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Author Topic: Nightmare Battle  (Read 156491 times)

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Offline cata

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #765 on: September 06, 2009, 01:36:14 PM »
Offtopic: Not really because I'm already used to it. LoL I just didn't want that "bad guys always lose and the main characters always win, you know? Just to keep the story more interesting. But maybe it didn't work out. =\

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #766 on: September 06, 2009, 01:50:03 PM »
answering @ cata:
what about a story where the main characters ARE the bad guys, and they win anyway.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 01:54:01 PM by ferrango »
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Offline SandStorm

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #767 on: September 06, 2009, 05:44:37 PM »
offtopic: because we are the good guys? xP
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Offline ferrango

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #768 on: September 06, 2009, 06:19:15 PM »
offtopic: no, I'm not. xD
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Offline SandStorm

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #769 on: September 06, 2009, 07:38:09 PM »
offtopic: i was not counting you in. xP
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Offline cata

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #770 on: September 07, 2009, 12:18:27 AM »
Offtopic: But Ferrango can join the story and be one of the bad guys and TRY (mwhahahahah) to win the Nightmare Battle.

Offline ferrango

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #771 on: September 07, 2009, 10:52:55 AM »
offtopic: i'd like to, but i have to read over 50 pages before i can join, or u can explain me how does this story work.
Long live to Lum, our queen and goddess

Offline cata

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #772 on: September 07, 2009, 01:23:05 PM »
Offtopic: Basically, you create your own character (abbilities, skills, weaknesses, race, weapons, tastes, appearance, etc.) and you go around continuing the plot that the previous person left un-done (posts above). You can also create characters (and even put UY characters in the story) to make the story even better. Got it?

Offline ferrango

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #773 on: September 07, 2009, 05:17:11 PM »
so it's a sort of RPG, averyone continuing the story from the point the others stop??
if it's so, i already played something like that. it will be fun. and i'll have something to do during english lessons. :)
Long live to Lum, our queen and goddess

Offline cata

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #774 on: September 07, 2009, 10:08:18 PM »
Offtopic: Okay then, you can pick up from where the story was left.

Offline ferrango

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #775 on: September 08, 2009, 05:21:45 PM »
Offtopic: ok. let's try it. I'll need some time to adapt to the style of this history but...

A man, wearing a black suit and carrying a bag, was walking somewhere in un unknown place, looking for something that he knew only the existance of.
When, suddenly...

Soldier: stop you can't go further than here. Dr. Strangelove's orders.

Man: hey! you! watch out!

Soldier: what? Aaaargh!

Man: hah, so weak and easy to beat. Your superiors should have choose someone better. So, the entrance should be right here...


Dr. Strangelove: Muahahahaha!

Man: hello, mr Strangelove, i have a proposal for you that you won't refuse.


Man: at time. What about arguing our deal, uh? would you? It wouldn't be fun if your big and fancy dream-machine stops working and the UY Warriors wake up.

Dr. Strangelove: you got my attention. what do you know about my machine.

Man: later. I want something in excange before. otherwise i'll wake them up.

Dr. Strangelove: I'm listening.

Man: I want a starship. and also a BFG9k if you have one. I also want to take part to your hell party.

Dr. Strangelove: Uhm, mein F�hrer wouldn't be happy at all. Ok, you got the deal. Who are you anyway?

Man: I am Ferrango, King of the Thiefs and Software bugs!

and gave him his presentation card.

Dr. Strangelove: So, Ferrango, why do you want to join us?

Ferrango: I always wanted the bad guys to win. i couldn't make your great plan fall just because of an error on your machine. here is the fix.

Dr. Strangelove: Excellent.

Ferrango (thinking): hahaha, soon you'll see what the King of Thiefs's power is about.

and started laughing.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 06:35:21 AM by Lum-chan »
Long live to Lum, our queen and goddess

Offline cata

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #776 on: September 09, 2009, 02:26:51 AM »
Offtopic: Nicelly done, Ferrango. =)

Offline SandStorm

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #777 on: September 09, 2009, 10:05:30 AM »
offtopic: that's a good way to start, conngratz ^^
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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #778 on: September 18, 2009, 11:05:08 PM »
Offtopic: Welcome to the jungle,Ferrango

I really liked your introduction to the adventure

*Ferrango is guided towards a temple nearby*

Strangelove: You have showed us your worth,Ferrango,but first we need to test your title of "King of Thieves"

Ferrango: What do you want me to steal?

Strangelove: 2 light years away from here resides the planet known as Sharkara II,there lies a man called Isunza,he is the guardian of the Eye of Surtur,an sphere capable of giving infinite energy to any device

Ferrango: Ok,consider it done

Strangelove: Good,step into this teleporter and you will find yourself there

*Ferrango enters the device and appears on Sharkara II,it is a barren wasteland full of sand and several corpses*

Ferrango: It appears this is a dead planet,it wont be so hard to find this Isunza guy

*He spots a half-naked man sitting on top of the corpses,he is holding a butterfly net*

Unknown: Thou art foreign to this cursed land,young lad,state thy business here

Ferrango: I am looking for a man called Isunza,old man,do you know him?

Unknown: Aye,many warriors came before thee and he smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter,but,alas,he lives no more and I am left to guard his treasure

Ferrango: Surrender the item you are holding and I will spare you,mister

Unknown: The name is Argul,remember that name when you get to meet thy maker at the land of the damned

*Argul stands up*

Ferrango: You had to choose the hard way,did not you?

Argul: Hehehehe,do not flatter thyself,lad,this will be but a mere warm-up for me

*Argul moves as fast as lightning and gives an uppercut to Ferrango*

Ferrango: Not bad (spits blood)

*The battle rages on for hours,Argul gaining the upper hand when he suddenly stops moving*

Argul: What kind of knavery is this,foul hellspawn?

Ferrango: Did you really thought I would play fair when my mission is to steal your treasure no matter what?

Argul: Damn

Ferrango: Even though you seem to be my superior at physical skills,you still lack the mental abilities to challenge me,that is why while you were punching me I was infecting you with a nanobot virus that takes away your body control for a while giving me enough time to take the Eye of Surtur

Argul: Art thou not gonna silence my shame with the gift of death?

Ferrango: I just broke you,that is worse than death,do not you think?,you will carry the memory of been beaten by a young lad

Argul: Hehehehehehe,it seems this old dog still needs to learn some tricks,take the treasure,lad,and pray to the gods that we do not meet again for my vengeance will know no limits

*Ferrango departs after stealing the Eye of Surtur*

Offline veehive

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Re: Nightmare Battle
« Reply #779 on: July 25, 2010, 11:08:20 PM »
Ataru: "...Definitely something fishy about this."

Veehive: "About what?"

Ataru: "Have you forgotten already?"

Veehive: "Hey, you mean what we were talking about back on page 51? That was last year and I didn't even write that!"

Ataru (low voice, mockingly): "Not much for memory these days, eh Old Man? (closer now, leering) It's hell getting old, isn't it?"

Veehive (embarrassed, turning away)"I'm only middle-aged, I'm not old yet, I'm only middle-aged ...."

Both turn to regard the four figures of Lum'sStromtroopers before them...

Ataru (calling out as he approaches them): "Oi! Megane! Paama! Never thought I'd be glad to see your ugly faces (bwaa-aah-aah-aah-aah)!"

 Ataru reaches out to grasp Megane's shoulder, then recoils in horror. "Wh - wha - what ???!!"

Veehive: (realizing also) They're ... all stuffed ... like hunting trophies!"

Both stand paralyzed as the full horror of the scene  washed over them. Their paralysis was broken by a small child-like voice from a far corner of the room

"They can't play any more"

Ataru and Veehive turn in the direction of the voice. In the doorway leading to a well-lit hallway stood a girl, about 10 years old. Only her silhouette was clear in the doorway. She was wearing a dress and an old-fashioned mop cap, and appeared to have twigs attached to her back with Christmas ornaments hung from them.

"They can't play any more. (sadly) Now I don't have anyone to play with."

"Can YOU play with me?"

Veehive: "Can you show us a way out? Can you help us find a way out?"

The girl confirmed, "If you play with me."

Veehive and Ataru looked at each other, confirming the gravity of the situation. Seemed like they were making a deal with the Devil himself.

Veehive: "Okay. Let's play."

A smile could be seen on the girl's silhouetted face. "Okay!!"

Ataru and Veehive began making their way towards the doorway and the girl. Ataru asked, "Hey, little girl, what's your name?"


So Old, I'm Young Again!