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Author Topic: Say No More  (Read 1999 times)

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Offline SonicxReiHino

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Say No More
« on: April 07, 2011, 11:23:08 AM »
Hello everyone.(This is my first time writing UY, so t may not be what you think lol) This idea of a story has been in my mind forever, and I feel it has potential, so here it is:

Robin meets Lum for a reason she explains, and after seeing her ablities, decides it can be an extra asset to the Teen Titans. So, he writes her a letter asking that she come and stay so they can see what she's about. Of course, Lum takes this as just Robin wanting her to hang out, so she gets everyone at school worried over it, and drags her Darling into the whole situation. So questions remain, just who is Robin, why did he invite only Lum, and what will occur when she and Ataru reach the destination?



Today was finally the day, the fourteenth day of a hot August, Lum was leaving us for the weekend. No longer would we be able to come to school and enter the classroom to see her angelic face. Now she traveling to America, with that good-for-nothing Ataru. This despair began yesterday during English period…

Onsen turned his master's copy of the literature book to a particular page, then told his students, "Everyone, turn to page sixty-one."

Nothing Ten did inside of Ataru's bedroom would change the fact that he was bored. Reading the older boy's cartoon manga didn't do him any good, nothing interesting was playing on the television downstairs, and most of all, he was by himself. Lum and that lousy Ataru were gone and had been absent for the past two and a half hours.

"That's it," Ten affirmed as he slapped the book in his hands shut and set it on the floor, "I'm gonna see what Lum's up to."

As soon as the alien toddler levitated to hover towards the open window, sounds of a running motor entered his ears. He turned his sights towards the same window to notice a strange alien dressed in a blue suit approaching through the opening on an aerial motorcycle. With his beady eyes, the delivery man saw Ten and immediately pulled out a letter from his bag. "Here, kid. I'm sure you probably know the name of the girl this letter is for."

Somehow, Ten accepted the envelope from this mysterious creature. After he read the name of its sender, he looked up but discovered the delivery man quickly exiting through the window. "Hey, wait a sec, mister! Lum doesn't know anyone by this name!"

It was an unfortunate thing that Ten's words didn't reach the mailman in time.

Oh well.

So he moved away from the window and sat on the carpet to study the mail's front again. "Robin… nope, doesn't ring a bell at all. Lum never told me about anyone with that name," Ten placed a small hand to his chin as he pondered on the situation, "Maybe I should give this to her anyway."

Every day always turned out to be like the twenty-four hours before. This was a statement Onsen felt to be true.

He stood in front of his chalkboard, out of breath from hollering and trying to cease the riot taking forth in his class.

"Darling…!" Lum gritted her teeth to a point where they could break at any second. Electricity emerged from within her body as blue sparks danced. "You've asked for it now!"

Like a routine, Ataru was damaged and took Lum's shocks, yelping in pain until the light vanished and left him cooked like a burnt piece of food.

"Moroboshi, I'll slice you in two!" yelled Shutaro as he ran towards Ataru with his elegant sword gripped in both hands.

Of course, Ataru hurried to his feet and dashed away from the angered Mendou with a grin so huge it practically covered his whole face. This mayhem had aroused because Ataru, being the pervert he was known to be, grabbed Shinobu into an embrace while explaining that she could be the answer to passing their final exams; Shinobu, not only wasn't going to help the idiot cheat on his test, but yet again, he'd made everyone mad at him for acting flirtatious, and especially in front of Lum.

Lifting one of the student desks with her mere hands, Shinobu grunted in anger and was able to hold her new-found weapon above her head. "I hate men!"

As the brunette flung the wooden object towards her target, it felt as if all her anger went along with it, letting her pour out a sigh and be able to feel relaxed.

Ataru went flying into the wall in the of the room with the table smashing him into it. When the desk fell to the ground, he collapsed on top of it and entered carried many scratches on his body along with blood trickling down his nose. Revenge had been taken, and it sure tasted sweet.

"Everyone, return to your seats, or you will all stay after school for detention!" Onsen's voice roared throughout the entire room like a raging lion. Everyone was put into fear as they zipped towards their chairs and sat without speaking a word whatsoever.

Before returning to their scheduled activity, Onsen had to clear his throat. "Now, who would like to read the first line on page sixty-one?"


So this was how getting his class to finally settle down would conclude.

Everyone including Mr. Onsen turned their eyes towards the windows and noticed Ten making his way through it.

"Oh, what is it now?" Onsen continued, shifting his face to Lum's cousin. "Can't you see I am trying to return to class here?"

"Lum, someone came by and said this was for you," Ten clarified, as he still was hovering towards the teenager.

"A letter, for me?" Lum replied, taking the letter and eyeing it in her hands.

Not a moment too soon did Mendou and Lum's Stormtroopers waste; they could already be seen standing on each side of her to watch her unravel this mysterious envelope.

Megane straightened his glasses and studied the name of its sender; his eyes bulged right after along with everyone else's. "Robin?" Megane along with the others exclaimed in unison. "Who is this 'Robin' that's sending her a letter? What could he want to say to her that's personal and needs to be in written form?" Megane thought in shock.

Ataru rose from the floor but was out of nowhere clutched by his shirt collar; Megane appeared dead serious, especially with the piercing glare he was giving.

"Ataru, you have a lot of explaining to do. Start by telling us who this 'Robin' character is," Perm demanded.

"Let go of me, you maniac!" Ataru slapped Megane's wrist and fell to the ground, next rising and dusting off his clothes, "And while you're at it, why don't you all get off my case, cus' I don't know who the heck Robin is!"

When Ataru yelled, it'd sent invisible waves and blown everyone's hair back, as if a giant blow-dryer were taking his place.

A familiar blade was placed beside Ataru's face before he could move another single muscle.

"Then if you don't know, then how did this person acquaint themselves with Miss Lum?" Shutaro gave this interrogation.

By now, Lum was busy reading the final line of her letter. Shinobu, Ryyunosuke, and Ten had also taken peeks at the words.

"How many times do I have to say I don't know anything?" Ataru retorted with a frustrated tone.

"I remember now!" Lum confirmed in excitement of figuring out the letter's purpose, "This is from a boy I met downtown."

"Downtown? When did this happen?" interjected Shinobu as Ataru and the other boys approached them.

"It was about a week ago when Darling had the chickenpox. When I was on my way to the food market to buy some medicine, some thieves took a nearby bank hostage, so I decided to see for myself before going into the market. When I got inside, I saw them aiming a gun at a man and his wife, so I asked them nicely to drop their weapons. They didn't listen, so I got upset and was ready to take them down with my shocks, but then.. that was when Robin came in."

Mainly Ataru grew suspicious when Lum emphasized the mysterious Robin's name.

"So, after Robin helped me save the day, I thanked him for it and introduced myself. He explained that he was visiting Tomobiki for personal reasons, and left a while later because he said he had other errands to run."

None of this made any sense, no matter how pleasant she'd made the ending sound. Lum was niave to take Ataru for not being as intelligent.

"So.. that was really all that happened between you two?" Megane asked Lum.

With a letter in the midst, there had to be more words that were left unsaid.

"Yep. And according to this letter, he's invited me to stay with him and his friends for the weekend."

At that moment, the whole world froze because of Lum's words. The entire room grew tense, everyone became speechless, and Lum couldn't possibly figure out why; truly, the alien was an innocent one.

Regardless of the background story Lum just gave a few minutes ago, possibilities that she hadn't suspected popped into everyone' else's minds, ideas such as, "Is Lum serious about spending the night at another guy's house? How will Ataru move on with knowing this? Just how much does Lum know this guy?"

Mentioning Ataru, he wasn't sure how to react to this. Lum spending the night at another man's house?

Gossip being addictive like a sweet tooth to sugar would be the only thing discussed at school after Lum went away.

Shinobu couldn't deny the fact that Lum behaved very clingy to Ataru, but now… now she'd finally came to her senses and met a man who didn't make her zap him with electric jolts every so often; a man who acted… closer to normal.

To be perfectly honest, Shinobu wasn't sure how the next few days of school would feel if she didn't see Lum beside Ataru; it was something everyone else and her had grown quite used to, given that Ataru loved her no matter how much he covered it.

"Umm… Lum?" Shinobu began in a nervous whisper, using a hand to lower her voice, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea for you to go. How would Ataru feel if you did?"

Darling's input on her decision to spend the weekend away from him was important.

Lum turned her face towards her husband with soft blue eyes, asking, "Do you think I should go, Darling?"

It was because her expression and tone were both so genuine, that Ataru put up a frown and looked away with his arms folded. How she could be so definite about that stupid letter he didn't have the slightest clue. "Do whatever you want. I don't care if you go."

How normal this routine between Ataru and Lum was, just like how obvious it was for Shutaro and Lum's Stormtroopers to become upset at Ataru's lack of concern. But Lum's gentle voice interrupted a time for their reactions to burst.

"Well Darling, I was going to bring you with me."

Just when Lum's admirers thought they'd heard it all, here came the final anvil that was going to crash on top of their worlds. Knowing that she was leaving to an unknown boy's house was outrageous enough, but now she was going to take that lecherous Ataru with her, so they could do God knows what. What was the world coming to?

"What? Why do I have to go?" Ataru frowned with puzzlement.

Placing hands on her slender waist, Lum formed a similar expression and retorted, "I know that while I'm gone you'll try to enjoy all the time you can going girl-hunting. I'm not going to let you take advantage of that, so you're coming too."

"You can't just throw me into something that I was never put in to begin with!" Ataru stomped his left foot.

"Oh yes I can! After school we're packing our bags and heading for America!"

America…? Now things had officially turned ridiculous.

"You guys," Onsen attempted to step towards the upset couple with nervousness, "Can you two please discuss all of that after class? We have a story to go over-"

"I'd rather be zapped by your electric shocks than go to the opposite side of the globe," Ataru's confidence overtook him.

This was the last straw for Lum. "So that's how it's going to be, Darling?"

And so her powerful jolts were released for a second time, leaving Ataru in usual pain.

"You idiot!"

If someone were to stand outside of the school building, they would be able to notice electricity shatter all of its glass windows and create one noisy sound altogether.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 07:06:02 PM by SonicxReiHino »