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Author Topic: DEATHMATCH II  (Read 174846 times)

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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #390 on: January 18, 2007, 07:38:17 PM »
Cosmic:Thats da spirit,Dark,time 2 destroy dis sphere...GIGATON BLAST!!

*sphere explodes;warriors and Shaft r free*

Forgotten:Odd,shouldnt we earn da gold ticket?

Jester:That is cuz da game has just started (activate several Stomping Cars with chainsaws,explosives and other gizmos)

Shaft:Holy Macaroni,y'all,we is trapped against them stomp cars (begins shooting da cars,but bullets r repelled)

Dark:(Spewing hellfire) Damn,i just turned on da explosives in da cars

Sand:You just gave me an idea,demon,i need ya 2 bring all da cars in one point,Ataru and Shaft

Ataru/Shaft:Ok,we'll be da bait (make da cars follow them)

Forgotten:Now,darkdevil (dark spews hellfire in tnt cars,creating an explosion that destroys da cars,sand shields da others with a rock shield)

Shaft:Them stomp cars r done for good,baby

Jester:Naughty kids,i see u like big surprises so i got ya one,the Carousel of Doom (a nitemare-like carousel appears,it shoots armor-piercing bullets,heat beams,lasers,creates earthquakes and huge tornadoes) and 2 add some peril,miss Benten is tied on 1 horse,so if u destroy it,she dies

Falling:Damn psycho

Offline SandStorm

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« Reply #391 on: January 19, 2007, 12:02:57 AM »
forgotten: Well... lets it begin!

Sand: guys, stay close to me! SANDSOFTIME!

The time is stopped, everything stops, but the warriors can move perfectly. they untie Benten, and put her safe

Kroptik: I shall sabotage some weapons.  * Kroptik reverse the weapons * This shall be enough.

Sand: This attack operating time is over, be careful, we'll regain normal time.

the carousel of doom start operating, falling take benten to safe place, while the warriors start fighting against the created doom

Kroptik: Time to activate the weapons sabotage reversing! * Kroptik push one remote control button, and it short circuit the weapons. only the tornadoes and earthquakes are effective*

Sand: time to stop the earthquakes! MARENOSTRUM ULTIMA!
*all the gaps are filled with one sanded ocean, avoiding the danger to the warriors falling down to the deeps.

Dark: Watch out sand!

Sand: Wha? Sh*t!

Sand was hit by one tornado, and is spinning inside it.
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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #392 on: January 19, 2007, 12:07:46 AM »
Cosmic:Damn tornadoes,and they r surrounded by electricity

Kroptik:Allow me,i am a living battery,i shall absorb da electricty (with all effort drains da electric in da tornado)guys,send da hurricane 2 da carousel NOW!!!

*The warriors send a huge energy repeller blast,sendin da tornado back 2 its source,destroying 4 good da carousel*

Shaft:Look y'all,here is da golden ticket

Sand:Now we have 6 tickets,time 2 enter da Fun House

Offline SandStorm

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« Reply #393 on: January 19, 2007, 01:05:43 AM »
Shaft:Follow me brotha, i shall lead'ya there!

The warriors enter the fun house, the building is huge, but several games are expecting for them...

Jester: well done, well done... little kids, impressed me! have eternal fun there, you wont escape... only death!

Falling: Lets proceed, i can't listen this guy anymore...

Jester: manners my friend, thats not way to treat the ceremony master!

Ataru: I suggest we enter that room... hope it got bikini babes there!

the warriors enter the challenge 1, it looks stoned, and the floor have black and white squares, with rusty statues disperse there

Jester: I gave you chess! the medieval beast edition! HAHAHA!

The statues form the chess knights our brave warriors fill the empty spaces. Cosmic is the king, kroptik is the pope, dark is the horse, forgotten and sand are towers, and the remaining are the soldiers

Sand: I hate this place, and, i dunno how to play chess!

Shaft: ma brotha, worry not, me, shaft man, king from police station chess tournament shall guide ya for good!

The game starts, the opponents destroyed already one soldier statue

Falling: Well... Shaft... lead us for good...
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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #394 on: January 19, 2007, 02:53:54 AM »
Shaft:Follow this motherf--(interrupted)

Kroptik:We get it,brotha

Shaft:We gotta kill them knights and towers 2 reach da friggin king,y'all (cocks several shotguns)it is party time,baby,and da shaft-man is gonna rock this party out

Sand:Lets forget da rules,time 2 kick ass (warriors slaughter da enemy pieces;cosmic and forgotten blow da towers;shaft jumps in front of da cyborg king)

Shaft:Checkmate,baby (kills da king;the giant board explodes,warriors fall in a maze)

Cosmic:I wonder if it is da same as da other maze

Jester:Perhaps,but this one is shorter and if u fail just once a riddle,the floor gets filled with lava,ciao kids

Kroptik:Damn clown (explore da maze,suddenly a gigantic titanium ball begins to be after them)

Dark:Lets run like hell (guys jump so da ball crushes da whole maze;they face da Minotaur one last time)

Minotaur:How can a man be relatively stupid?

Forgotten:He has to be a dummy or mannequin

Minotaur:Correct (opens a door 2 next Fun House Area)

Jester:U kids are quite spectacular but lets see if u can survive this blast from the past (summons thousands of war planes,tanks,submarines <cuz the floor has water areas>)

Cosmic:Wont be hard but it aint easy too (warriors knock the war transports down)

Sand:Next area

Jester:I call this one "Trap of the 1000 doors",dont get lost(each time the warriors enter a door they appear in one of the 6 previous games)

Forgotten:Man,i hate trick doors (use portal 2 get back 2 1000 doors)

Shaft:This is gonna take a while,y'all
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 02:56:37 AM by Cosmic King »

Offline SandStorm

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« Reply #395 on: January 19, 2007, 03:27:45 AM »
Dark: Maybe not. I shall use my dark power to find the real one. *dark start spelling in one strange language * Ok, i can't find the real one, but maybe the one that shall lead us to the next area.

The warriors follow DarkDevil, until they enter the "prehistoric ocean"

Falling: I guess we need to use those oxygen tubes and swim.

while they start swimming, one mesossaurus appear in front of them, this prehistoric water reptile is ready to eat the warriors

Kroptik: I shall discharge the energy i've got from the tornado, guys, don't worry about me!

Kroptik is eaten by the mesossaurus, yet, after a while, this animal start being electrocuted, and explode

Dark: Nice to see you ok, we've got free dinner, right? mesosomething toasted.

Falling: you eat it.

they continue swimming, but then, one thousand of ichthyosaurus appear, but those, beside the paceful look, have one strange surprise to our warriors...

Shaft: ma brotha, those dolphins might be our allies.

Cosmic: they aren't dolphins, we are in Triassic seas... Guess you won't eat fish sooner, right Dark?

Dark: (show him the middle finger)

then, the ichthyosaurus open the mouth and blast one plasma beam, knocking out ataru

Sand: no fish do this! ROCKWAVEDUST! *the dust around the creature only lest the sea more muddy, while the rocks felt under the animal, but the remaining ones, are swimming faster against our brave warriors.
Then, enormous plesiosaurs appear in front of them, making one hard barrier.

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Offline DarkDevil

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« Reply #396 on: January 19, 2007, 02:47:17 PM »
Dark: I've just remembered, I can't swim. Get me out of here!
DarkDevil, king of the Demons.
Servent of Lum Invader.

Offline SandStorm

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« Reply #397 on: January 19, 2007, 03:16:10 PM »
Cosmic whatching Dark's stressed up, and scared, create him one floating bubble, where dark doesn't even get wet and stay warm, floating by the side of the other warriors

Sand: Guess you won't leave us alone, right, Kitty? :D

Dark: If you call me that again, i swear, i'll cut you in pieces!
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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #398 on: January 19, 2007, 07:31:01 PM »
Sand:Yeah,whatever (arrive at a room filled of ice and snow)brrrrr,cold

Jester:Whassup,kids,cant handle da ice?,beware cuz the floor has thin ice and u may break it and fall in a sea of freezing water

Cosmic:Lets walk carefully guys (all walk carefully,ataru steps too hard and da floor begins 2 break,revealing a lot of submarines trying 2 bash da warriors)

Forgotten:Holy Happy Meal!!,lets run(find a rope at da end of the way,they grab it 2 enter another area,there da warriors face repetitions of Pinball,Roller Crusher and Mirror House)

Kroptik:Damn crazy amusement park

Jester:Getting tired,kids? shame on ya,there is still tons of fun in here

Falling:Shut up,damn psycho (uses Atlas Bomber 2 demolish a vast area)

Jester:Temper,temper (activates a ferry 2 a Horror Mansion)step in,kids

Shaft:Man,i is gonna kick his sorry ass when we is before dat sucker,y'all

*The warriors enter da mansion filled of trap rooms,warp doors,puzzles and some robotic monsters;they arrive at another circus carp*

Dark:Look,guys,there is a machine with a little hand attached 2 it,it says "Pull da finger"(pulls it;various big spheres and evil clones arrive surrounding da circus)

Cosmic:Back 2 where we started *sigh*

Kroptik:I'd bet on dat...SUPREME ULTIMATUM!!! (sends a backlash wave that make da spheres crush da clone)

Shaft:Smashing,baby (the floor dissapears and da warriors fall into a twisted version of a mansion/castle:there is Jester sitting on a throne as well as lum,oyuki,stormtroopers,etc.)

Forgotten:Finally,we arrived before ya,Jester (tries 2 kill'im but notices Jester is surrounded by a shield of energy)

Jester:Kids,kids,kids,i hope u appreciate the savings yer mom and me had 2 made so u could have fun at the park,cuz now fun time is over

Sand:Save us yer jokes,weirdo

Jester:So i see u still have enough power 4 a last diversion,i call this one "War Games and Sudden Death" (activates a device ;from one huge door appear some big robots)

Ultra Metallo !!

The Tri-Sentinel !!

The Super Adaptoid !!

and seeing that u had no chance against'im,i made my own little version of the planet ravager,last but no least i present ya:


just 2 end this so u may have yer fun,all da robots share a link 2 da life force of yer kidnapped friends,if u shut down or short circuit or kill da bots,yer friends die 4 real,now get set,get ready,GO!!!

Offline SandStorm

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« Reply #399 on: January 20, 2007, 02:31:18 AM »
Kroptik: Oh my farting peanut...

Sand: Damn, no time to loose, SANDSOFTIME! *time is stopped*

Sand: Ok dudes, lets inspect our friends for any hardware they might have in the body, RUN, time is short, while the bots start operating again!

our warriors start inspecting their friends, and discover they've got implanted in the neck, something.

Forgotten: it is inside their skin! damn, how we'll get this crap out.

Dark: Allow me.

DarkDevil, with his claws but a bit the skin from all friends, while falling remove the device inside the neck from all friends, and Kroptik heals them

Falling: good work fellas. Good work dark, i hope your claws was sterilized.

Kroptik: No time to think about that, they've got healed.

Sand: Time's over, prepare to fight, they are moving!

Falling: dunno if i shall destroy this thing.

Cosmic just don't grab it, or if we kill them, you'll die, get rid of it!

Falling smashes the devices, indeed, it doesn't affect the robots

Kroptik: SUPERNOVA ATTACK! * one mess a bit galactiac armor *
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Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #400 on: January 20, 2007, 04:48:59 AM »
Cosmic:Kropman is right,lets bash those robots now that our friends r safe from any danger....GALACTIC DESTRUCTION!!!





*destroys all da robots except the Adaptoid*

Adaptoid:Fools,i can absorb and channel up to 10 powers,u r doomed...COSMIC SAND NOVA MEMORY BOMBER!! (attacks da warriors)u r just pale images of yer faded glory (grabs ataru and applying pressure 2 his neck while telekinetically harming da others)time 2 enter da slumber (channels solar energy 2 da warriors when...)

Shaft:You bloody machine aint nothin but a fool cuz Shaft-man is inda house and he is a hell of a warrior,baby (shoots adaptoid but cant harm im,but frees ataru;adaptoid shoots a laser beam 2 shaft,knocking im) all of ye r annoying,i shall vaporize ya into nothingness (gathers optic power)


*In a blink of an eye the warriors close adaptoid eyes,making short circuit 2 its robot brain,then they send their energy waves to adaptoid chest,overloading him...he explodes*

Cosmic:Game over,Jester

Jester:Ciao,kids (begins collapsing da place)

Kroptik:Lets get da hell outta here (grab friends and escape Murderland)

Shaft:And dat closes da funky case of Murderland,y'all

Sand:Yet jester wasnt brought 2 jail

Falling:But was punished,right now lets go 2 plan da bachelor party


Cosmic:You will see,lum...?!?

*suddenly from da ground emerges yet another castle and from it a mixture of all Jester bots with him unharmed inside*

Jester:I am afraid i am a party crasher,game over

Falling:S**t,and we exhausted our energy supply a lot

Megane:worry not,we shall help ya,right?


Shaft:Hell yeah,we i gonna help,baby

*Megane and company charge against da inmense bot,using all they have 2 stop it*

Ataru:Lum,warriors,it is time,shoot him all u have left

*the warriors channel all their energy in one giga sphere ball,shoot it thru da bot chest*

now is the time,lum!!

Lum:Right'tcha,i shall use all my passion

*creates an imense overload,destroying da bot*

Jester:Well,we had fun,kids,that is all,folks (activates self-destruct of murderland,dies in da exploding bot)

Cosmic:We wont escape in time,guyz

Lum:(huggin kroptik)at least we will die together,kroptik

*suddenly a spaceship arrives*

Sand:Hey,look,it is my ship

Kaede:(inside ship)hop in,guys,we have 2 go (all escape inda ship the destruction of murderland)now we r safe

Forgotten:Now we can discuss about the bachelor party

Kroptik:Right now,lets just head home

Shaft:Damn right,this motherf----r needs his rest,y'all

*meanwhile at a german HQ*

Soldier:sir,we received news that Jester died

Strangelove:Ja,yet he served better than i expected,the plan of the council of shadows is getting more closer 2 perfection,hahahahahahaha


« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 06:58:30 PM by Cosmic King »

Offline SandStorm

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« Reply #401 on: January 21, 2007, 12:44:02 AM »
Offtopic: impressive end! each fanfict start linking to each other, cool, and good work from you, as always :)
if nobody start one fic tomorrow, i'll do it. see ya later guys.
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Offline Kroptik

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« Reply #402 on: January 21, 2007, 01:27:36 AM »

* It's Wednesday afternoon. Kroptik and Lum's wedding is scheduled for Saturday. With only two days to go, the UY warriors decide to throw the party that same night, so they have a meeting at Falling's house to make the preparations *

Offtopic: Take it from here guys. My imagination isn't too trustworthy today...
Signatured postponed until I cba to make a new one. x.x

Offline FallinG_StaR

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« Reply #403 on: January 21, 2007, 01:31:52 AM »
Offtopic:  I think the marriage between Lum and Kroptik should never happen... I think it would make everything less interesting...
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

Offline Cosmic King

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« Reply #404 on: January 21, 2007, 02:10:18 AM »
Off Topic:

Vini,vidi,vici lumaholics

On Topic:

*Rain is falling,it is midnight,darkness blends with dat sad enviroment of water;the warriors arrive at Falling penthouse at Madeira II*

Falling:Jolly good 2 see ya,gentlemen

Kroptik:Spare us yer fake english accent,blitzkrieg-sensei

Falling:(ignoring kropman)i suppose u came here so we deal with da subject in hand,da bachelor party,lets carry on,shall we?

*party starts*

Kroptik:Man,i feel odd

Sand:What happened,mate?

Kroptik:Dunno,i sense i am gonna lose something in value

Forgotten:What u tryin 2 say,mate?

Kroptik:I was yesterday buyin some things wit lady lum,i saw da look in her eyes,they glowed like supernovas,her smile reminded me pearls

Cosmic:I dont see da problem,dude

Kroptik:I think i am having second thoughts

Falling:You r having cold feet after all we faced?!?