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Author Topic: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"  (Read 26818 times)

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2004, 03:05:08 PM »
By Parias on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 05:12:
Cygni glanced at her watch again and cussed. 12:25 AM. This was going to get difficult.

She had moved from the rooftop to a tree for a better view, fortunately it was dark enough to conceal her presence, at least to the 2 in the room, who had now settled down. She was close enough to hear them chatting.

"But dahling!! It's such a cute pet! We should keep him!"

"No! You and Ten are enough trouble!"


They argued on. Cygni sat back and sighed. From the looks of it, she'd be doing this kid a favor.

She glared over at the window, where the dog was still staring at her.

"Doesn't he have anything better to do?" she muttered to herself.

("Guess not. Hopefully he'll get out of the way.. I doubt killing animals is your thing.")


A loud beeping noise came from her wrist.

"SHIT! I didn't expect it to be THIS loud!" She stabbed the button to turn it off and moved onto a branch behind the tree, concealing her figure. Lum and Ataru walked over to the window. Lum picked up the dog and held it close, patting it on the head. Ataru stared into the night.

"Did.. you hear something?"

"Oh it's probably just the wind or the neighbors or something. Come on darling, lets go to bed! 'Max' is going to sleep with us!" Lum cooed.

"NO! That mutt is staying out of my room!" Ataru lunged at Lum's arms, who dodged, and they began chasing each other around the room again. Cygni cussed again.

"Damn, this is going to be very difficult.."

("You heard what Radicus said, this could be important. Hell from what he was saying, and what the intel said, millions of people could already be suffering.. the quicker you take her out, the quicker their pain stops. You heard what the empire is doing.")

"Yea but.. she doesn't look like the one to grind people under her heel and laugh at their pain.."

Giggling, Lum executed a flip and landed on Ataru, pinning him to the floor under her feet.


Cygni sighed and removed her Desert Eagle from the holster.

"Best to be as accurate as possible, rather than spray bullets all over the place.." she thought. Flipping the switch in front of it, a red beam emerged, almost invisible to the naked eye, except where the beam hit and concentrated into a small buldge, making it difficult to trace where it was coming from.

Taking a deep breath, she aimed the dot at the back of Lum's green head, and began counting from 10.

"This is gonna hurt me a lot more than it's gonna hurt you.." she muttered.

Below, Hudson and Ryouko had watched the whole thing, and now watched in horror as the figure removed a large black pistol and aimed it inside the room.

Ryouko's face hardened. "Hudson..."

Hudson growled and pulled out his pistol. He took careful aim...

"3... 2.." Cygni's hand closed on the trigger.

A shot rang out in the night, and Cygni yelled in pain as the gun was blown from her hands against the side of the tree, surprisingly not smashing it to pieces. She noticed the bullet fall off of the left side of the weapon, leaving it dented but relatively undamaged. Lum and Ataru had stopped and were staring out the window again, but didn't seem to notice her. Unfortunately someone else did.

"I'd suggest you drop your other weapon immediately and come down, or my next shot won't leave a dent." Hudson called out from below.

Cygni glared down at the 2. "What the hell? What do I do?" she consulted the voice.

("Well I'd assume that getting your head blown off isn't a viable solution, so I'd suggest not trying to attack them. This might be another one of her guards. I'd say beat a hefty retreat, for now.")

"Care to explain how? He's got a gun levelled at my head."

("When I say now, dive to the left, grab the pistol, then duck back behind the tree. After that, jump and fly straight up above the cloud layer, and don't stop for anything.")

Hudson was getting impatient. "I say again, surrender now, I do not wish to get ugly on this fine night."

Cygni watched as his hand faltered for a second, probably from fatigue.


Without a second glance, Cygni rolled to her left, grabbing the Desert Eagle in the process, then jumping behind the tree while parts of it exploded from the bullets coming her way. She then jumped up and flew above the cloud layer, with bullets missing her by inches.

Once above the cloud layer, she turned and headed straight towards her house, stopping for nothing, and breathing hard.

"Damn! That was close.."

("And it's gonna get worse, you're gonna have to get used to this I'm afraid..")

"This damn well better be for a good cause, or someone's head is gonna roll."

Back on the ground, Lum was holding Ataru close in fear, while Hudson called out from below "Are you alright?"

Ataru nodded. "Yea, but that was that Terra chick wasn't it? I thought she was on our side now!"

Hudson shook his head. "That wasn't Terra, she's at the mansion recovering right now. It looks like we have some complications on our hands, you had better be careful.."

Ataru, who was now beginning to realize how close to death Lum had just been, stuck his chest out in his best "strong man" impression. "Don't worry! I'll protect Lum!"

Lum hugged him tighter. "Oh darling, you're so strong! Lets go to bed together!"

Ataru wasn't quite ready for this, so he screamed, jumped out the window, and took off down the street, with Lum in pursuit, yelling.

Hudson sighed. "I guess they'll be fine for now, so long as she doesn't make another attempt soon. She seemed almost unready for it, like she hasn't killed before.."

Ryouko nodded. "I guess that's why she waited so long. Come, lets head back to the mansion, I'll dispatch a Kuroko to track her down."

They turned and headed back home. A figured watched, perched on top of Ataru's house.

"Hmm, I'll have to be more careful.." Bakuto thought to himself. "She was almost killed, this won't do at all.."

He took off down the street in search of Cygni.

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2004, 03:05:27 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 05:55:
Cygni got back to her hideout at 1:05 in the morning. Cygni said "Hmmm I wonder whats on this late at night." She decided to turn on the tv to get her mind off of what was going on. It was a Hentai
hentai person on TV "I wanna (blank) your (blank)!
other hentai person "(bl-bl- blank!)"
Cygni switched the channel.
Voice:(Gee I thought you liked Hentai?)
Cygni said "Yeah but I'm a girl now. It makes me feel funny."
Bakuto climbed up the side of the house and looked in the window. "So I finnaly found your hideout. Time to make my grand entrance!" Cygni started to doze off as some Japanese infomercials were playing. Suddenly there was a loud crash. Cygni woke up and looked to the other side of the room to see a 10 foot tall Gamera smash into the room. It shrunk into Bakutos regular form. Cygni said "You just dont know when to quit!" Bakuto said "Give yourself up Cygni! The long arm of justice has caught up with you!" Cygni said "Oh brother your really a ham for a secret agent!"
Bakuto said "I may not be the best agent but I am definitly the most anoying one!"
He drew both double sided lightsabers!

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2004, 03:05:51 PM »
By Parias on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 06:35:
Busy day.. this'll be, what, my 4th post in a 24 hour period? Can you say addicted? *grin*

Fan-fiction: A fate worse than crack.

Cygni cussed herself for putting her weapons back in her closet upstairs, she wanted to try being "normal" even if it was just for a few hours. Removing a long jagged knife from a small strap on her hip, she put it in front of her and growled.

"I'm open to suggestions.." she said to the voice.

("And I'll give em to you when I figure something out! I'm not ready to die yet either.")

"Oh? I figured you'd get the better part of the deal.."

Suddenly Bakuto lunged at her. Reacting on gut instinct, she dove out of the way, and watched as Bakuto flew past her, utterly destroying her TV, and the wall behind it. He landed in the bushes across the street a distance away.

("Alright, I think this is where you rush upstairs and grab your sword.")

"You mean FN-P90."

("No I mean sword. From the looks of it, a normal bullet weapon won't have much effect on him.")

"Oh great." She turned from the scene of destruction where Bakuto was poking his head out of the bushes and ran upstairs. She slid open the closet and grabbed the sword from the bag, just as Bakuto smashed through the window. She drew the sword in front of her, with grim determination on her face.

("Now do exactly as I say and you just might stand a small chance of living. Wait for him to rush towards you, then leap above him and bring your sword down.")


Bakuto snarled and rushed towards her, exactly as the voice had predicted. At the last second, Cygni leaped up above the spinning lightsabers and drove her sword down. It didn't impale, but it left a large scratch on his back.

"Ow!!" said Bakuto, who was sent flying into the wall from his inertia. "That really hurt! I'll be back for you!"

Cygni stood back and watched as he stumbled out the window he had smashed to get inside. She lowered the sword and sighed, then put it back in the closet and walked downstairs to survey the damage.

She cussed after getting a good look at the large gaping hole in the wall. It looked like she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

She grabbed the headset and put it on, and to her surprise found that Radicus Zeus was still awake.

"Ah, Cygni, you have good news to report I hope."

She narrowed her eyes. "Don't you ever sleep?"

"Hah, when you run a force as large as mine, sleep falls away. Now, what do you have to report?"

She gave her most sour expression. "Oh nothing much, just 2 near-misses on my life, that's all!"

Radicus' face darkened. "And the girl?"

"Alive. I was spotted before I could.. carry out the deed." She winced at the last few words.

"Ah, so I'd assume you met her guard then. How strong were they?"

"Well, there was a man and a girl, the man was the one who shot at me first. Then I ran into the shape-shifting guy, who just pretty much tore my house to pieces..." She looked around the room again.

"Ah, do not worry, we will dispatch a team, in the morning the house will be fully repaired. Do not worry about this setback, I was not expecting you to succeed on your first attempt, her guards are very resourceful."

Cygni heard a small snap behind her. She spun around and looked up in the trees. Radicus' image went smaller in a PIP window on the eyepiece, and it automatically switched to infra-red. She saw a retreating form, heading for the large mansion that was in the town.

"Something wrong?"

"I think I've been spied upon. I'll have to get back to you. Cygni out."

She leaped into the air and began following the figure from a distance, cussing at how fast and efficient the person was. She lost him/her a short distance from what remained of her house, but she already knew it's destination, the mansion.

She rushed back to her house and went straight up to her room, where she grabbed the bag and stuffed her important remains into there. Opening up her computer with lightning speed, she took out the hard drive and slipped it into an anti-static bag, then stuffed it into the bag along with her other things. After she had stuffed every single possible item she could into there, she checked her weapons and her sword, put them onto the appropriate places on her body, and flew out into the night. She knew she couldn't stay back at the house now, they knew where she lived. Whoever "they" were anyways.

The Kuroko agent sat down in the dark alley and took a deep breath, then leaped over the wall and resumed his path back to the Mendou mansion. He had important information for Miss Ryouko, he had overheard the important details of this mysterious woman. Ryouko would be most pleased.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2004, 03:06:06 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 18:32:
In the morning Ataru walked into the bathroom and noticed the chihuaua siting on the toilet reading some sailor moon manga. Ataru screamed "Not you again!" Bakuto looked up and said "Drop the chulupa! Cant a guy get some privacy?"

Ataru said "Why are you in my bathroom? And why are you reading Sailor moon?" The dog jumped oof the toilet and said "Hey I've had a long night! Say I've been meaning to ask you have you ever met Sailor moon?" Ataru fell over.
Ataru said "Shes not real you idiot!" Bakuto said "Really? That space taxi driver told me that every new years shed get in a sleigh and bring toys to all the good boys and girls of Tomobiki during new years eve." Ataru shouted "Space Taxi drivers are full of bull! Always stealing planets oil and giving you an attitude." Bakuto said "Your lying! You-you just are jealous because Lum likes me!"
Ataru said "W-what?" Bakuto jumped over and started to bite Ataru on the ankle! Ataru ran through the house shouting "Mad dog!"

Cygni had heared rumors on the internet about a cloaked man named the red mantel who used to hide out in the clock tower at Tomobiki high. She decided that would make a good enough hideout for her. so she headed over to the clock tower and started to set up her things inside.
Cygni said "Darn I wish I had a TV in here."
(Well youve gotta take what you can get. Your an assasine now Remember you can't always have everyday luxeries under these cercumstances.)

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2004, 03:06:17 PM »
By Jocko on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 20:24:

"No, Senator," Warren Hudson groaned, "all I said was that it was too early to tell!"

Ryouko, sitting across the table from Hudson, glanced at the frown that turned into a smile then into a frown again. Warren hung up.

"Who was that?" Ryouko asked as she sipped her tea.

"Senator Edward Kennedy," Hudson sighed loudly, "he says there are strange rumblings in DC about me running for President in '88. He also asked me if I would consider the Vice-Presidential nomination on a ticket headed by Gary Hart."

Ryouko looked at him sternly. "Would you?"

"The election's two years away!"

A Kuroko dropped down from the ceiling.


Over the next few minutes the Kuroko related what he had learned and that he had been found out.

Hudson's eyes widened, "that means Cygni may be on her way here."

"Impossible," Ryouko said, "the Mendou family defense net is in full operation, I have complete control over it from here." She activated a button below the table, and a piece of the table opened revealing a control pad underneith (sp?) it. "No one will enter this mansion without our permission."


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2004, 03:06:38 PM »
By Parias on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 21:44:
Cygni was starting to really enjoy the headset. After a bit of tinkering she found it was a set of binoculars, communication device, vision enhancer, scanner/radar, and a bunch of other things all packed into one. Combining it with her watch and she could track down nearly anything on the planet.

Pressing some buttons, she lay down some waypoints around the map. One for where Lum and Ataru's house was, another for the school grounds, another for the mansion, which she had found out by some rumors that it had one hell of a force around it, and a few others in strategic points around town. She then had the headset interface with her watch, and grinned as the waypoints she had set showed up on the eyepiece. She set them to "hidden", no need for them right now, but they might come in useful later.

She had only managed to get 2 hours of sleep last night, as she wasn't used to sleeping on a cold hard surface with barely any cover. She had awoke to a start when the bell began going off in her face, and in an accidentaly discharge, sent the bell itself crashing to the bottom of the tower. At the moment, nobody seemed to really care, but she noticed it was 9:30 in the morning and a lot of the kids didn't seem to notice they were supposed to be in school.

"Geez, you'd think they'd get their own watches or something.."

("I guess they're too lazy.")


Leaning over the edge and peering outside, she glanced over at the Mendou mansion. The eyepiece was capable of magnification of up to 2 kilometers, thanks to some kind of advanced technique that managed to pierce the morning fog that had settled in.

"Geesus, that guy has so many tanks you'd think he was ready for war."

("Judging from the rumors we've heard, I think he is..")

"Either that or just paranoid. Hopefully they won't end up sending the entire armada after me.. that would be a bit more than I could handle. Of course, with the luck I'm having, they could already have a group rushing up here this second..."

("Nonsense, I doubt anybody even knows your up here.")

"Sure! They'd NEVER notice the broken bell!"

("Judging from the looks of the place, nobody has maintained it in years. Either that or they are horribly lazy")


She sighed and watched as various teachers rushed out from the school and began screaming at the students. One of them glared up at the tower, and Cygni quickly ducked her head back, hoping she hadn't been seen.

After a tense moment, she slowly poked her head back up and saw the teacher had returned to screaming at everyone.

She took a breath and sat back. A small snap was heard overhead, and before Cygni could even blink, a small black ribbon shot from above her and wrapped itself around her throat, suspending her in mid-air gasping.

She could feel her eyes starting to bug out. She raised her hands to try and remove the ribbon, but after what seemed like ages of struggling, she found it wouldn't budge. Her vision was beginning to fade.

("DO SOMETHING! Dont' just hang there and die!")

"Open.. to.. suggestions.." she thought to herself weakly.

("You've got a damn gun, use it!")

Summoning the last of her strength, she opened the holster and slowly pulled out the gun. Her vision was mostly all black now.

("Aim up! Shoot! Everywhere!")

She shot her arm up and yanked the trigger, 7 times. After a second, the panel above her collapsed, sending her and it plummeting to the ground. She ripped off the ribbon and flew upwards, landing back on the top. Breathing hard in short gasps, she looked back over the edge and spotted a cloaked silouhette(sp?) leap away from the plummeting panel. She lay back, trying to catch her breath, and noticed a small white note sitting on the ground next to her. She picked it up.

"You have been assasinated by elite guard #31 from the Oni empire. Have a nice day!"

She muttered and tossed the note outside of the tower, where one of the teachers picked it up and fainted.

In the shadows around Ataru's house, the dark figure cussed and nursed a wound from one of the shots. She glanced in the window as Ataru argued with Bakuto, then panicked when he found out what time it was. Bakuto stood in Ataru's room with a silly grin on his face.

"Incompetent idiot..." she muttered.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2004, 03:06:51 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 22:49:
Bakuto looked around and said "Uhoh this isnt good." Ataru said "What are you talking about? I've gotta go!" Ataru tried to run away but was tripped by Bakuto. Bakuto said "Ataru my partners outside. If that witch catches me fooling around with you guys shes gonna make it hell for me when she catches up. Bakuto in dog form jumped into Atarus back pack and said "Your taking me with you to school." Ataru said "No way!" Bakuto jumped out andgrabbed Ataru by the foot lifted him up and flung him to the ground still in dog form.Bakuto said "Now listen! This way I can avoid my partner and keep an eye on Lum. Now take me or I'll tie you up and make you watch every episode of sailor moon in my collection. Including the the dubbed dic version!"

Ataru looked horrified and said "Alright it's a deal!" Bakuto jumped in his backpack.

Cygni knew that the cloaked figure knew where she was hiding out now. Cygni wandered about the area and came to a garage where inside was a kid with an ax and a bear. They were both working on some kind of robot. In his hand was a book titled "The dummys guide to reprogramming rogue cyborgs"
It was Kintaro and the Jariten 6000! Kintaro said "With this babey I'll be able to take fort knox!"
Cygni walked into the garage and said "Hello I'm sorry to bother you but I need a place to stay."

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2004, 03:07:05 PM »
By Parias on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 23:14:
Geez, we post so much, I hope we don't end up leaving Jocko in the dust >)

Kintaro looked up and yelled "This is life! Give me your money!", while waving his axe in Cygni's face.

("This kid's got some problems.. take it calm.")

"Oh so it's money you want? Alright.."

Digging into one of her pouches, Cygni pulled out a cheque and put down 5,000 yen.

"That should be enough to tide you over for now." she said, walking over to a desk and placing her things down.

Kintaro simply stood there in shock, while Cygni watched and laughed.

("Wasn't that a tad on overkill?")

"I got tons to spare, may as well let the little guy have some fun."

She walked into a back room and closed the door, then gave opened communications with Radicus.

"Ah, good morning Cygni, what have you to report?"

"Well, after relocating a few times, it seems they still get lucky and manage to track me down. Yet another attempt on my life.." She rubbed her throat. "..and it looks like this guy has a massive mansion, with an army that would challenge anything the U.S. could toss at it. The person running the place goes by the name of Shutaro Mendou, incase you were curious. Right now I've settled down into a garage, hopefully they'll lay off for awhile and won't locate me.. I think I'll make another attempt tonight."

("And maybe this time you won't wait so long..")

"Very good. I'll look into this.... Mendou person, if he causes trouble, say the word and I shall have my agents keep him... occupied."

"Sounds good."

"Anything else?"

"Just one more thing. My latest would-be assasin left a note... you wouldn't happen to know any details about an 'Elite Guard #31' would you?"

"Ah, number 31. She's an enigma, most of our agents that had contact with her never returned. She's the best of the best, and you'd be well advised to steer clear of her."

"'Her' eh? Alright. That's it for now, Cygni out."

She opened the door and walked back into the main garage area. Kintaro was busy working on his cyborg. Cygni leaned against the wall and watched.

"So just what the hell is that thing?"

Kintaro stopped for a moment and looked up, then proudly declared "This is the Jariten 6000! I'm going to take Fort Knox and be a man!"

Cygni walked over and kneeled down, then touched the Jeriten 6000 lightly on the forehead. It tipped over and crashed to the ground, sending pieces scattering everywhere.

"Uh, sure."

Kintaro gave her a sour expression. "It's still being worked on."


She resumed her post against the wall and checked her FN-P90 boredly. Rain pelted the ground outside. She checked her watch.

"12:30 PM..I'm hungry."

Telling Kintaro she'd be back in a bit, she walked over to the door, opened it, and went outside into the rain, where she was instantly drenched.

"Is this what I have to go through to get some damn food around here? Sheesh!"

Muttering, she walked down into town to grab some food.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2004, 03:07:17 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 23:46:
rp ON

Ataru was running to school with Bakuto in his bag. Bakuto said "I think my partner didnt pick up on me. You can slow down now." Ataru said "No I'm late!" Cygni was on her way to the beefbowl. She was trying to be inconspicous because of all the assasines after her. She was dressed differently and had a het on. Also she was wearing one of those surgical masks people sometimes wear in Japan. Ataru didnt recognize her and said "It's a babe! Who cares about school when theres babes!"

Ataru ran over to her and started trying to ask for cygnis phone #. Bakuto jumped out of the bag and got behind her.
Cygni said "Aww well I'm kind of a foreigner so you dont need my phone number!"
to the voice :whats with this guy?

Voice: Ummm dont ask...
Ataru: No really I need your phone number! I can travel you know!
Bakuto tapped her on the shoulder and said "Boo!"
Cygni fell over.
Bakuto said "Ahhh I knew it was you! You might fool my eyes but all this time as a dog has given me a good sense of smell! Now in the name of justice I shall end your evil ways!"

Bakuto swung his lights saber at her but she flew up. The lightsaber took out a telephone pole and caught Atarus hair on fire.
Cynig started to Fly away. Bakuto noticed a caped figure bounding along the rooftops in the distance. Bakuto said "Oh no not her! I've gotta catch cygni before she gets here! Dont just stand there help me out!" he grabbed Ataru and flung him at Cygni! Ataru crashed into her and the both landed in someones backyard four houses down the street.

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2004, 03:07:32 PM »
By Parias on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 00:18:
Cygni cussed, this wasn't turning out to be a very good day. First she nearly gets strangled to death, then she gives 5,000 yen to a complete stranger "just for the hell of it", then she gets caught in a heavy downpour, and finally she's having yet another attempt on her life. Before she knew what was happening, she was quite a distance away from where she had been before, lying in a pool of mud, with some hyper-active kid crawling all over her.

The kid seemed dazed for a second, then he woke up, realized where he was, and lunged for her chest.

"Get off!" she snarled, delivering a swift kick to his face, sending him flying into the air and landing god-knows-where. She got up and tried to regain her composure.

"My hair is a godamn mess! It'll take hours to straighten out!"

("Well at the moment I believe you have more important matters to attend to..")

"Christ, don't these guys give up?"

Bakuto lunged at her from the air, lightsabers spinning. She leaped out of the way and laughed as he plunged into a pool of mud.

"Well at least he gets off worse than I do.. I may as well do away with this bulky clothing." She tore off the extra clothes, stripping down to her bikini, and yanked out her FN-P90, which thankfully was still in one piece. She watched as Bakuto slowly stood from the mud, and she clacked the safety off on the gun and aimed it at Bakuto's head.

"You've got to the count of 3 to get the hell out of my face!" she yelled.

Bakuto laughed. Cygni snarled and yanked on the trigger. The gun spat out a stream of bullets.

Bakuto began spinning his sabers extremely fast in front of him. After a few seconds of firing, Cygni lowered the gun and noticed he was unscathed.


("I told you...")

"Shut up!"

She yanked out her sword and barely managed to block Bakuto before he swiped her head off. He jumped back and lunged at her again. Cygni held her sword in front of her, with a determined look on her face. Bakuto slammed into her with such force that it sent the couple flying back into the house, tearing down the wall, much to the shock of the owners.

Cygni was on her back, barely able to hold Bakuto's sabers inches from her face.

("Use your legs!")

"Get.. the.. hell... OFF!" she screamed, punctuating her last word with a swift kick to Bakuto's groin. He backed up bowling over in pain, giving Cygni the second she needed to jump up and fly away, cussing.

In the distance, the cloaked figured watched.

"That idiot, he's completely eliminating every chance I have of taking her out. Whenever I get close, he always scares her off." A sly grin was seen on her face. "But, that will not be trouble for much longer. So long as he plays into my hands.. at least he's wearing her down."

Up above, Cygni floated above the cloud layer, above the rain, and stopped. Her stomach growled.

"Sheesh, what's it take for some food huh? They don't need to kill me, I'll just starve to death.."

("Look below you, a bit to the right. There's some kind of monk guy eating food.. maybe you could join him?")

"Better than nothing I suppose.."

Feeling sore from the battle, she floated back down. The rain had washed off most of the mud, but the scratches Bakuto had managed against her were stinging. She landed as Cherry was getting ready for lunch. He looked up and grunted in acknowledgement, then nearly fell over backwards in surprise.

"You.. have a very good soul!" he gasped. "But you might be used and betrayed in the future!"


"It's fate." he muttered, then went back to eating, apparently forgetting about her presence. Her stomach rumbled again, protesting it's abuse.

"Er, ok, thanks I guess..." She turned around and took off into the sky.

"Well, that was interesting. I don't think I'll ask him for any food, he looks like he barely has enough for himself."

She looked down briefly as he ate an entire bowl of food, then wolfed down 4 more.

"I stand corrected. Humm, may as well make another attempt.."

She went back to the beefbowl, this time with a growl on her face. She was hungry, and come hell or high water, she was gonna eat.

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2004, 03:07:44 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:54:
Cygni finnaly got tot he beefbowl and noticed a large stripey tiger pig looking thing was eating at it. Cygni said "I wonder if thats another assasine."
(I dont know. But none of the other assasines have shown up at the beefbowl. It just doesnt seem like a place theyed hang out but it's your call." Cygni said "Not even an army of assasines is keeping me from lunch!"
Cygni went over to make her order and the tiger cow walked up to her and shouted "LUUUUM!!!" then it sort of shrunk down into a handsome oni man who started reading something. "Will... you cook...for..me for the..rest of my..life?"
(I think he's proposing to you.)

Bakuto ran behind a truck near by and said "Oh no thats my cousin Rei! He's proposing to my target!

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2004, 03:07:57 PM »
By Jocko on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 03:28:

Shutaro was annoyed, strike that, VERY annoyed. There he was getting ready to leave the mansion for school when he noticed a note on a table. It was a piece of his sister's stationary...only the name on it was Ryouko Mendou Hudson. Shutaro knew that this was just another one of Ryouko's attempts to mess with his head, but it still annoyed him no less. He took this annoyance with him to school and by the time he was sitting in class he was downright angry. So angry that he ignored the girls usual jockeying for his attention...and Ataru's absence.

Onsen-Mark called for attention in his usual way, by threats of bodily harm. "Class, today for Political Science I have taken the liberty of inviting in a special guest speaker."

Megane yawned, glanced over to Mendou; scowling, and to Lum; paying attention as usual.

"Class," Onsen intoned, "former United States Senator and current US Ambassador to Japan...Warren Hudson."

The door opened and Hudson strolled in, smiling, shaking the teacher's hand. "Thank you for the invitation, Onsen-Mark-sensei." Onsen glared to his class, "I expect you to give your full undivided attention to Hudson-san while he is here!"

Hudson took over, briefly noticing Mendou giving him the death glare. "Class 3-4, your teacher tells me you're studying what happens when a serious national issue-such as an unpopular war polarizes a population-"

Shutaro shut out Hudson's speech and focused on the fact that his little sister, just turned 17, was probably going to marry a man old enough to be her grandfather. What could she be thinking?!?

Mendou got out of his chair and began to walk slowly to the front of the room, he stopped in front of Hudson. He asked just one question before Onsen screamed at him. "Why?"

"Why not, Shutaro?"

Ataru burst in then, covered in mud, and nursing a cut to the leg.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2004, 03:08:11 PM »
By Parias on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 04:08:
Cygni was getting pissed. Someone was definately on to her and was sending people after her relentlessly. Either that or it was an attempt from the heavens to make her life a living hell.

She ignored the man who was proposing to her, untill he raised his voice and asked again. Everyone in earshot turned around. Girls stood up, surrounded Rei, and fell to their knees, each one grabbing a piece of him, much to the dismay of the men, who slowly stood up from their chairs, growling.

"Looks like this is gonna get ugly.. oh well, at least it'll take care of itself."

Cygni put her bowl down and got up, and leaving a tip on the desk, she walked out while chaos ensued behind her. Then a cloaked figured jumped in front of her, blocking her way. She recognized the figure.

"Oh hell, don't you give up? The world for a few damn minutes of PEACE!" A sly grin had formed on the figure's mouth.

("Uh, I doubt she's gonna wait any longer..")

Sighing, Cygni pulled out her sword and waited for the figure to make it's move. They stood there for what seemed to an eternity, sizing each other up and waiting for each other to make a move.

("I guess the ball is in your court. Go for it!")

Yelling, she jabbed her sword forward. The figure ducked under it and swiped at her. Cygni quickly recovered and blocked the blows with almost exact precision. The figure pressed on, forcing her to begin backing down the street, fending off the series of blows coming her way.

("If this keeps up you'll be lucky to have her by next year!")

Growling, Cygni leaped into the air, flipped over the figure, and brought her sword behind her. Nothing. She brought her sword back in front of her and spun around, searching. A yell was heard above her. She dove out of the way just as the figure slammed into the ground next to her, sword first. Cygni took the advantage and stabbed out, catching the figure in the arm. Blood poured out.

Cygni gasped and stood back a second, the sight of blood made her feel ill. The figure seemed unaffected by the gash in it's arm, and began slicing at her again with renowned fury. They fought on, slowly moving towards the schoolgrounds.

Inside of the school, Lum and Shinobu rushed to Ataru's side.

"Dahling! Come with me, I'll make you feel better!" Lum began tugging at Ataru's arm.

"No! Come with me! I can make you feel really good.." Shinobu began yanking on the other arm.

"No! He's coming with me!" Lum yanked harder, while Shinobu did the same.

"Stop jabbering and sit down!! Ataru, do you need to see a nurse?"

The couple reluctantly returned to their seats, glaring at each other. Ataru collapsed on the ground, heaving. Hudson walked over and took a look at his leg, and noticed bruises all over his body.

"He's been cut, bad." he declared. He was about to pick him up to go to Nurse Sakura, when one of the windows exploded.

Outside, Cygni was breathing hard and feeling stings from a few various cuts. Her opponent was doing the same, they seemed to be evenly matched. But Cygni knew she was loosing, the figure seemed capable of unleashing thousands of cuts per minute without breaking a sweat, while Cygni was barely doing all she could to dodge them. She tripped on a rock and fell down hard on her back. The figure moved in for the kill. Reacting quickly, Cygni shot out with her legs and kicked the figure, who flipped and landed behind her, with her back to a nearby wall. Cygni quickly got up and noticing her advantage, flung a lightning bolt at her opponent, who quickly dodged. The bolt exploded on one of the windows, blowing it inside.

The figure leaped again, straight up into the air. It vanished.

Cygni cussed and used the eyepiece to search around in infra-red. Nothing.

Suddenly she felt a large slice to her back, sending her flying towards the building. Spinning around in mid-air, her back absorbed most of the blow, but by some freak chance the wall crumbled under the pressure, sending her landing amongst a group of desks and very curious students. She felt a large gash at her back, and blood was slowly pouring out.

She slowly leaned up, looking out the window, but the figure was already gone.

"Hurts.." she weakly murmured, clutching her side. She looked over to her left, and spotted Hudson, who recognized her.

("You'd better go, NOW!")

"Can't.." She sighed and blacked out.


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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2004, 03:08:24 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 04:47:
Hudson picked her up to get his suit stained by her blood. Mendo said "So shes the 3rd Lum." Megane ran over to her and shouted "Lum san speak to me! Waaaah!!!!" Megane was crying all over her shoulder. Hudson pushed Megane away and said "Easy there this isnt Lum."
"Yeah thats not Lum." said Bakuto who climbed into the window. "Well it's about time I came clean with you guys. I'm an assasine sent to kill her." He took out his lightsabers.Hudson took out his gun But Bakuto kicked it out of his hand and swiped at him burning the tip of his tie off and kicking Hudson across the room. Bakuto was about to chop her head off and said "Aww danm I just cant do it she looks to much like Lum and shes sleeping. It just doesnt feel right." But then another figure apeared on the other side of the room. It was the cloaked woman. Bakuto sweat dropped and put his hand behind his head his face looking sorta like this ^_^* and said "Ahhh gee imagine meeting you in a place like this # 31! Long time no see!"
The cloaked figure steped foreward and said "I've come for that girl."

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Re: Second storyline: "Dark Lines, double trouble"
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2004, 03:08:39 PM »
By Parias on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 05:48:
What happened next was a blur. #31 moved in towards Cygni's unconsious form, while Bakuto tried to think of some excuse. Hudson was attempting to recover from being tossed across the room. Mendou was watching all of it in surprise, while the stormtroopers were trying to make some sense out of their lives.

Suddenly, the rest of the windows exploded as 50 kuroko agents swarmed into the building, with Terra leading them. #31 backed up into the shadows before she was seen, while Bakuto changed into a cat. 2 of the Kuroko agents picked Cygni up and carried her back to the Mendou mansion, while the rest of them quickly hunted around the building, searching for any signs of trouble. Terra rushed to Hudson and helped him up.

"Figured you'd need a bit of help." she said, grinning.

Hudson smiled back. "Terra, you always were a woman of action." He glanced over at the retreating Kuroko carrying Cygni. "And maybe now we'll learn a bit more about this.. girl.."

Inside of a large base located in a forest on some area of the planet, Radicus watched the proceedings from a small monitor mounted on the far side of a wall. He was in a luxirious room, with lush red lining the walls and floor, and a large array of books and monitors all over the place. A small chime was heard at the door.


A figure wearing a black suit and glasses entered. "It's confirmed sir, they have her. Shall we take action?"

Radicus watched as Cygni was carried off deep inside of the mansion. He shook his head.

"No, I wish to see if she will be capable of escaping. With the help of her powers and our planted 'advisor', she should be able to escape in short matter. However, have our agents ready, just in-case. If they begin to take genetic samples or put her under intense scanning, get her out of there. I don't want to risk playing our hand untill it's absolutely necessary. Understood?"

The figure bowed. "Yes sir." He backed out of the doorway, closing it with a click.

The figure leaned back on his chair. All there was to do was watch, and see what happened.

Cygni woke with a start. Finding herself in a dark room, tied tightly to a steel chair wasn't one of the most comfortable positions she had been in.

("Ah, back with us now?")

She groaned, the cut in her side had been tended to, but it still hurt like hell.

"I've had better days.."

("I've noticed.")

A sound like moving flesh was heard coming from the wound. It took all Cygni had not to scream in pain.

"OW! What the hell is going on?"

("It's a part of the abilities you were given..were you to sustain heavy damage, various enhancements to your body that were made will come into effect. That process is happening now, and while it may hurt, you'll be fully healed in about 5 minutes. Here's the kicker: the process only works when you're conscious. It still functions when you're napping, but only at half of it's speed. In essence, so long as your body remains 30% in-tact, you can recover, given enough time.")

The flesh moved again. Cygni winced.

"I'm having a hard time deciding which is worse.. dying or this.." she seethed.

The door opened, illuminating the area for a second, then shut again. A dark figure walked towards her.

("You're not totally helpless, unless there's something I missed, they apparently haven't tried to seal off your power. These can't be personal Oni agents, that's generally the first thing they do upon taking a prisoner. It's someone else.")

The figure walked over and stooped low, and she recognized the face as Shutaro Mendou. He grinned. Cygni wanted to spit in his face, but she was far too thirsty for it.

"Ah, so we meet at last. Can I finally get a name?"

Cygni glared. "Why should I tell you anything assmunch?"

Shutaro's grin seemed to widen. "Because you are in no real position to bargain anything. You are deep inside of my personal section of the mansion. Nobody except me knows you are here. I can simply make you wink out of existence if I so desired.."

He walked over to a desk and picked up something out of Cygni's belongings, the Desert Eagle. He flipped on the laser sight and pointed it in her face. She didn't even flinch. His face darkened and he returned the gun to the desk, then walked back over to her, moving his face right up to hers.

"But I require a use out of you. You are going to help me get back at my sister..."

("I think I see an opportunity here. Three words: Kiss of death.")

"You've gotta be KIDDING!"

("If you have a better idea, use it.")

Shutaro extended a finger and ran it over Cygni's face. Cygni unleashed a wide grin and let loose with an extensive zap of lightning. Shutaro's unconsious smoking form landed in her lap, much to Cygni's disgust.

("Smooth one. If you had done that while kissing him, you coulda shoved him back with your face and avoided this minor problem.")

"Gee, thanks for informing me." Cygni sat back and sighed, testing the strength of the metal cuffs binding her to the chair. Even after extensive zapping, they didn't budge an inch.

Hudson and Ryouko were running around the mansion. Hudson had an angry look on his face. Shortly after returning to the mansion, he had learned that the prisoner had "mysteriously vanished". Shutaro hadn't been spotted returning from school either. Security had been doubled, but as of yet, nobody had spotted the girl escaping. He uttered a long strong of obscenities that would make the most hardened sailor blush. Ryouko turned to him.


He sighed, and they came to the end of a long hallway.

"This is as deep as the mansion goes.. just where is she?" he muttered. He extended an arm to lean against the wall, then gasped in surprise as he fell right through it, leading to a hidden series of passageways.

Ryouko helped him up and looked down the hallway. "So this is where he goes.." she said, more to herself. "I do believe I see what has happened.."

A few frustrating moments later, Hudson and Ryouko pulled open the last of the doors they could find, then gasped in surprise when they saw Shutaro, unconsious, lying on top of Cygni who was bound to a chair. Cygni gave them a death glare. She wanted Shutaro to get in some deep trouble, and she knew exactly how.

"Is this all your cronies think of, sex?" she yelled.
