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Author Topic: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it  (Read 29503 times)

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Offline Oldfan

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Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« on: July 08, 2017, 10:36:46 PM »
Warning - this theory will cross between the four mediums of Urusei Yatsura - the Manga, the TV Show, the Movies and one very specific OVA. It's a bit lengthy so sorry for the long post.

I was first exposed to UY in the 90s, I saw a VHS Rental of the 1st 4 episodes, and as I was getting into Anime at the time I figured I would give it a shot. To say the least, it became my favorite, but collecting it on VHS back then was really expensive. However, I did manage to get the 1st 16 episodes, half the OVAs, and all of the movies. I had no idea how many episodes there were but the overall theme was established - a crazy relationship with all the others around them involved to one extent or another.

Two years ago, I had found a YouTube channel that had ALL the episodes, at best at VHS quality but they were subbed and I'm not super fussy so after HOURS of using a website called KeepVid I had them all saved to a HD in my computer and figured one day I'd watch them all when I had the time. That time started in May of this year, and after a good bit of watching I knew a lot more about that 'relationship'. I now have all the Blurays from Japan, had to buy Only You on DVD since the movie on Bluray is cut by 10 mins.

All the guys love Lum, inclusive of Ataru, but he's too bent on being 'free' to commit to her. Lum doesn't care about any of the other guys, she's so in love with Ataru it almost hurts. But despite the efforts of others around them, anytime anyone gets NEAR her, he's all over them. The TV gives hints and nudges of this, but nothing more, while the movies actually establish the fact that he does love her and is willing to risk life and limb for her.

Only You - gets the ball rolling for them as near the end, Ataru realizes that despite how he acts, Lum cares only for him and he feels bad. (Doesn't marry her though at the end.)
Beautiful Dreamer - Ataru admits he's in love with her, of course he admits to loving the others, but that falling sequence hits the one notion home, he really only loves Lum.
Remember My Love - Lum at least will have a child, as Ruu is her descendant. Looking at the character of Ruu, he's precocious (something Lum was), he's headstrong and he has a bit of a temper. They never said who she married at the time because the show was still going, but there's another aspect of Ruu that gets ignored - the kid is a KLUTZ. Who else is one? Ataru, that's who. Plus, Ataru says he does things without thinking of the consequences, and Ruu did just that. It also emphasizes that if Lum is in danger, Ataru will do everything to get her back. He's also the one that remembered Lum after everyone forgot her, significance of cutting his finger on the soda can for the red string.
Lum the Forever - Just reinforces the relationship - When everyone is fighting, Ataru goes jogging because he hates violence, he falls, sees the fog and calls Lum's name and immediately Lum knows she has to go back.
The Final Chapter - There's a laundry list of tells for how Ataru feels, I'll mention some:
  • Ataru goes into immediate action and bargains away ALL his girl stalking material to get her back
  • He thinks she's in danger and runs out the hole in the side of the school
  • He's genuinely hurt when he's fooled by the copy of Lum
  • His internal talk, does he have to tell her in words for her to know
  • Holding onto the horns at the end there
  • Honorable Mention: REFUSING to say he loves her because she won't know if it's the truth or not
Always My Darling - We'll just leave that one alone

The TV show had a bunch of well placed episodes that show how he feels, some based off the manga, but the rescue from Mendou's estate was not, and cemented one important thing. He'd run through tank and gunfire to get her back. And the very last episode with their kiss, it was annoying that we had to wait that long for it, but it was very sweet if not setup by that one MiB of Mendou's (my theory).

The Manga, which I only just got to read had similar moments, setting up relationship stories and such, but there was one manga story earlier on that didn't sit well with me. When Lum and Ataru went into the future and saw that Ataru was married to Shinobu and they had a kid. I had seen all the episodes by then and I didn't recall an adaption of that one. But since I wasn't too keen on the story, I didn't care so much. Then the Manga for Inaba the Dreammaker came (and the corresponding OVA in 1987). That story not only undid the prior time travel story but also setup the fact that no matter what Ataru did, he was going to fail at making a Harem. Even in his ideal dream, Lum leaves him if he does that. We then have the usual fight/chase in the OVA, and then they go through another door and it's a future they're getting married in.

The manga is a little less kind to Ataru as people are throwing things at him and everyone is objecting to their wedding, but he sees what's important. Lum is happy, even crying with tears of happiness and he knows that he has to save that future. In the OVA, there's no fight at the wedding, but the end result is the same. When the door is falling, he goes all out to try and save it. The OVA also gives us the ending sequence of Inaba finding Lum's "Sweet Home" doorknob and placing it on a door.

In The Final Chapter, because they were so bitterly fighting, the doors that represented their futures led to nothingness because if they didn't reconcile, obviously there was no future for them. Of course they did and we got the whole 'She get him to say he loves her even if it takes a lifetime' with his 'He'll say it on his deathbed'. And then we get to sit and wonder and basically have to say obviously she didn't leave him, she loves him way too much and he'd never let go because of the same feelings.

My theory (finally) is that while Inaba the character was supposed to be a bone for Shinobu (she lost Ataru to Lum and Mendou was obsessed with Lum - but failed), the story was a bone for us, more the OVA than the Manga, because of that doorknob sequence at the end. As someone that has wrote tons of stories in the past 30+ years, you can do the 'make it up as you go along' or have a planned outline of everything that happens. The idea was that they were all kids in school, enjoying their youth and living day to day, concerned with only having fun and adventures - why throw a marriage into that? We won't even mention that despite that Lum is one of the Oni, she has more human wants and needs than any other female in the show - period.

Fans, that's why. Say what you want, but other than Maison Ikkoku , every relationship created by Rumiko Takahashi put the readers/viewers through the wringer. To this day, I've found snippets of conversation on various websites that express a bit of bitterness that Lum didn't get her happy ending. But unless we're really lucky, we likely won't see it. Fumi Hirano (Lum's VA) is 62, Toshio Furokawa (Ataru's VA is 70), they aren't immortal and despite the fact they can both still do the voices pretty well (Look up Dallas Animefest 2016 on YouTube). So because this won't be revisited, Inaba the Dreammaker is our bone that says they get married and have a family (how many kids is up to you).
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

Offline Seiryu

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 03:09:57 AM »
Rumiko did mention at one point years back how she has like no intentions of making anything new with UY. While I would love something new for the goat series, I'm pretty satisfied with the way it ended. The real big question of the last storyline was really did Ataru care and was he so foolish enough to choose his own chaos over his love for Lum. We got the answers to both of those questions by the end. With that said, I do get what you mean. I too always saw the Inaba storyline where it showed the future of Ataru and Lum's marriage as Rumiko showing what would eventually happen between Ataru and Lum without actually needing to show the real thing.

Offline Oldfan

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2017, 03:32:18 AM »
I don't know how reliable the source was, but I heard that the reason we got a new UY for the Rumic World in 2008 was because someone threw the equivalent of a boatload of money at Rumiko for an okay to make that OVA. Almost makes me wonder if there was enough of a desire, a good script and a real big sum of cash (again) if she'd approve of one last movie.

Wishful thinking I know.

I'd hate to see the day come if there was some kind of revival and the main two voice actors simply couldn't do it anymore because of their respective ages. I can only ever hear them as the voices they've been since Day 1. The English speaking dubs make my skin crawl.
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

Offline Seiryu

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2017, 07:04:11 AM »
Agreed. New material would always be great in this series. I do wonder. This was after 50 years for an anniversary, wondering if they wouldn't mind having another one some time down the road. Cause there are quite a few stories I'd love to be animated (like the Ultra Colorful Pair Look).

Offline Oldfan

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2017, 02:35:58 AM »
I'd be happy with one more Movie or longer OVA to tie it all up, while we still have the seiyū (声優) for Lum and Ataru with us, and by proxy Shinobu and Mendou with us.

By longer OVA, approx 60 mins not including opening and closing credits, a movie would be ideal since the idea of getting them from The Final Chapter to 'together' would likely involve their usual highs and lows.
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

Offline Seiryu

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2017, 08:46:30 PM »
It would require a lot of time. I guess a movie could suffice. I'm personally satisfied with the ending, though I do wonder what you envision would be an appropriate post-Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl storyline.

Offline Oldfan

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2017, 08:19:57 AM »
Warning - Long Post

Given that Always My Darling technically comes after The Final Chapter (Inaba makes an appearance in the crowds watching the battle of Mendou's forces vs Lupica's ship), this would have to come after that. But both manga and anime versions of Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl began with Lum having a nightmare.

My idea is a more serious toned one, this is marriage we're dealing with after all, but there would be enough humor thrown in to make it work I hope.

I had an idea of Ataru having a nightmare, that Lum never let him win (technically speaking she did) and she was gone. This causes him to wake up and start frantically looking for her, and when she's not in her sometimes usual spot of the closet, he really panics and climbs up to the roof of the house and sees Lum sitting looking at the stars.

They've been together long enough that he can tell when she's sad and she is in fact very sad that despite the proof of his feeling with him holding onto her horns, she wonders if he really loves her. She's pretty much talking to herself and thinks maybe going home back to her parents will help clear her mind. Ataru being him, and having grown up a lot in that last movie (and manga) wonders to himself if his being stubborn is worth it anymore. He knows he loves her, and he knows he's miserable without her. 

In the manga, he berated himself for not being able to say it, in the anime, he basically says do I have to tell you in words for you to understand.

The usual Ataru monologue would begin but when he hears her say she'll tell him in the morning she's going home, that last wall of resistance crumbles. He sets his hand on her shoulders, which would startle her but when she turns around and sees him, instead of saying something immediately, I figured the best way for him to tell her would be for him to initiate a kiss, and then when she's confused by his actions, he'll tell her he loves her and thus starts their real relationship.

Since the idea of the show and manga was forever 17 in highschool, we can jump forward, past their graduation and go all the way to their final year of college. They have an apartment together, they attend the same college and they both work jobs and have their relationship which has grown like them.

It's not a far stretch, in both manga and anime, Ataru and Lum both looked a little older during the last story, so we age them just a touch further, but nothing drastic, 4-5 years tops. To make sure we have the old times sake style of the feel of the show, they can get together with their old friends and have one last silly adventure before the crunch of college finals start.

After the college finals, Ataru has a job (amusingly enough, given his love of food and hatred of Lum's cooking, I thought him learning to be a chef would be funny), and Lum has a job too (still trying to think of what she would do, but since she's always dreamed of being with Ataru their whole lives, maybe something to do with children).

Ataru, in the midst of working hard and putting his all into being with Lum, decides that it's time for the next step and starts shopping for a ring and actually finds one that's appropriate and decides to surprise Lum with a proposal. He muses to himself that he finds it funny that the woman he spent so long trying to ditch is now the only one he could imagine spending the rest of his days with. In a throwback to the Inaba story, he'll blame Inaba for seeing how happy Lum was when they were getting married and that's what made him decide to do this.

When he gets home though, Lum has company, Oyuki, Benten and Ran and while he decides not to disturb them, Lum has had her one bane, a pickled plum and so she's tipsy. The other girls are joking with her, mainly Benten of course and they're asking her how things have been. Since Benten can be considered to not have class to a point, she'll ask him if he's asked her to marry him and reminds her that if he's boring like Rei was she can always dump him. Lum says something stupid, even as Ran gets angry with Benten while Oyuki, always the soul of courtesy and manners sees Ataru run off as he assumes the worst (this is Ataru after all) but she can't do anything because Ran and Benten are escalating their argument and she's keeping them in check.

I've only gotten to this point so far, but I considered that Ataru goes to the only people he can possibly talk to about Lum then, her parents (I figure he stays out all night and basically begs and pleads Ran or someone to take him to them in the morning). Lum's parents don't know of anything wrong and that's when he tells them he wants to ask her to marry him for real, but now he's afraid he's too boring for her. Of course they're happy and that's when Lum calls (Ran or whoever spilled it that they brought Ataru to her parents and she's almost there) and she wants to talk to him because she's been frantic with worry.

From there, they have a big misunderstanding and basically Ataru tells her he wants to spend his life with her, but now he's worried she's bored of him and the fact he's a simple Earthling. This is where I ended up with regarding story boarding, a third and final tag match would be cliche, but it is what the Oni do in times of trouble.

I did consider the idea that if I went that route that this time Ataru is the challenger, so he gets to make the rules. So the contest would be on his terms, Lum has to run, she can't fly and she has to tag him. But to make it fair for her, it's on a course on Lum's planet, because in reversed roles, on the ground Ataru is matchless (100 meters in 7 seconds flat when he chased Asuka). Unlike the prior matches though, every night they talk until they go to sleep and each night they each pour their hearts out to each other. And this is where my word doc with all the notes I had been considering is at right now.

As an aside I decided to start learning Japanese so I can understand the literal sense of the digital Tankobans of the manga I got, so I've been busier. But I imagine if it was hinging on a final tag match, something would happen and Ataru would realize Lum does love him and doesn't want anyone else (he's not the brightest guy by any means and they're both still so stubborn) and so he changes the terms of the match and surprises her with a proposal and they have their wedding.

One thing I did decide was that the ending sequence would take place after the wedding. They would be in a hospital and all you see is a delivery room and repeated flashes of light. Lum is in labor and practically roasting Ataru alive until you hear a baby cry and we see father, mother and child all together with everyone around them and we fade to black after they say one last time they love each other.

But in a bit of a full farewell, I had an idea that we have the voices of Ataru and Lum say who they are and that this was their final story and they thank everyone for all the love and devotion over the years as the baby cries and they then playfully argue over whose turn it is to get up.

Roll credits.

It's more serious I know, way more serious, but given the tones of their last stories (despite the manga being more lighthearted than the movie for the last story, they were both actually serious). Ataru threw himself off a massive building after Lum, even HIS durability would have been hard pressed to survive that fall and Lum has no such ability. Also, Lum was talking about wiping out everyone's memories of everything, that's not just a goodbye, that's an I'm leaving and taking all the toys with me scenario and everyone has to suffer.

(My theory on that is that Lum wouldn't have been able to live comfortably knowing that he was out there without her so it was better that the period of time was gone than live with the pain - there is nothing funny about that in any respect even if the device itself was an ugly looking Oni thing.)

I'm still working on this so it's very rough, but not all love and marriage stories are lighthearted. Look at the second manga story with Inaba, For Love and Valor - that was really serious for Shinobu and she did get her happy ending.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 09:03:17 PM by Oldfan »
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

Offline Seiryu

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2017, 10:49:54 PM »
Warning - Long Post

Given that Always My Darling technically comes after The Final Chapter (Inaba makes an appearance in the crowds watching the battle of Mendou's forces vs Lupica's ship), this would have to come after that. But both manga and anime versions of Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl began with Lum having a nightmare.

My idea is a more serious toned one, this is marriage we're dealing with after all, but there would be enough humor thrown in to make it work I hope.

I had an idea of Ataru having a nightmare, that Lum never let him win (technically speaking she did) and she was gone. This causes him to wake up and start frantically looking for her, and when she's not in her sometimes usual spot of the closet, he really panics and climbs up to the roof of the house and sees Lum sitting looking at the stars.

They've been together long enough that he can tell when she's sad and she is in fact very sad that despite the proof of his feeling with him holding onto her horns, she wonders if he really loves her. She's pretty much talking to herself and thinks maybe going home back to her parents will help clear her mind. Ataru being him, and having grown up a lot in that last movie (and manga) wonders to himself if his being stubborn is worth it anymore. He knows he loves her, and he knows he's miserable without her. 

In the manga, he berated himself for not being able to say it, in the anime, he basically says do I have to tell you in words for you to understand.

The usual Ataru monologue would begin but when he hears her say she'll tell him in the morning she's going home, that last wall of resistance crumbles. He sets his hand on her shoulders, which would startle her but when she turns around and sees him, instead of saying something immediately, I figured the best way for him to tell her would be for him to initiate a kiss, and then when she's confused by his actions, he'll tell her he loves her and thus starts their real relationship.

Since the idea of the show and manga was forever 17 in highschool, we can jump forward, past their graduation and go all the way to their final year of college. They have an apartment together, they attend the same college and they both work jobs and have their relationship which has grown like them.

It's not a far stretch, in both manga and anime, Ataru and Lum both looked a little older during the last story, so we age them just a touch further, but nothing drastic, 4-5 years tops. To make sure we have the old times sake style of the feel of the show, they can get together with their old friends and have one last silly adventure before the crunch of college finals start.

After the college finals, Ataru has a job (amusingly enough, given his love of food and hatred of Lum's cooking, I thought him learning to be a chef would be funny), and Lum has a job too (still trying to think of what she would do, but since she's always dreamed of being with Ataru their whole lives, maybe something to do with children).

Ataru, in the midst of working hard and putting his all into being with Lum, decides that it's time for the next step and starts shopping for a ring and actually finds one that's appropriate and decides to surprise Lum with a proposal. He muses to himself that he finds it funny that the woman he spent so long trying to ditch is now the only one he could imagine spending the rest of his days with. In a throwback to the Inaba story, he'll blame Inaba for seeing how happy Lum was when they were getting married and that's what made him decide to do this.

When he gets home though, Lum has company, Oyuki, Benten and Ran and while he decides not to disturb them, Lum has had her one bane, a pickled plum and so she's tipsy. The other girls are joking with her, mainly Benten of course and they're asking her how things have been. Since Benten can be considered to not have class to a point, she'll ask him if he's asked her to marry him and reminds her that if he's boring like Rei was she can always dump him. Lum says something stupid, even as Ran gets angry with Benten while Oyuki, always the soul of courtesy and manners sees Ataru run off as he assumes the worst (this is Ataru after all) but she can't do anything because Ran and Benten are escalating their argument and she's keeping them in check.

I've only gotten to this point so far, but I considered that Ataru goes to the only people he can possibly talk to about Lum then, her parents (I figure he stays out all night and basically begs and pleads Ran or someone to take him to them in the morning). Lum's parents don't know of anything wrong and that's when he tells them he wants to ask her to marry him for real, but now he's afraid he's too boring for her. Of course they're happy and that's when Lum calls (Ran or whoever spilled it that they brought Ataru to her parents and she's almost there) and she wants to talk to him because she's been frantic with worry.

From there, they have a big misunderstanding and basically Ataru tells her he wants to spend his life with her, but now he's worried she's bored of him and the fact he's a simple Earthling. This is where I ended up with regarding story boarding, a third and final tag match would be cliche, but it is what the Oni do in times of trouble.

I did consider the idea that if I went that route that this time Ataru is the challenger, so he gets to make the rules. So the contest would be on his terms, Lum has to run, she can't fly and she has to tag him. But to make it fair for her, it's on a course on Lum's planet, because in reversed roles, on the ground Ataru is matchless (100 meters in 7 seconds flat when he chased Asuka). Unlike the prior matches though, every night they talk until they go to sleep and each night they each pour their hearts out to each other. And this is where my word doc with all the notes I had been considering is at right now.

As an aside I decided to start learning Japanese so I can understand the literal sense of the digital Tankobans of the manga I got, so I've been busier. But I imagine if it was hinging on a final tag match, something would happen and Ataru would realize Lum does love him and doesn't want anyone else (he's not the brightest guy by any means and they're both still so stubborn) and so he changes the terms of the match and surprises her with a proposal and they have their wedding.

One thing I did decide was that the ending sequence would take place after the wedding. They would be in a hospital and all you see is a delivery room and repeated flashes of light. Lum is in labor and practically roasting Ataru alive until you hear a baby cry and we see father, mother and child all together with everyone around them and we fade to black after they say one last time they love each other.

But in a bit of a full farewell, I had an idea that we have the voices of Ataru and Lum say who they are and that this was their final story and they thank everyone for all the love and devotion over the years as the baby cries and they then playfully argue over whose turn it is to get up.

Roll credits.

It's more serious I know, way more serious, but given the tones of their last stories (despite the manga being more lighthearted than the movie for the last story, they were both actually serious). Ataru threw himself off a massive building after Lum, even HIS durability would have been hard pressed to survive that fall and Lum has no such ability. Also, Lum was talking about wiping out everyone's memories of everything, that's not just a goodbye, that's an I'm leaving and taking all the toys with me scenario and everyone has to suffer.

(My theory on that is that Lum wouldn't have been able to live comfortably knowing that he was out there without her so it was better that the period of time was gone than live with the pain - there is nothing funny about that in any respect even if the device itself was an ugly looking Oni thing.)

I'm still working on this so it's very rough, but not all love and marriage stories are lighthearted. Look at the second manga story with Inaba, For Love and Valor - that was really serious for Shinobu and she did get her happy ending.

I feel like the premise is good and shows a lot of promise. Curious about something though: You mentioned that Lum would question if he really loves her despite the whole horns incident. I feel like that would be a little unnecessary as the question of whether he loved her or not was answered with the horns. She had truly questioned if he even hated her, but knew then and there he loved her completely. I think a serious story could work though, granted may be a little too serious for Takahashi but as you mentioned the anime had no problem adding a more serious tone.

Tag would be kind of cliche yeah, but I guess given the right context it could be pulled off well. I do like that you would have this taking place on Lum's planet, felt that location wasn't utilized often enough in the series.

As far as Ataru's durability goes, it ranges. Remember the Electric Jungle story? Lum tried helping him out against Shingo by electrocuted a fruit that drops on Ataru's head which knocks him out (a terrible showing for his durability), when later on in that same story he endures electrocution just long enough to set him and Lum free from the coils. Then there's of course other stories where Ataru straight up falls out the window of his school and is fine in the next page.

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2017, 03:40:57 AM »
I feel like the premise is good and shows a lot of promise. Curious about something though: You mentioned that Lum would question if he really loves her despite the whole horns incident. I feel like that would be a little unnecessary as the question of whether he loved her or not was answered with the horns. She had truly questioned if he even hated her, but knew then and there he loved her completely. I think a serious story could work though, granted may be a little too serious for Takahashi but as you mentioned the anime had no problem adding a more serious tone.

Tag would be kind of cliche yeah, but I guess given the right context it could be pulled off well. I do like that you would have this taking place on Lum's planet, felt that location wasn't utilized often enough in the series.

As far as Ataru's durability goes, it ranges. Remember the Electric Jungle story? Lum tried helping him out against Shingo by electrocuted a fruit that drops on Ataru's head which knocks him out (a terrible showing for his durability), when later on in that same story he endures electrocution just long enough to set him and Lum free from the coils. Then there's of course other stories where Ataru straight up falls out the window of his school and is fine in the next page.

If not a question of if he really loves her, then maybe more how much does he love her. You can love someone but not be in love with them. Since Always My Darling does come afterwards, we can see he was more or less back to his old self, especially when freed from Lupica's control. He was jumping from woman to woman and while at first Lum was happy he was free, she then saw what he was doing and lynched him. To me, if you go through all that hell why backtrack? Hence her confusion - Lum is emotion at extremes many times, look at the last episode. It may have been based off an older manga, but that relationship stuff they added in, Lum was brutal in lynching him, he was glowing blue from it and she had him in a wrestling move too.

Lum's love for him, despite her crazy breaks and attempts to make him jealous has always pretty much been an 11 on a 1-10 scale. She loves him, and she's madly in love with him. So even if she questions things, we can say neither one of them is exactly what you call a rational thinker. If they were rational, once the misunderstandings were cleared up that would have been the end of the story I think. And Love and Valor was likely even more serious than The Final Chapter was, I felt really bad for Inaba after the beating he took and the fact that Shinobu took the worst emotional beating too was something. Which makes me wonder why that didn't get to be an OVA, that would have been good as a bookend to the original Inaba OVA.

But I'm digressing. :)

My thought with the third tag game would be that it would come as a suggestion from her parents, her parents both really like him and I would go on the premise that this would be the one way to test her dedication. Lum made it clear in the second game that he had two ways of winning, catch her or tell her that he loves her. And as was obvious in both versions, she meant business. For all we've seen from Ataru until that point, he was practically 'invincible' but by that last day, he was for all intents and purposes completely defeated. I can't recall any story where he was completely exhausted like that. So a challenge on his terms, but he at least gives her a chance, showing that he at least won't press too much of an advantage. Plus, twice now the Earth was at stake, this time it has nothing to do with the Earth at all, just the two of them. They don't need a crowd, it's up close and personal with just the two of them at stake. No better place than Lum's planet - which if memory serves me is not Uru but Oniboshi.

A show of maturity if you want to call it that, he takes away her biggest advantage, but at the same time gives himself a handicap to make it fair.

And yeah, his durability is not very consistent, nor is I guess for a lack of a better way to say it but his powerset overall isn't either. The first story where Ten's mother appeared, he used his legs to uproot a tree, and the earliest appearance of Ran, he walked through the ground itself to get to her after Lum basically knocked him up to his waist into the Earth. My rational mind just considers the sheer height of that building, and him jumping right off after her - he knew she couldn't fly, what was he going to do, catch her and flap his arms? Clearly from the start of that sequence they knew the fall would be lethal to Lum so I imagine it would be to him too.

So my thought is I agree it might too serious for Takahashi, she did however love the movie enough that she herself was in tears when it was done, I recall reading that. But considering Lum and Ataru, nothing is ever easy for them, and so they have to have the drama in the midst of their comedy before the very end.

Also, I have a title for this, since every movie title is evocative of the significance of the theme/story - Yes My Darling.

The reason for this is as follows:

Only You - Lum loves only Ataru and there was the sequence where she said to him to think only of her, to look only at her, that's all she does regarding him.
Beautiful Dreamer - Mujaki thought she was uniquely beautiful and wanted to fulfill her dreams.
Remember My Love - Ruu took her out of everyone's memories, until Ataru broke that by cutting his finger and remembering her.
Lum the Forever - As odd as that movie was, I enjoyed it, but that weird fetus thing inferred that the memories of Lum would it had would live on forever in it.
The Final Chapter - speaks for itself. However, the manga version Boy meets Girl - refers to Rupa / Carla, and Ataru / Lum.
Always My Darling - more or less just a play on the possessiveness that Lum has for Ataru - he is her Darling and no one else can have him, which she also stated in the space jet rescue sequence in Only You.

So, Yes My Darling - when he finally proposes at the end, I imagine she would say those exact words (in the midst of everything else she would be scrambling to say too).
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 07:19:15 AM by Oldfan »
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2017, 03:59:09 AM »
I feel like the premise is good and shows a lot of promise. Curious about something though: You mentioned that Lum would question if he really loves her despite the whole horns incident. I feel like that would be a little unnecessary as the question of whether he loved her or not was answered with the horns. She had truly questioned if he even hated her, but knew then and there he loved her completely. I think a serious story could work though, granted may be a little too serious for Takahashi but as you mentioned the anime had no problem adding a more serious tone.

Tag would be kind of cliche yeah, but I guess given the right context it could be pulled off well. I do like that you would have this taking place on Lum's planet, felt that location wasn't utilized often enough in the series.

As far as Ataru's durability goes, it ranges. Remember the Electric Jungle story? Lum tried helping him out against Shingo by electrocuted a fruit that drops on Ataru's head which knocks him out (a terrible showing for his durability), when later on in that same story he endures electrocution just long enough to set him and Lum free from the coils. Then there's of course other stories where Ataru straight up falls out the window of his school and is fine in the next page.

If not a question of if he really loves her, then maybe more how much does he love her. You can love someone but not be in love with them. Since Always My Darling does come afterwards, we can see he was more or less back to his old self, especially when freed from Lupica's control. He was jumping from woman to woman and while at first Lum was happy he was free, she then saw what he was doing and lynched him. To me, if you go through all that hell why backtrack? Hence her confusion - Lum is emotion at extremes many times, look at the last episode. It may have been based off an older manga, but that relationship stuff they added in, Lum was brutal in lynching him, he was glowing blue from it and she had him in a wrestling move too.

Lum's love for him, despite her crazy breaks and attempts to make him jealous has always pretty much been an 11 on a 1-10 scale. She loves him, and she's madly in love with him. So even if she questions things, we can say neither one of them is exactly what you call a rational thinker. If they were rational, once the misunderstandings were cleared up that would have been the end of the story I think. And Love and Valor was likely even more serious than The Final Chapter was, I felt really bad for Inaba after the beating he took and the fact that Shinobu took the worst emotional beating too was something. Which makes me wonder why that didn't get to be an OVA, that would have been good as a bookend to the original Inaba OVA.

But I'm digressing. :)

My thought with the third tag game would be that it would come as a suggestion from her parents, her parents both really like him and I would go on the premise that this would be the one way to test her dedication. Lum made it clear in the second game that he had two ways of winning, catch her or tell her that he loves her. And as was obvious in both versions, she meant business. For all we've seen from Ataru until that point, he was practically 'invincible' but by that last day, he was for all intents and purposes completely defeated. I can't recall any story where he was completely exhausted like that. So a challenge on his terms, but he at least gives her a chance, showing that he at least won't press too much of an advantage. Plus, twice now the Earth was at stake, this time it has nothing to do with the Earth at all, just the two of them. They don't need a crowd, it's up close and personal with just the two of them at stake. No better place than Lum's planet - which if memory serves me is not Uru but Oniboshi.

A show of maturity if you want to call it that, he takes away her biggest advantage, but at the same time gives himself a handicap to make it fair.

And yeah, his durability is not very consistent, nor is I guess for a lack of a better way to say it but his powerset overall isn't either. The first story where Ten's mother appeared, he used his legs to uproot a tree, and the earliest appearance of Ran, he walked through the ground itself to get to her after Lum basically knocked him up to his waist into the Earth. My rational mind just considers the sheer height of that building, and him jumping right off after her - he knew she couldn't fly, what was he going to do, catch her and flap his arms? Clearly from the start of that sequence they knew the fall would be lethal to Lum so I imagine it would be to him too.

So my thought is I agree it might too serious for Takahashi, she did however love the movie enough that she herself was in tears when it was done, I recall reading that. But considering Lum and Ataru, nothing is ever easy for them, and so they have to have the drama in the midst of their comedy before the very end.

Also, I have a title for this, since every movie title is evocative of the significance of the theme/story - Yes My Darling.

The reason for this is as follows:

Only You - Lum loves only Ataru and there was the sequence where she said to him to think only of her, to look only at her, that's all she does regarding him.
Beautiful Dreamer - Mujaki thought she was uniquely beautiful and wanted to fulfill her dreams.
Remember My Love - Ruu took her out of everyone's memories, until Ataru broke that by cutting his finger and remembering her.
Lum the Forever - As odd as that movie was, I enjoyed it, but that weird fetus thing inferred that the memories of Lum would it had would live on forever in it.
The Final Chapter - speaks for itself. However, the manga version Boy meets Girl - refers to Rupa / Carla, and Ataru / Lum.
Always My Darling - more or less just a play on the possessiveness that Lum has for Ataru - he is her Darling and no one else can have him, which she also stated in the space jet rescue sequence in Only You.

So, Yes My Darling - when he finally proposes at the end, I imagine she would say those exact words (in the midst of everything else she would be scrambling to say too).
I love the idea of it being very little stakes behind this surrounding most people and it's mostly a private affair focused solely around Ataru and Lum.

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2017, 04:39:28 AM »
I love the idea of it being very little stakes behind this surrounding most people and it's mostly a private affair focused solely around Ataru and Lum.

My thought was that every other incident had to involve everyone and yes it's nice to see all the characters but they can be in a movie and not distract viewers from the main issue. I could see them all being there maybe as a show of silent support but not being a part of the overall action - this is supposed to be the epilogue to everything, to tie up Lum and Ataru's relationship. It's their final growth as people into what they've been going back and forth on through all the Manga / Episodes / OVAs / Movies. At best, I would have them rooting for Lum to catch Ataru and put this long game to an end.

But by The Final Chapter, the only one that still wanted Lum for himself was Megane, clearly Mendou gave up. Not only does he have Asuka more or less, but no matter what he tried, Lum only ever had eyes for Ataru. Always My Darling, entertaining as it was, was strange blip in things, which probably was part of the reason why Rumiko didn't like it. If the cameos weren't there from such characters as Inaba, I would personally set that earlier in their relationship since we had an older version of Ataru in it.
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2017, 04:45:01 AM »
I love the idea of it being very little stakes behind this surrounding most people and it's mostly a private affair focused solely around Ataru and Lum.

My thought was that every other incident had to involve everyone and yes it's nice to see all the characters but they can be in a movie and not distract viewers from the main issue. I could see them all being there maybe as a show of silent support but not being a part of the overall action - this is supposed to be the epilogue to everything, to tie up Lum and Ataru's relationship. It's their final growth as people into what they've been going back and forth on through all the Manga / Episodes / OVAs / Movies. At best, I would have them rooting for Lum to catch Ataru and put this long game to an end.

But by The Final Chapter, the only one that still wanted Lum for himself was Megane, clearly Mendou gave up. Not only does he have Asuka more or less, but no matter what he tried, Lum only ever had eyes for Ataru. Always My Darling, entertaining as it was, was strange blip in things, which probably was part of the reason why Rumiko didn't like it. If the cameos weren't there from such characters as Inaba, I would personally set that earlier in their relationship since we had an older version of Ataru in it.
Knowing the UY cast, they'd probably find a way to tag along for the ride just to watch. I'd probably have both their parents there though. Heck, it'd be a great way to have Ten go through some development too. Despite him and Ataru not getting along, the last story showed clearly that he'd miss Ataru.

Mendou seemed to still have some feelings for Lum, but you're right by that point he'd definitely was fine with being with Asuka. He had no problems with marrying her. Though as far as the ending of the Final Chapter went, when the mob chased Ataru and Lum, someone screamed out to Ataru "Why won't you cut the crap and just tell her you love her?" That was either Megane or Mendou. But thinking about it, it'd make more sense if it was Mendou saying it. It's funny how different the endings are. They get chased by an angry mob in the end of the movie, but the manga, they just casually walk (presumably home) from school. Though if we're going by the anime, then the Inaba OVA shows that in the future Mendou still wouldn't be over Lum and even still deluded himself into believing she'll be unhappy and eventually come to him.

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2017, 07:05:01 PM »
Knowing the UY cast, they'd probably find a way to tag along for the ride just to watch. I'd probably have both their parents there though. Heck, it'd be a great way to have Ten go through some development too. Despite him and Ataru not getting along, the last story showed clearly that he'd miss Ataru.

Mendou seemed to still have some feelings for Lum, but you're right by that point he'd definitely was fine with being with Asuka. He had no problems with marrying her. Though as far as the ending of the Final Chapter went, when the mob chased Ataru and Lum, someone screamed out to Ataru "Why won't you cut the crap and just tell her you love her?" That was either Megane or Mendou. But thinking about it, it'd make more sense if it was Mendou saying it. It's funny how different the endings are. They get chased by an angry mob in the end of the movie, but the manga, they just casually walk (presumably home) from school. Though if we're going by the anime, then the Inaba OVA shows that in the future Mendou still wouldn't be over Lum and even still deluded himself into believing she'll be unhappy and eventually come to him.

For the purposes of a closure story, I would have to say that unless a strong argument could be presented for it, the Stormtroopers don't really have a place and would likely only be around for the initial sequence and be there perhaps just as a presence near the end. As for Ten, I had the idea of his doing his usual nighttime prowling - fighting with that cat again when Ataru and Lum have their moment at the beginning. When he gets back he sees them finally committing and basically says it's about time that idiot started treating her right.

In the process of aging everyone else, it would be nice to age him a little for two reasons:

1. His artwork actually suffered as the show went on. The best that I could tell, he used to have hands and feet, but as the show went on they looked more like stumps.
2. Considering his seiyū is actually is a woman, it'd be interesting to see if she could voice an older Ten. The 10th anniversary videos that you can find posted to YouTube still surprised me. I never realized Ten was voiced by a woman, not that I have any issue with it. It was impressive to hear her speak in her normal voice and then shift to Ten without missing a beat.

I considered Asuka to be Mendou's just desserts honestly. Given that Asuka and her mother seem to be ridiculously over-powered, one little slap on his back could have him in traction. But at the end, there was "Moroboshi!" - which is how Mendou refers to Ataru, then "Ataru!" which was said by Megane. The cut the crap part was Mendou again, his last parting shot at Ataru.

Timeline wise, the Inaba story is before the end, so I could chalk that up to Mendou still has feelings for Lum until when in the The Final Chapter, Lum makes it very clear she only wants to hear that "I Love You" from Ataru. So, hearing that despite everything that's happened, Lum is still completely fixated on Ataru and Mendou realizes he'll never have her.

But I would definitely have the parents there, this is their children after all. The Moroboshis and the Invaders have endured their children's antics since the beginning and despite everything the parents seem to get along really well. I see Shinobu, Inaba (we'd need a new seiyū for him) and Mendou there, as well as Sakura, Cherry (new seiyū for him as well), Ten, Ryuunosuke, and then Benten, Oyuki, Ran and of course eating the whole time, Rei. I might add Onsen-Mark if nothing else than for the fact that he suffered through a lot of Ataru's antics and even seemed to be rooting for Ataru a little by the end of the fifth movie. It'd be a good touch to let him see the bane of his classroom of misfits actually grow up into the last stage of adulthood.

If I HAD to add the Stormtroopers, it would be for one of Megane's usual little speeches. But I actually think he might have been a little insane. I would also eliminate Mr Fujinami after the beginning too, between the rebuilding the shop lines and how he loves the sea, he was repetitive.

But I have this cut into four parts right now, and per what I have seen from how to write anything that looks like a script, one page equals one minute of screen time. Comedies are usually 90 mins, Dramas are 120 mins - as this is comedy and drama, I have within that range to pull this off as a movie.

(I entertain no crazy fantasies this will ever get past my word processor, but hey, I can dare to dream right?)
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2017, 07:35:25 AM »
Knowing the UY cast, they'd probably find a way to tag along for the ride just to watch. I'd probably have both their parents there though. Heck, it'd be a great way to have Ten go through some development too. Despite him and Ataru not getting along, the last story showed clearly that he'd miss Ataru.

Mendou seemed to still have some feelings for Lum, but you're right by that point he'd definitely was fine with being with Asuka. He had no problems with marrying her. Though as far as the ending of the Final Chapter went, when the mob chased Ataru and Lum, someone screamed out to Ataru "Why won't you cut the crap and just tell her you love her?" That was either Megane or Mendou. But thinking about it, it'd make more sense if it was Mendou saying it. It's funny how different the endings are. They get chased by an angry mob in the end of the movie, but the manga, they just casually walk (presumably home) from school. Though if we're going by the anime, then the Inaba OVA shows that in the future Mendou still wouldn't be over Lum and even still deluded himself into believing she'll be unhappy and eventually come to him.

For the purposes of a closure story, I would have to say that unless a strong argument could be presented for it, the Stormtroopers don't really have a place and would likely only be around for the initial sequence and be there perhaps just as a presence near the end. As for Ten, I had the idea of his doing his usual nighttime prowling - fighting with that cat again when Ataru and Lum have their moment at the beginning. When he gets back he sees them finally committing and basically says it's about time that idiot started treating her right.

In the process of aging everyone else, it would be nice to age him a little for two reasons:

1. His artwork actually suffered as the show went on. The best that I could tell, he used to have hands and feet, but as the show went on they looked more like stumps.
2. Considering his seiyū is actually is a woman, it'd be interesting to see if she could voice an older Ten. The 10th anniversary videos that you can find posted to YouTube still surprised me. I never realized Ten was voiced by a woman, not that I have any issue with it. It was impressive to hear her speak in her normal voice and then shift to Ten without missing a beat.

I considered Asuka to be Mendou's just desserts honestly. Given that Asuka and her mother seem to be ridiculously over-powered, one little slap on his back could have him in traction. But at the end, there was "Moroboshi!" - which is how Mendou refers to Ataru, then "Ataru!" which was said by Megane. The cut the crap part was Mendou again, his last parting shot at Ataru.

Timeline wise, the Inaba story is before the end, so I could chalk that up to Mendou still has feelings for Lum until when in the The Final Chapter, Lum makes it very clear she only wants to hear that "I Love You" from Ataru. So, hearing that despite everything that's happened, Lum is still completely fixated on Ataru and Mendou realizes he'll never have her.

But I would definitely have the parents there, this is their children after all. The Moroboshis and the Invaders have endured their children's antics since the beginning and despite everything the parents seem to get along really well. I see Shinobu, Inaba (we'd need a new seiyū for him) and Mendou there, as well as Sakura, Cherry (new seiyū for him as well), Ten, Ryuunosuke, and then Benten, Oyuki, Ran and of course eating the whole time, Rei. I might add Onsen-Mark if nothing else than for the fact that he suffered through a lot of Ataru's antics and even seemed to be rooting for Ataru a little by the end of the fifth movie. It'd be a good touch to let him see the bane of his classroom of misfits actually grow up into the last stage of adulthood.

If I HAD to add the Stormtroopers, it would be for one of Megane's usual little speeches. But I actually think he might have been a little insane. I would also eliminate Mr Fujinami after the beginning too, between the rebuilding the shop lines and how he loves the sea, he was repetitive.

But I have this cut into four parts right now, and per what I have seen from how to write anything that looks like a script, one page equals one minute of screen time. Comedies are usually 90 mins, Dramas are 120 mins - as this is comedy and drama, I have within that range to pull this off as a movie.

(I entertain no crazy fantasies this will ever get past my word processor, but hey, I can dare to dream right?)
- Fair. Their roles were never that big to begin with in the films. Even in the Final Chapter, they never got more than maybe a minute's worth of screen time. They were almost always played for comedic relief anyway and whenever they weren't they were usually in the antagonist role. Doesn't really work in a story like this one. Even in the anime they become a lot more irrelevant as the show progresses.

- That makes sense for Ten. I'm sure he and Ataru will probably settle their differences years later when they both mature enough.
- Here's a funny thought: All of Ten's voices in every language available for the show he's voiced by a woman. Ten definitely would benefit from appearing a bit older.

- I think Mendou realized he couldn't get Lum a long time ago. He however just was delusional for most of the series believing he had a chance of getting her. Different than other Rumiko couples as other characters had some chances at first, but Lum was completely and irrevocably smitten with her Darling since chapter 1. I agree he did start to come more to the reality that he wouldn't get her, then again even in the Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl, the scene where everyone tries to get Ataru to say he loves Lum after she says that's the only way she'd help the earth out. Mendou walks over to Ataru and says under these circumstances, I'll allow it. Mendou... It makes you realize just how miserable he'd probably end up if he didn't have Asuka's family. You can't go wrong with the Mizunokoji's, Mendou would have too much fun there.

- Yeah, the usuals would definitely need to be there. Personally, I'd also have the parents play a bigger role than the other supporting characters in this story. It would be fitting. Was Onsen really all that supportive of Ataru though? It always seemed to me he just supported him because he could really only rely on Ataru. But I do agree it'd be great to have Onsen acknowledge Ataru's further step into adulthood.

- Megane was definitely insane. He really was the only one who stayed truly obsessed with Lum from beginning to end. Even has his room filled with pictures of her. The dude has a pretty unhealthy jealousy of Ataru and an even unhealthier obsession over Lum.

- You're free to dream whatever. Ain't nothing wrong with it. Quick question though, what was your opinion of that one person's own continuation post-Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl depicting Ataru and Lum already married? Would you say you envision that's how Ataru and Lum's relationship to naturally evolve in due time?

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Re: Theory regarding the 'ending' as we loosely call it
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2017, 05:48:30 AM »
- Fair. Their roles were never that big to begin with in the films. Even in the Final Chapter, they never got more than maybe a minute's worth of screen time. They were almost always played for comedic relief anyway and whenever they weren't they were usually in the antagonist role. Doesn't really work in a story like this one. Even in the anime they become a lot more irrelevant as the show progresses.

- That makes sense for Ten. I'm sure he and Ataru will probably settle their differences years later when they both mature enough.
- Here's a funny thought: All of Ten's voices in every language available for the show he's voiced by a woman. Ten definitely would benefit from appearing a bit older.

- I think Mendou realized he couldn't get Lum a long time ago. He however just was delusional for most of the series believing he had a chance of getting her. Different than other Rumiko couples as other characters had some chances at first, but Lum was completely and irrevocably smitten with her Darling since chapter 1. I agree he did start to come more to the reality that he wouldn't get her, then again even in the Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl, the scene where everyone tries to get Ataru to say he loves Lum after she says that's the only way she'd help the earth out. Mendou walks over to Ataru and says under these circumstances, I'll allow it. Mendou... It makes you realize just how miserable he'd probably end up if he didn't have Asuka's family. You can't go wrong with the Mizunokoji's, Mendou would have too much fun there.

- Yeah, the usuals would definitely need to be there. Personally, I'd also have the parents play a bigger role than the other supporting characters in this story. It would be fitting. Was Onsen really all that supportive of Ataru though? It always seemed to me he just supported him because he could really only rely on Ataru. But I do agree it'd be great to have Onsen acknowledge Ataru's further step into adulthood.

- Megane was definitely insane. He really was the only one who stayed truly obsessed with Lum from beginning to end. Even has his room filled with pictures of her. The dude has a pretty unhealthy jealousy of Ataru and an even unhealthier obsession over Lum.

- You're free to dream whatever. Ain't nothing wrong with it. Quick question though, what was your opinion of that one person's own continuation post-Final Chapter/Boy Meets Girl depicting Ataru and Lum already married? Would you say you envision that's how Ataru and Lum's relationship to naturally evolve in due time?

Perm was probably the only Stormtrooper that had any REAL depth, in that he even said he had a life outside of Megane's little group. I actually see Megane as the creepy serial-killer stalker type as his life progressed. Some of his antics early on were really creepy, the Christmas Episode and the Catapiller/Imo the Fairy episode were two that stuck out.

I did not know that Ten was voiced by a female in every language dub. To be fair, I never heard any of the dubs other than Only You and Always My Darling and they set my skin crawling, especially in Always my Darling, Ataru sounded like a pretty creepy closet case himself. Unfortunately, when you go from the original language to a dub, you have it in your mind what a person might sound like, but you're not in control so it doesn't always work. There IS an american voice actress I could see doing someone like Sakura, and she's no stranger to anime dubs - Laura Bailey. She has that kind of voice where she could sound friendly, or angry or sexy easily, but someone like Lum...I have Fumi's voice in my head and no one sounds like her.

That sequence of him 'allowing it' made me laugh. As I figured it, a good retort from Ataru would have been, "You really have no choice I think". And yeah, Mendou is actually worse than Ataru, he wants what he can't have too, and he threw away the one person that did want him, Shinobu. With Asuka's family, between her mother, Asuka herself and his odd rivalry with Ton, he'd be occupied for the rest of his life.

Onsen was probably the only one that wasn't telling Ataru to lie, he just was telling him to say he loved her. I guess in a sense that's not really supportive, but he's not telling him to lie to the one person that a lie would crush. I'll say he was just smarter for once.

And here's where I have egg on my face, which person's continuation? Some I've blotted out of my mind a little, because everything we can imagine from this point on is likely OOC from their personalities from the time of the manga / anime. Though anime Ataru was more receptive than manga in some ways, and manga Ataru was more tender in certain situations than anime. Some stories I have seen have been nicely done, but I do recall one where Lum had some extra power to her to attract people and thinking it was interesting, until she pretty much killed him in a third tag match and he had to have all this medical attention to save him.

The best continuation that I saw IMO that didn't break them too much was Lum Gets Grounded. It was a good progression because Ataru starts off trying to hatch a plan and in the midst of it all, he deals with something he doesn't understand at first - his real feelings.

My own story would be OOC when referencing things to the end, I actually think in some ways, because of the personality throwback in Always My Darling, it makes sense to place it just after Inaba timeline-wise because Ataru acted more like his older self. But as I see it, Ataru's real feelings come out when their relationship or Lum herself is in danger. Hence a nightmare for Ataru, and when he hears something that sounds it could be a reality, he ends realizing what's more important to him.
I remain unhappy that they didn't give the right closure to the relationship and we have to 'decide for ourselves' if Lum and Ataru got together.