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May 30th, 2018
Fixed all links which contained 'forum.lum-chan.com' and replaced them with 'www.lum-chan.com'. This should fix ALL internal website links, including all those who linked to the Gallery. Enjoy!

January 16th, 2017
I was informed about an incorrect working registration section. The old reCAPTCHA modification didn't work anymore so I updated it to the latest version (I totally forgot about it) and generated new keys just in case. It's now working again.

January 13th, 2017
Today, I have applied the latest security update to the forum-software. It now uses version 2.0.13 and this fixes several security issues.


January 1st, 2017

December 25th, 2016
Merry Christmas!

December 22nd, 2016
Hi Lum-a-Holics!

As you might have noticed today some things have been changed.

First, we now support https and all normal http connections will now automatically redirected to https connections to the site. We are now a lot more secure and support now sha-256 encryption.

Second, many paths on resources of the site have been moved around to make https possible. http://forum.lum-chan.com now redirects straight to https://www.lum-chan.com. If you have a website linking to us, please update your links.

You might need to clear your browser-cache and in some cases you need to logout and login again. This depends on the used browser.

Due to many, many changes, some thingies such as images or iframes might not work but I'm working on that and I hope to get everything up-and-running before Christmas Eve. Please bear with me until then.

October 23rd, 2016
Updated the forum software to SMF version 2.0.12. Again, we're a bit safer from security-errors/flaws.
The rotating images on the frontpage will soon be changed to the Halloween version. @Horus: Thank you soo much for those images. I have added the website-logo after resizing them a bit. Again: Thanks!

June 27th, 2016
Dear UY Fans!

Early this morning we've experienced some outage on the forum. As I don't know the cause of this, I've contacted my hosting-provider. I hope this will be fixed as soon as possible.

My honest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

April 21st, 2016
Last night the databases have been optimized and I made a full backup of both the site and databases.

Februari 14th, 2016
Happy Valentine's Day

January 1st, 2016
Happy New Year!

December 16th, 2015
Updated the frontpage with image-rotations for the seasons of the year and some events/periods like Christmas, Halloween and New Year. All used images are created by lumlover, who kindly reacted on my request on the new and nice time fitting images to use on the frontpage.
Thanks lumlover!

September 21st, 2015
Today I have installed the latest security-patch for the forum-software. We are now running SMF 2.0.11, which fixes several security-issues and again makes the board a bit safer.

August 23rd, 2015
Unfortunate, I was forced to blacklist several providers in Bangladesh and Pakistan for not responding on my detailed complains about spammers using their services and servers for nothing more than spamming around. As I'm getting sick and tired of these kind of people and their useless spam-efforts, I decided to completely block their complete range(s) of ip-addresses to prevent any spam. Too bad for those who are not at fault, but it's getting worse by the week. I'll be scanning to serverlogs on a regularly basis to check if those bastards are still being blocked. To be continued...

May 30th, 2015
Updated the forum-software to SMF version 2.0.10

April 14th, 2015
Did some minor updating on the code. Working on some small updates. Sorry for being such a lazy ass the past years

January 1st, 2015
Happy New Year!

December 22nd, 2014
I want to wish all Lum-a-holics a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

October 10th, 2014
Just a few minutes ago I updated the forum-software to the latest version for SMF. We are now at version 2.0.9 which fixes some security issues. More information can be found at the link below:

SMF 2.0.9 / 1.1.20 Security Patches Released

January 1st, 2014
Happy New Year!

August 13th, 2013
Just a few minutes ago, the forum software has been updated to SMF version 2.0.5. Some security-flaws have been fixed with this update.

May 6th, 2013
Just a few minutes, ago I contacted my current hosting-provider. As we are running our website on an old and obsolete hosting-platform, we are proud to announce we will be migrated to the newest hosting-platform. This means the following: Faster and better performance and, hopefully, no more capacity-problems. The available web-space will be upgraded as well and this gives us the possibilities for new additions for all us lum-a-holics ;)
This major upgrade and migration will be around the 25th of June 2013. Just a few weeks to wait ;D
I hope this new migration will solve all these problems we have experienced the last months...

June 1st, 2012
Aargh! I've made some very BIG mistakes way back in 2010. When I was updating the website (back then) I forgot to re-add the 'Andalucian TV' and the 'US TV' Galleries. They both were always online but never linked to be available you.

As I checked those two galleries, I updated all the html code and removed old/obsolete code. While I was at this, I did the same for all other Galleries which are online now. The remaining code is much faster now.

As of now, those two 'missing' galleries have been re-added and are all now available to you guys & galls!


January 1st, 2013
Happy New Year!

May 30th, 2012
I fixed the color-scheme of the galleries to fit them more into the overall site design. Looks much better now. Currently cleaning up code within the galleries. Some little thingies need some fixing as well. I'll keep you guys posted on this.

May 29th, 2012
Re-uploaded the AnimEigo Gallery. Those ads at the bottom of each gallery page have been removed!

May 25th, 2012
Added a whole bunch of new links to the Urusei Yatsura Links page. Enjoy again \(^_^)/

May 22nd, 2012
I have updated the Urusei Yatsura's Link list with new links and removed broken ones. Enjoy!

May 21st, 2012
At last I'm able to update the last pages. The hosting-issues have been resolved! Expect a massive update on the Urusei Yatsura link page. I'll update it later this week, as I'm checking the Interwebz for more sites to add!

April 27th, 2012
Restored one table back into the database due to corruption of some of the contents. I'm still working on some minor sofftware issues which prevent me from updating at least three articles.

April 24th, 2012
Updated the Portal software TinyPortal 1.0 RC4 to TinyPortal 1.0 Final.

March 9th, 2012
Just finished making a complete backup of the website and the database...

February 22nd, 2012
Re-did the top header with the website name and made it a bit smoother. It now just looks right \(^-^)/

January 16th, 2012
Thanks to user 'enitul' his or her PM I was able to fix the broken pages of The Complete Music Box. Thanks! All those pages are viewable again!
After a little check I discovered more pages which had the same problem. Maybe it has something to do with the last Portal Software update. Currently, I'm fixing all these pages. I'll keep you posted...

Almost all pages have been fixed now. Just 3 pages are waiting to be fixed. This can be done when I have solved some minor software issues.

All problems have been solved. Thanks for your patience!

January 1st, 2012
Happy New Year!

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