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Author Topic: Bad Karma?!  (Read 11557 times)

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Offline cata

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Bad Karma?!
« on: January 11, 2009, 12:25:32 AM »
Sidzero who the hell you think you are to judge whether this or that artist is good or bad? If you know so much about psychology then you must know that art knowledge and preferences aren't universals. Each person has its own opinions and preferences. Just because you don't like some things it doesn't mean that everyone will agree with you.

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 01:44:42 AM »
Am I not entitled to an opinion? Am I not entitled to state that opinion? I have my reasons for not liking music built like an assembly line product and artists who are little more than a pretty face attached to sell said product. My attitude towards music comes from a time where we, as musicians (former, in my case), still respected music as an art. I don't expect people to agree with me, because I don't expect them to have the same experience or perspective as me. I just prefer art to something mass produced. I, personally, still haven't accepted art as a dying breed.

Though, now that I think about it, that kind of explains why I prefer manga to anime, too. Anime, usually, is little more than an ad for the manga it's based on, to me. Hmmm. Never thought of it like that before...
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 01:48:14 AM by sidzero »
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 02:18:55 AM »
You are indeed entitled to an opinion... but there are limits to this entitlement.

For example, if my opinion was that you should be stabbed to death, not saying it is but hypothetically, if that was my opinion, then people would get mad and it would turn into a big deal.

There is criticism... and then there is flat out insulting. It is one thing to talk about how something is not very strong and could use some improvement, but it is another to trash talk about it and say it suks.

Example: Though I have tried on a few occasions, I can't sit through Gundam Anime, not MECH anime, specifically the Gundam series. I dunno why but it doesn't catch my interest. Now, despite the fact that I don't like Gundam anime, I would never talk bad about it and tell people it suks in any way because I know that there are thousands of people who DO like it and for good reasons. It's more of a personal lack of taste in the subject than anything else so I don't have the right to trash it.

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Offline sidzero

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 04:22:13 AM »
Yes, but is it wrong to, say, prefer a slice of home-made pie to one that comes wrapped in a Hostess wrapper? What's the difference? Is it insulting to describe something for how it is? Pop music is recorded like an assembly line product. There is a very distinct formula to writing something simple like a pop song. It doesn't exactly take much talent or creativity to apply it. I simply cannot have any sort of appreciation for it.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 04:28:40 AM »
Yes but in your example, you don't call the "Hostess wrapped pie" crap.

You didn't say you preferred a certain music to the ones we were discussing, you flat out called it "Crap"
Kids still listen to that kinda crap?

I don't have particular appreciation in Gundam either but I still stand by the fact that there are many people who do.

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Offline sidzero

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2009, 04:45:18 AM »
Well Hostess pies are crap, too. So is Gundam, for that matter.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2009, 05:15:54 AM »
*sigh* He doesn't get it.

It's like talking to a wall. Which would be a lot more satisfying if we hung a flat screen TV on it.

Then we could watch Urusei Yatsura ^_^

Hey, let's do that! Cata, ur a mod, when Sid posts you can edit a youtube video into his post XD

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2009, 04:19:44 PM »
Personally, I have no opinion on these particular singers, but I stand for what is right.

The way Sid worded it was like they suk so bad they should stop producing music. The point of all this is that you need to consider other people's feelings before you open your mouth.

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Offline cata

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2009, 05:23:51 PM »
That is exactly what I was trying to say, UruseiNeo!

Of course I listen to other types of music and artists. I listen and like rock, metal, techno, RnB, etc.

But like, Sid, let's imagine that your favourite colour is... yellow. And now everyone's saying that whoever likes yellow is a sissy. I bet you wouldn't like even though you would say "I don't care about what people think" and bla bla bla. And it would make you even more uncomfortable when people start acting on what they think.

Fine, I like A but you don't. Does that give you the right to insult me or the artist just because you don't like it? Of course you can criticize its music as long as you don't insult and stuff like that.

It's like "I don't like A because it sucks.". This doesn't make sense because you didn't explain why it sucks. You could say "I don't like A because it's just for the money.". This is a good way of criticizing because it gives an explanation of why you don't like it.

And no I would never do that to Sid or anyone else (mod abuse)!

Offline FallinG_StaR

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2009, 06:12:16 PM »
Hmmm... I don't know what you talking about... (I didn't read all posts) But after reading one of Sidzero posts... and believe me I'm laughing a lot while posting this... I have to ask him (Sid) something...

Is there anything that you haven't tried in your life?

Oh... Btw... everyone is allowed to give their opinions on everything... but... only share them if its something worth it...

Because most of the times they sound just like... Ah right... Crap.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 06:19:41 PM by FallinG_StaR »
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

Offline sidzero

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2009, 03:13:57 AM »
So for me to have an opinion that differs from yours, and not be afraid of expressing that opinion because someone might be offended... that makes me bad? Why is that any different than expressing a positive opinion about something? Where's the difference between describing something as "awesome" and describing it like "crap"?

The way Sid worded it was like they suk so bad they should stop producing music.

I never EVER said they should stop producing music. In fact, I said the very reason why they SHOULD continue it. Without mass-produced pop music, record labels will tank because that stuff is all that's left for the corporations to make their money from. If the corporations go under, I would consider that a huge loss, because I don't see them as wholly evil entities out to ruin music. They simply exist to give us music, and a variety of from which to choose, and in order to successfully do so, they need to make a profit at it.

But like, Sid, let's imagine that your favourite colour is... yellow. And now everyone's saying that whoever likes yellow is a sissy. I bet you wouldn't like even though you would say "I don't care about what people think" and bla bla bla.

Honestly, it wouldn't bother me at all. In fact, I'd probably even laugh at it because of how utterly ridiculous a statement like that would be. If yellow were my favorite color, and someone said something like "yellow is an ugly color", that wouldn't bother me either. I respect everyone's right to have and state an opinion, as long as they respect my right to have and state mine. If someone decides to take someone's opinion personally and get offended by it, that should be their problem, not the problem of the person stating the opinion. They're just words. People who get hurt by words only do so because they WANT to be hurt by words. Either that or they're pretending to be hurt so they have an excuse to pick a fight. Like now. Does my opinion of that kind of music really bother you THAT much? Or are you just trying to "teach me a lesson about manners" or some such nonsense?

It's like "I don't like A because it sucks.". This doesn't make sense because you didn't explain why it sucks. You could say "I don't like A because it's just for the money.". This is a good way of criticizing because it gives an explanation of why you don't like it.

Hmmm. Maybe you missed it, but I did explain why I don't like it. Do I need to repeat myself? Okay then, I will.

I said I don't like it because of it's assembly line nature. I prefer my music to be artistic, as opposed to something created from the beginning to the end to be little more than a product. These mass-produced pop "artists" do not write their own music. They do not write their own lyrics. They don't play any of the instruments. Sometimes, they don't even sing their own songs. Often when they do, their voices are so processed that it can hardly still be called "their voice".

I'll be honest, every so often there comes along a pop song I like. It's to be expected because of the nature of the formula (which if you really want, I could explain, but I don't think you'd want to, because it might ruin your opinion of modern music as it has mine). It just bothers me the way it's handled. It's not art anymore, and that makes me sad.

Is there anything that you haven't tried in your life?

Quite a few things, actually. There are just a lot of things I have done because the last thing I want out of life is to be normal. I suppose you could say one of my two goals in life is to become someone, somehow, that people will still remember after 300 years, 500 years, even a thousand years. Haven't quite figured out how I'll do it yet, but I'll think of something.

I'm sure I can come up with a list of things I've never done if you really want some examples.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2009, 04:20:15 AM »
Dude, it's not even ABOUT your opinion, its the way you freaking word it. You say it like that and people will think your an a****le. Mission accomplished, by the way.

Sid: "Does my opinion of that kind of music really bother you THAT much? Or are you just trying to "teach me a lesson about manners" or some such nonsense?"

Yeah, basically you come off as very rude in general.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again. There's constructive criticism and then there's flat out insulting. You wanna voice your opinion? Fine, do it in a critique way that doesn't sound like your ideal is the truth. But if you're going to just post that it's crap then you may as well be spamming.

Case and point; on some of my videos I get posts that are no more complicated than "Dub suks" and that IS spam. That's not very different than what your FIRST post about this was; even if you did expand on it in later posts, you still started this by calling the music "crap"

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Offline FallinG_StaR

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2009, 04:33:57 AM »
Well Hostess pies are crap, too. So is Gundam, for that matter.

This is what I'm talking about... It's not that I'm a big fan of Gundam, but really... just saying Gundam is crap... that opinion for me is worth as much as your ranking... crap.

It's just kinda... retarded... (no offense) If you know what I mean...

This is a forum... obviously there will be users with different opinions/likes/choices whatever... and the least we should do is respect their opinions... and not simply say that A or B singer is crap or whatever... If you going to say something say something constructive... and most of all try respecting others... they're not the ones to blame for their tastes or even yours...

And Sid... good luck on your life goals... but remember only History books will remember great things or great people... Because people forget and even books are forgotten...
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

Offline sidzero

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2009, 08:38:10 AM »
You say it like that and people will think your an a****le.

If being an ******* means I'm able to speak my mind without censure, without caring whether or not some crybaby is going to complain about the way I word things, without bowing to the arrogant whims of others who think they have any kind of moral right to tell me how to think, act or behave, then yes. I am an *******, and I am proud of it.

Fine, do it in a critique way that doesn't sound like your ideal is the truth.

Oh, I get it. It's because I have the voice of authority on the matter. Well, in that case, pardon me for knowing what I'm talking about. I'll have to be more like a moron with no clue on the subject, like everyone else is, right?

That's not very different than what your FIRST post about this was; even if you did expand on it in later posts, you still started this by calling the music "crap"

Go back and read my first post. I've been saying the same thing all along. Yes, I further clarified it in later posts, but even in that first post, I said the same thing I've been saying all along.

At least I haven't been eagerly anticipating a time when I could get into yet another forum fight. I can tell by the fact that you had really had little to say until you could jump into another fight with me. I hate pathetic little pissants like you.

And the fact that everyone around here seems to be condoning this kind of ********, and that I will probably walk away from this as the bad guy...

I have one thing to say to all that.

**** this ********

I think I'm done here.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 10:09:17 PM by cata »
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

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Re: Rock The Planet -- Live
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2009, 10:07:13 PM »
So you think it's right to insult others just because they don't think it's right to insult others. I'm not saying that you're the bad guy here. In fact, I don't think anyone shares that opinion about you.

No one told you how to think. We just told you about how you express your ideas and personal believes. No one said that you can't be yourself.

Look I bet your band is not into pop music but I tell you something: nowadays, lyrics aren't important as long as there are rhymes into it. All that is important is beat and looks. That's how this society sees music whether it's pop, rap, hip-hop, RnB, rock, etc. Of course there are some exceptions. How many people don't care about the lyrics? I see people on the bus I catch everyday just waving their heads or doing the rythim with their hands or feet and when they "sing" pretty much all of them sing like this: "mmmmmh huh-huh oh yeah na na na na love you". And those who sings the lyrics don't even know what they actually mean.

I don't want you to leave the Forum. I don't think anyone wants it. To be honest, you're one of the people that I admire the most in this Forum. You're very intelligent and smart and I think that if you participated in our NB (Nightmare Battle) thread you would be an excelent Mary-Sue. xD

Look I edited your post but I only removed the curse and the swearing words.

Now, changing subject:

Is she the same singer?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 10:13:38 PM by cata »