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Author Topic: Bad Karma?!  (Read 11554 times)

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2009, 10:14:48 PM »
*Raises Hand* I sorta share that opinion -.-

But only cause He's never said anything nice in front of me. Aside from that, I don't really care, but I WAS trying to point out the "We just told you about how you express your ideas and personal believes." part.

Aaaaanyways... Case and point, I listen to Japanese Music most of the time so yeah, lyrics aren't very important XD XD XD

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2009, 05:58:22 AM »
Ima gonna take this time to make a formal apology. :angel:

I apologize for taking the debate with Sidzero as far as it went and to him for ticking him off.

I wanna take this opportunity to clear something up though, it seems you believe that I my only purpose on this forum is to fight with you, Sid. I believe I mislead you when I made a statement along the lines of "Arguing with [Sidzero] is fun"

What I enjoyed was the difference in ideals and the opportunity to formally debate the two opinions so we could share the different facts we didn't know about the subject before. But I'm starting to think that you thought I was personally attacking you. You being as intelligent as you are, I naturally thought we could discuss a wide variety of angles on a single subject, which could be viewed by other forum members.

However, this certain debate went beyond the boundaries of friendly debating as we both went into ad hominem argumentative states, I apologize for this. But I do want to make sure you know that I only debated on subjects I had a personal opinion of. You may notice that there ARE times where I AGREE with you on some subjects, and other times where I neglect to debate with anything at all because I simply do not have any knowledge of that topic.

With that, I leave everyone with another Rock The Planet video I found:

#Invalid YouTube Link#

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Offline sidzero

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2009, 05:40:16 AM »
Since certain people can't seem to stand the fact that I'm offended by their behavior, don't even seem to understand WHY I'm offended by their behavior, I'm getting asked to make a comeback, and because I want to make my points clear, here I am, posting again. Whether or not I stay, well that depends on the people here. If my gripes are addressed, then maybe I will stay. If not, and the reasons I left remain the same, then I have no reason to come back and I will leave again.

But first and foremost, I'm going to say that I will NOT apologize for calling pop music crap. You can criticize my opinions all you want, but before a single one of you says "oh you can't just call something crap and not say why, that's rude," why don't you go back and read what I actually said. Did I or did I not also in that first post criticize it for being "mass produced" and "generic"? That has been my complaint about it the whole time. Even as I further clarified my opinions after people started whining about me being rude, all I did was say the same thing in more words. If you can't understand that, then too bad.

The next issue I want to take up with is specifically with UruseiNeo and his attitude. But before that, tell me, when you apologize, is that not supposed to be an admission of doing wrong? Why then do you post this garbage where you "apologize" while STILL trying to turn the blame out on me? "Oh, I'm sorry, but it's all your fault for misunderstanding me." That is not an apology. It's a cheap way of making it look like you're apologizing to placate those who criticize your behavior, while avoiding any admission of doing wrong.

Next, I want to ask you something, UruseiNeo. Why did you even jump in this argument in the first place? For the moment, let's skip over the issue you address in your mock apology. I'll get to that in a minute, but I'd like to make a point here about another issue I'd like to take up with about you. Look back at the history of this thread. After I made that first post where I called pop music crap, you replied, and assuming you read what my post said, you didn't seem to have any problem with what I had to say at all. It wasn't until cata said something about it that you decided to start championing the cause. I can only come up with two possible explanations for this behavior. It can only be one, or the other, or a little bit of both. Care to explain which it is? Either you're trying to be cata's "white knight", trying to defend her because you at some level believe she can't handle arguing with me for herself, or because you didn't care until you saw an argument, felt left out that you weren't a part of it, then picked a side and jumped in. Beyond those two possible reasons, I don't see any other explanation for why you wouldn't have criticized me in the first reply after what I said, and instead waited until someone else said something. The only other possibility is that it bothered you, but you didn't want to say anything unless someone else did first because you're too afraid to confront me, but I think it's safe to rule this possibility out based on your previous behavior.

Now, lets get into the issue addressed in your mock apology. I had to address that other issue first because it makes my point here easier to illustrate. My issue here is you claiming not to seek out arguments with me. You may deny it now because it's making you look bad, but when you said arguing with me is fun, it was quite clear that you meant it. Trying to change that now by saying "oh, I really meant this when I actually said that" doesn't work. Especially when your behavior since saying it has clearly demonstrated that my interpretation was correct. I can't even count how many times you've tried getting me into some argument or another over something, usually completely unrelated to the topic of a thread. I'm sure all the people who have complained about us going off topic in a thread might remember a few of them, even if your selective memory doesn't. I understand it completely, you've found someone who's good at presenting a strong argument, and as such you've found a rival with which you can practice your own argumentative skills with. I'm well aware of my skills, and I'm also well aware of the fact that my own personality forces me to argue my opinion any chance I get. But I'm also well aware of the fact that people don't want to see people arguing over such inane, and irrelevant, things. This is why I try to avoid arguments on the internet. People don't want to see it. It's been made clear that they don't want to see it here. I believe you have this same problem of not being able to stop from arguing your opinions. But if you have any respect for the people of this forum, you should do the same as I do and avoid arguments here. If you want somewhere where you can practice those skills, there are plenty of blogging sites with opinionated people just waiting to defend their opinions from any and all takers. Go there. Don't bring it here. I was more than willing to leave this board for this very purpose. It's not my place to tell you to leave this board, you have every right to be here and every right to post here. But if I'm going to stay, it's absolutely essential that you leave this attitude behind.

Now, I have an issue that needs to be taken up for everyone else here, especially all of the people who were complaining about my attitude in this thread. People were claiming me to be insulting, but why do I get ripped apart for being insulting, but then when arguing against me, UruseiNeo specifically insulted me, and not a god damned one of you said anything about that. Other than in my last post the only insulting thing I said was to call pop music crap, but once UruseiNeo started putting words in my mouth, everyone acted like that was what I was saying. He says I don't get it, like I'm too stupid to understand what you guys are saying, when I never once disputed what you were saying? Then the guy turns around, says I'm spamming, and calls me an asshole. Where do you people get off on this? Why am I the only one being criticized here? I call a genre of music crap and you all declare war on me, but the guy calls me an asshole but because he's on your side, it's okay? You really think I'm going to take this hypocritical garbage and NOT get angry? I will NOT be your scapegoat. You wanna say freedom of speech as long as you use tact, fine. But unless you practice what you preach, and vilify EVERYONE who doesn't conform, none of you have any place to criticize me when I don't either. This is exactly what I meant when I said I'm being made out to be the bad guy.

Also, in regards to a specific comment that I made. When I was asked to come back, I was pretty much told that I had to apologize for being insulting to everyone. The only thing I said that I believe could be interpreted as being insulting to everyone is when I said "I'll have to be more like a moron with no clue on the subject, like everyone else is, right?" That was not directed to everyone. If you believe I was calling everyone a moron, then go reread that comment in context. That was not my intent. My intention was to illustrate that the comment I was responding to was stated as if to say everyone else was a moron because my opinions carry the weight of authority. Sorry, but I'm not going to make some kind of mock apology because someone else misinterpreted the intention behind my words. I've given my explanation and I regret any misinterpretation, but accept it or not, I don't particularly care.

I'm sorry, but I will not apologize for my behavior. As far as I'm concerned it was completely justified. Maybe I went a little far in using such strong vulgarities, but if it gets my point across, then the ends justify the means as far as I'm concerned. I stand firm by everything I've said, and if someone doesn't like it, that's their problem, not mine. If you dislike it so much, then either don't let anyone change any of their behavior, and I'll go right back to having left on my own, or change, so that my opinions are no longer correct.

I've said what I needed to say. I really don't expect my words to affect anything (and honestly, I expect UruseiNeo, the person whom most of these words are too, won't even read it, and give the excuse that it's "too long"... again). But maybe someone will get the message. It's really not my concern anymore. It's enough that I'm giving things a chance to change.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2009, 06:00:15 AM »
I tried to apologize for misleading you T_T

As for that first post... I didn't read it at the time XD you'll notice that my post was refering to Cata's post before urs. I guess I read hers first, replied to it, then forgot that you posted too :/

And arguing is basically the same as debating, at least that's what I assumed when I talked about it. Guess I was wrong XD

Actually, when I find myself talking offtopic, I'll sometimes try to bring the conversation back ONtopic again, I've done so a few times here.

I don't think I directly called u an a-hole. I think I actually censoured it too. I DID say that you were giving that impression AT THE TIME.

I enjoyed that reading, thank you ^_^

I can apologize again, even if it only makes you feel A LITTLE better, but I kinda doubt you're going to take anything I say seriously.

Aside from that, there's NOTHING I can do to help here.

Oh! Maybe I could leave the forum instead! Would that make u feel better, Sid?
Dude... I'm not being sarcastic...

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Offline sidzero

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2009, 08:15:12 AM »
First off, if you're going to apologize, then make a real apology, instead of trying to patronize me. You may think it's going to placate me, but all it does is piss me off even more. But I bet you don't even accept that you've done any wrong, so a real apology from you is likely impossible.

Second, whether you leave or not is up to you. It's not my place to tell you one way or another, and I don't really care either way. What I ask is that you quit trying to instigate arguments with me. You have no idea how sick I am of people like you who come along, make me the bad guy of the forum, and turn everyone against me to the point where any time I say something, someone feels the need to criticize me, when all I want is to be make the occasional witty or sarcastic remark and be left in peace. It's a cycle that has repeated itself time and again on several forums for me for the past 16 years. It's even happened on forums I've moderated, which ended up literally killing them.

Nest, arguing is not the same as debating. In a debate, there are certain rules, a set format, and the issues debated do not change throughout the debate. In all my years on the internet, I have yet to find any forum where people debate, only ones where people argue.

I also don't buy that you simply "forgot" I posted something in a thread, or missed it in any other way, considering that your post was directly after my post, with a whole hour between the two. I didn't point that out so that you could make excuses. I pointed it out to help you recognize where your actions were wrong. But of course, you missed that point completely.

Finally, directly or not, censored or not, you still called me an asshole. But again, you missed the point completely. I called myself an asshole right after that, so it should have been obvious that it wasn't the point. The point was that I was pissed off that no one seemed to criticize you for doing so, but me calling something crap provoked this entire argument to begin with (and I don't care what anyone was saying, this argument was never about me not explaining my opinion or being disrespectful, it was because cata didn't like me calling her favorite music crap, and everyone had to defend her like they were her stormtroopers). I was trying to demonstrate the hypocrisy of everyone criticizing me, but not criticizing you. You demonstrated yourself as being just as guilty of being disrespectful as I was, but because you did it as part of criticizing me, it was okay. It's not.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 03:33:13 PM »
*yawn* just got up, kinda sleepy.

I have tried to apologize already, it's not my fault if you don't believe me, you choose not to. I already apologized for calling u an a-hole, "we both went into ad hominem argumentative states, I apologize for this"

There is no "real apology" because there's nothing I could say to make you happy at this point.

This is the LAST TIME I'm going to do this... I apologize for the arguments, making u the bad guy, insulting and such.

Based on your facts alone, I can't deny that the situation seems as you said, but knowing my PERSONAL SELF, I wouldn't have seen that. If the case is as you see it then I apologize for that too.

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2009, 09:46:48 PM »
Okay guys, I'm going to express my opinion! UruseiNeo DID appologize. Whether Sidzero accepts it or not is his problem.

Let's move on, please. =)

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2009, 02:24:41 AM »
Hmm... After reading this topic again and finding that the post that caused all this is before one of mine...

I have to apologize to Sidzero... I honestly didn't see that post... I do remember that I got a warning saying that someone posted something but I ignored it and posted what I was posting and moved on... and probably logged out.

Another thing is... I never took sides on this... my first post on this topic was about you calling Gundam crap... XD

My second post I still talking about Gundam and the fact that saying simply that Gundam is crap is kinda retarded or to put it less offensive kinda childish...

The continuation of the 2nd post was that I read the topic and the fact you said, "Kids still listen to that kinda crap?"

And this was my answer to that...
This is a forum... obviously there will be users with different opinions/likes/choices whatever... and the least we should do is respect their opinions... and not simply say that A or B singer is crap or whatever... If you going to say something say something constructive... and most of all try respecting others... they're not the ones to blame for their tastes or even yours...

If anyone sees anything they don't like in this forum they can always PM me and I'll see that the right action will be aplied... we (mostly you all) canot assume that we (Mods) are always around or see everything... I for once sometimes just ignore topics where Sid and Neo are arguing... now I see I shouldn't have... and for that I apologize to everyone mostly Sid.

And btw, I may have to delete all posts not directly linked to the topic... but I'll wait to see if you (Sid, Neo & Cata) agree or not with that.
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2009, 02:55:48 AM »
Any chance you can move them to a new topic like before? =3

;D I don't like to throw my old stuff away. I tend to try and keep the memories ;D

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2009, 02:10:35 PM »
Yes, please delete it. I could really care less, because once everyone stops posting in this thread, I doubt anyone will have any reason to look over this nonsense again, but it would be quicker and easier to just delete it so no one has any reason to continue it. I'm tired of looking at it.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2009, 09:44:39 PM »
Falling do whatever you want to solve this nonsense. I trust you. ^_^

Even if the posts don't get erased it won't mess with whether your still angry at each other or not because the damage was done.

UruseiNeo I only like to keep good memories (though it's hard because so many bad things happen and these are so hard to forget about them...) but if you would like to keep them as memories, just copy paste the conversation and put it on a written document or take a picture or just don't do nothing and keep it in your head or something.

Sidzero, I'm not insulting or being mean to you but if you're tired of looking at it, why don't you look at another direction? Joking, of course. =)