane..

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #64 on: October 23, 2004, 03:17:49 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 22:17:
Cygni fired fureously at the purple horror. Barney wouldnt die! Barny said "Gosh and golly gee! I never thought a babe like you would come on my show. I'll keep you forever!" Barney grabbed her and started to squeeze her!

Ten said "What did you do with my controls?"

Cygni kept on fireing at the freak who would not die. Barney took her desert eagle and ate it. Barney said " Darling!"

Cygni said "Darling? No! No! NOOOOOOOO! I'm not attracted to big freaky dinousaurs let me go!"

Barney squeezed her tighter and said "DARLING!"

Cygni"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'd rather be stuck with Ataru!"

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #65 on: October 23, 2004, 03:18:02 PM »
By Parias on Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 23:32:
Heh, Sugoi was good.. just finished reading Just a Dream and Still Dreaming a few days ago, great stuff. That's about the only ones I've read though. Aside from that, the only UY I've seen is episodes 1-8, so I'm doing the characters in my posts off of gut instinct and the info I've seen off of various pages. Benten is pretty much an enigma to me, since I haven't heard anything about her beyond the 2 fan-fics I read. So I'm not in too much of a position to set up that kind of stuff >) I'll stick to what I know for now, but you're welcome to introduce what you want, I'll follow suit best I can.

Cygni had had enough. She wanted to leave, now.

Taking her anger and embarassment, she directed her power through to her hands and unleashed a massive amount of lightning into Barney's face. He seemed to stumble about for a bit and spat out the Desert Eagle. She picked it up, wiped off the ooze, and rushed out, with Barney and the school children in hot pursuit.

Once outside, she lept up into the sky and flew above the cloud layer, then stopped trying to catch her breath.

"That.. is.. not.. something.. I.. want.. to.. go.. through with... again.." she panted. Her vision exploded in blue again.

Ten kicked Bakuto away and hovered above the top of the room, beyond his reach. Bakuto yelled.

"NOO! We gotta give her more guns! MORE GUNS!!"

Ten shook his head. "I'm busy!!" He hovered over Oyuki, who was pushing some buttons on a large black device sitting in the room.

"Now lets see..." She stroked her chin thoughtfully.

Cygni flew down the tunnel yet again, hoping like hell she'd end up some place good. ANY place was better than where she had just been.

("Ha ha ha.. you won't live to see the end of the day...")

"Shove it!"

Her vision went blue again, and she found herself suddenly sitting in a cramped cockpit, while laser and missile fire was heard outside. She looked below, she had landed on the pilot of the craft, who was now unconsious. She lifted him up and managed to move him into the co-pilot seat behind her. She sat down.

She vaguely recognized the design of the craft she was in, but she couldn't remember what it was from. Something familiar about it...

A beep was heard and a figure's face appeared on the fighter's HUD. In front of her, a MASSIVE ship emerged, coloured in brown and grey. It was 6 km long, had a long antenna sticking out of the front where the bridge section was, a long section that stuck down from the forward bridge area leading to a set of thrusters, and then towards the middle area, had another section sticking down longer with another set of thrusters, then finally more thrusters at the rear. It was bristling with weapons.

The figure spoke, and a white bracket appeared on her HUD around the large ship, indicating where the transmission was coming from.

"This is the GTD Colossus! Admiral Koth, you are ordered to power down your vessel immediately and surrender! The Polaris jump node is blockaded, there is no escape!"

She grabbed the controls of the fighter, and used the stick on the right to turn it left slightly. She was getting a good idea where she was, and was questioning her sanity. But she had to be sure that wasn't just a co-incidence..

After turning her fighter, a ship that was barely half the size of the "Colossus", coloured in blue with various attenas and weapons sticking out all over the place, popped into view. A white bracket appeared around it, and what looked like a younger officer appeared on her HUD.

"I have no intention of escaping Colossus, nor will I surrender! Even if I send my crew to hell with you, this monstrosity will be destroyed!"

She saw the engines at the back of the ship which was marked "Repulse" power up and it began slowly moving towards the Colossus. She snapped her fingers.

"I've gone nuts. This is right out of one of the games I used to play on the computer.. Freespace 2 I think it was called. How the HELL did I end up here??" Cygni watched as the ships converged on each other. The Colossus was striking blow after blow against the Repulse, with massive green beam cannons ripping away large chunks of the hull. She hit a few buttons and targetted the vessel, and saw it's hull integrity rapidly dropping. A black commander in uniform appeared on her screen.

"Alpha One, why are you sitting dead in space? Are you having engine troubles?"

She gaped. Looking behind her, she saw the figure was male, and tried to figure out what to do. The dimensional breach answered for her, as her view suddenly exploded in blue again.

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #66 on: October 23, 2004, 03:18:14 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 01:30:
Cygnis space ship was pulled right into the worm hole. and she flew into an interesting landscape. Suddenly a large dragon slammed into the ship and it plunged to the ground.
she got out to see a red haired girl with a fireball in her hands and a blond guy and some other people. Cygni said "Hey I'm in an episode of slayers!" Lina said "Hey whats that big metal thing you were flying in?" Xellos poped up and answered the question for Cygni "Thats a secret!"
Lina started to try to hit Xellos with fireballs.

Xellos said "Oooh that tiger striped Bikini is sutch a great fashion idea! Why dont you wear one Lina?" lina started to make another fire ball. Cygni said "Oh boy this is going to be a long day!"

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #67 on: October 23, 2004, 03:18:25 PM »
By Parias on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 03:40:
While Xellos and Lina started fighting with each other, Cygni dodged between the fireballs being thrown by Lina, then lept up into the sky, only to be consumed by blueness again.

"Cripes it's getting shorter, either I'm almost back home, or something horrible is gonna happen."

The blueness disappeared, and he found herself sitting on a desert landscape, at nighttime. She looked around. Sand was going as far as she could see, with wrecked vehicles and other debris dotting the landscape. He headset chirped, it was picking up a few of the transmissions flying along overhead. She flipped on the eyepiece and listened in.

"Stick to their power sources, we know!" said one voice, sounding like a young male.

"We heard the briefing Scourge, just let us do our jobs." This was from a female.

"Fair enough, but be advised I WILL tear you a new one if you fubar this mission!" said a gruff-sounding man. She knew that voice.

"Great, I get a little rowdy on shore leave and wind up with the lance leader from hell!" said the young male, sarcastically. She switched off the headset, that was all she needed to hear.

"Great, now I'm in Mechwarrior 3! With the luck I'm having, I'll probably get stepped on by a brigade of mechs any second now!"

She heard a loud thumping behind her. She turned around but couldn't see anything except a bit of dust being kicked up in the distance. After a moment, the source of the noise came into view. She recognized the design, it was a Cauldron Born mech, with reverse-jointed legs and a low profile, running towards her. It stopped a few meters, and the top part of the chassis aimed down at her with a loud whine of machinery. The mech's headlights beamed in her face, momentarily blinding her, and the PA boomed.

"With that kind of clothing, I'd be stupid not to guess you're pirate scum. Out for a late night walk I'd presume?"

She shielded her eyes with her left hand and glared up, then yelled back at the pilot. "You might say that! Mind if I catch a ride? It's a bit cold out here!"

The pilot laughed. "You must think I'm an idiot, letting a pirate sit in the cockpit of my own mech? Rediculous! But anyways, I can't let you get back to your buddies to let 'em know where we are, so I'm afraid I'll have to terminate our little meeting. Goodbye pirate!"

A loud whine came from the mech as it brought one of it's massive arms to bear. A loud shreak was heard, and missiles flew in from the right of the mech, slamming into it's arm and teetering it slightly. The pilot regained control and turned the mech around to fight the new threat. Laser fire flashed between the 2, but the pilot could clearly see he was loosing, and begun a retreat.

Cygni watched as the mech turned around and began running, while a Mad Cat thumped on past, in pursuit. Her vision turned into blueness again.

Oyuki cheered in triumph and hit a red button on her machine. It whirred, spat out some lightning towards the portal, and then shut down.

Benten made a face. "Gee, that was good!"


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #68 on: October 23, 2004, 03:18:35 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 04:03:
Cygni landed on top of a building. She looked up to see the sailor scouts! "In the name of the moon we shall punish you!" they shouted at some monster who they started to beat up.
Bakuto said "Yeeeaaahh! it's sailor moon!" Ten shouted "I cant work like this arrggh!"
Oyuki said "Ten chan you need to cool down." Ten spurted some fire out of his mouth and said "I AM COOL!"
Tuxedo mask shoed up after the fight. He looked over at Cygni. Sailor moon said "Tuxedo hey!" He pushed her aside and said "Oh forget you! That tiger striped bikini is so much more stylish then your sailor outfits I'm going to be her boyfreind instead!"
Cygni said "Oh not again! At least he's not a purpul dinosaur!"

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #69 on: October 23, 2004, 03:18:50 PM »
By Jocko on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 05:03:
For more Sugoi fun check out "UY Goes to Hell" and the Takaholics Anonymous website has the excellant story on how Sugoi and Megane first met.


Hudson and Ryouko smacked their foreheads at the same time.

"What the hell's next?" Hudson lamented, "Robotech?"

Ryouko turned to Warren perplexed, "what's Robotech, Warren-kun?"

"Bastardized and Americanized SDF Macross and Southerncross, mostly." Hudson clearly remembered the show from his last vacation back home to Lincoln, Nebraska. He freely admitted he liked it despite knowing its Japanese counterparts. "With a healthy dash of Mospeada thrown in there for good measure!"

Benten glared at Warren, "how can your country watch anime that way, punk?"

Hudson shrugged, "it's better than how it used to be!"

Jariten frowned as he and Oyuki worked, "you need more good translations like StarBlazers," the toddler said as he and the Ice Princess of Neptune worked furiously.

Just then Megane decided to walk into the room. He didn't look well. Ryouko gasped, "Megane-san? You don't look well."

"Oh? Eh?" Megane walked up to Warren, "Hudson-sama, I am told you have the key to the liquor cabinet."

Hudson patted Megane's shoulder, "I heard about Lum and Ataru, I'm sorry that you're feeling down." He gave Megane the key. "But I'm coming with you," Warren smiled, "it's not right for adults to let teenagers drink alone."


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #70 on: October 23, 2004, 03:19:07 PM »
By Parias on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 05:49:
THAT'S what I was planning on stuffing Cygni into.. almost forgot about that one! *grin*

Cygni winced as the transit ended again, the massive flashes were beginning to have an ugly effect on her eyes.

Captain Gloval was preparing everything for the attack on Dolza's main fleet when a large flash appeared, and a scantily clad green haired girl landed on the bridge, vaguely resembling a Zentradi soldier.

He growled, stood up, and turned to Exodore. "What is this?" he asked in his thick accent. "And how did she get here?"

Exodore studied the girl for a moment, who was struggling to her feet, and rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm.. I don't recognize her, and I don't know of any of our soldiers who dresses like that! It is definately not one of ours!"

Cygni got to her feet and looked around the bridge, and gasped in surprise at the familiar faces. Gloval walked to his chair and picked up the phone. "Security to the bridge, on the double!"

Lisa spoke up. "Sir, I don't think that will be necessary, if she were here to kill us, I think she would have done it already."

Cygni nodded. "I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is going on! I'm not in much of a position to commence mass murder, assuming I was even planning to!"

Gloval grunted. "Then what are the weapons for?" He guestured towards her hip, where the Desert Eagle was.

Before Cygni could respond, another flash appeared, and Cexon tumbled onto the bridge, bleeding and smoking. Cygni pulled out her Desert Eagle, aimed it at Cexon's head, and pulled the trigger 5 times without hesitation. The crew flinched at each shot.

Cexon's head exploded, and her lifeless body fell to the deck. Gloval turned back to Cygni with a scowl on his face.

"How do I know you aren't just some.. criminal, being pursued? How do I know that wasn't some enforcement officer from the other end of the galaxy that we've never heard of that you just killed?"

Cygni returned the gun to her hip. "You don't, and even if it were true, it wouldn't exactly be any of your business Captain. Now I'm not exactly sure how I ended up here, but you can be damn sure I'm going to be out of your way in a few minutes."

Gloval shook his head while security officers piled onto the bridge and aimed their weapons at her. "I'm afraid that I cannot allow you to leave, not until we learn just what you are doing here and what is going on!"

Cygni walked back a couple of steps untill she was leaning against the glass at the front of the bridge. "I'm not gonna fight, but I'm not going to be taken away either." Her hand moved towards her hip.

One of the soldiers rushed towards her and grabbed her arm, spun her around, and cuffed her hands behind her back in one smooth motion. He whispered into her ear. "Hey I'm sorry about this. Tell ya what, if everything checks out ok, drink's on me when you get out, alright?"

She sighed in resignation and said nothing. The soldier turned to escort her off the bridge, when a blue flash overcame her again. The cuffs disappeared mid-transit. She was about to emerge from the transit, when suddenly a lightning bolt came out and stabbed her, pulling her off course. Her vision exploded into shades of green, blue, and red, and she began seeing strange images flying across her vision, before she passed out.

Oyuki cussed as her machine began making grinding noises and emitting smoke. "It's overloading! I need more power!"

Shutaro walked up, grabbed a giant cord on the machine, and plugged it into the wall. It began to cool down.

"The house has it's own personal reactor below, it should be sufficient for your needs."

After a few moments, the room flashed a horrible shade of green, and Cygni flew out of the portal, smacked against the wall, and slowly sank to the ground, her feet in the air. The portal also coughed out Cexon's corpse, the soldier that was on the bridge of the SDF-1, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, a confused pilot from Freespace 2, a screaming soldier with his leg blown off, 5 school children, and a purple dinosaur.

All were unconsious. Benten noted this, especially about the last thing that emerged. The portal began spinning faster, then collapsed in on itself and vanished in a flash. Benten and Bakuto uttered a war cry and rushed towards Barney, and began ripping him to pieces with their bare hands, screaming in glee.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #71 on: October 23, 2004, 03:19:19 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 06:02:
Megane after taking some drinks said "Gee *hicup*! Hudson your starting to look kinda like *hicup* Lum san *hicup*."
Hudson said "*hicup* I think youve had enough to drink *hicup*."

Cygni was running away from Tuxedo Mask who had his arms rapped tightly around her waste. Suddenly Barney and Xellos appear! "Oh no how did you guys get here?"
Xellos: Thats a secret!

"I wonder if I could of contracted some of Atarus bad luck? How else can all this be happening?"

Elsewhere Ataru said "You know Lum it's kind of funny. Ever since I came clean with you about my feelings my lucks improved."
Cherry Jumped out of the bushes and into their path "So you arent unlucky anymore. Thats a bad omen!"
Ataru started beating him up "How is being lucky a bad omen?"

Radicus was back at the base all but forgotten. He had repaired himself with some cyberntic implants he got from one of the less damaged areas of his base. Ginkobots hologram apeared "My latest creation shall arrive shortly. Get prepared!"

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #72 on: October 23, 2004, 03:19:29 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 06:04:
Aww darn it we posted at the same time again! Oh the humanity!

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #73 on: October 23, 2004, 03:19:38 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 06:15:
ok here we go!
RP on

Barneys head flung accross the room. Bakuto ran over and started hitting the head with his lightsaber. the head shouted "Gosh and golly gee wizz my bodys over there hyuck hyuck hyuck!"
Bakuto said "It cant be! He's immortal! Well you arent getting your head back!" He punted barneys head out of the window and it landed in the back of a moving van.
Barneys headless body stumbled around the room. Xellos apeared and said "Barney made a pledge with the Mozoko so he could be immortal in exchange he corrupts the minds of children into doing our bidding. Oops! I forgot that was a secret!"
Xellos ran off With Benten chaseing after him. Bakuto was about to chase him too but stopped and said "Hey your Tuxedo mask! Your real and that means sailer moon is real! I told you guys they were real!"

Meanwhile Cygnis replacement arrived! DUNT! DUNT! DUNT!

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #74 on: October 23, 2004, 03:19:50 PM »
By Parias on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 10:46:
5 year old Timmy Robin was watching an episode of his favorite show on the planet, Barney, when he turned to look out the window, and saw Milkman Dan pull up to the driveway, as he did every day, to deliver his milk.

Timmy walked out to greet the milkman, when he saw a U-Haul truck drive by. It hit a small bump in the road. Timmy saw a small purple head fly out, with green ooze trailing from it. Curious, he walked over.

The head spoke. "Ho ho ho! Are you one of my hip-happy friends? I seem to have mis-placed my body! I know, lets play Hide-and-go-seek! My body will hide, and you go find it! Hyuck hyuck!"

Timmy gave an expression that would melt the hearts of the most hardened of soldiers, turned to the house, and screamed.


Hudson and Megane sat down on a couch, watching TV, drunk out of their minds. Hudson boredly switched to the local news channel.

"...And in today's headline, the head of 'Barney', superhero among children, was decapitated in what appears to be an attempted murder... we also have evidence that Barney may be an alien being, as his blood is completely unlike ours..."

Hudson chuckled. "Ssssbout time ssomewun put a cap iiin that guyssss head!" He fell on Megan's lap and they began laughing hysterically. Ryouko walked into the room and hung behind the couch with a worried look on her face. She figured the pressure must have been really great for Hudson to allow himself to be drunk out of his mind like such.

Terra blinked and tried to move, but found she was unable to. She was lying under a pile of bodies that she had somehow ended up under. She cussed and managed to slowly push them off, then slowly stood up.

"What is this, some kind of costume party?" She eyed a headless purple dinosaur lying in the corner.

"Some party.." she mumbled, and walked out of the room and down the hall. She needed a drink.

Cygni fought her way to consiousnous and found herself in an uncomfortable position, leaning upside-down against a wall with her head against the floor at an angle, looking upwards.

She struggled to her feet and rubbed her neck in pain. She found herself in the room she had initially vanished in. She also noticed that the various people she had run in to were all over the room, most still unconscious. She looked up in surprise when a figure walked over and held her hand.

"Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

She looked over and saw Tuxedo Mask kneeling on the floor next to her. Her face turned a flush red, and she could feel it.

"This guy's quite a.." she thought to herself, then froze in mid-sentence. She recalled what she had been a week earlier.

She shook her head and began slowly retreating towards the door.

"But.. why not? Is it something I said? Is my hair messed up?" Tuxedo Mask rose and began moving towards her.

"No... it's jut that.. er.. uhh.." She stole a glance at her watch, 5:34 PM. "Woops, look at the time, I gotta run!" She turned and rushed out the door, slamming it behind her. She turned down the hallway, rushed around a corner, and stopped, breathing hard.

("You're going to have to accept it, you're not a male anymore.")

"Shut up! Since when did you start caring anyways?"

("Since I gave up trying to be your enemy. It doesn't work.")

"Ah, giving up already eh?"

("Not so much giving up as just giving in. Hurting you is wearing me out."

Cygni put a stern expression on her face, folded her arms, leaned back against the wall, and put her head down, deep in thought.

She was trying to figure out what she was going to do with all the people from the other dimensions, when someone grabbed her arm, opened the door she was next to, tossed her into the room, walked in, and closed the door behind him. She made out Megane's face in the darkness.

"Megane? What the hell are you doing?"

Megane let out an extremely wide and dorky grin, then held up his hands. He took a deep breath and coughed out a sentence. "Lumwillyoupleasehavesexw ithmenow?"

Cygni's eyes went wide. "WHAAAAT??"

His grin grew even wider, threatening to break his jaw in half, and his hands reached up and tore his shirt off. He drunkenly staggered towards Cygni, who was still gaping in surprise.
