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Author Topic: The first UY rpg storyline here  (Read 15248 times)

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2004, 02:46:36 PM »
By Parias on Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 23:20:
Sergei came on the comm. "Message sent sucessfully. Now we just wait for a response."

Down on the Body Smasher, one of the techs spoke. "Sir, we're recieving an incoming transmission, from Earth. It's being downloaded now, it may take a moment because our main comm system is still off-line and the auxiliaries are barely working."

"Very well, play it once we have it."

Invader listened to Hudson's demands.

"Very well, prepare a response, patch it through to my quarters."

Invader got up and walked into a small room at the back of the bridge, and sat down at a desk.

"Ah, Hudson, I have heard many things about you. Knowing Terra, she probably concocted some long-running story of death and misery just to gain a few extra allies. Here's what really happened."

"10 years ago, one Doctor Ginkobot managed to get ahold of my daughter, and took a sample of her DNA. From that, he began working on a specimen. At the time, it was simply known as 'The Cygni project', to those who knew about it anyways."

"A few months after the project began, Ginkobot's specimen was nearing completion. What it was? A complete clone of Lum. While, for various reasons, Lum's powers could not be specifically copied, Ginkobot knew enough about the Oni chemical makeup to replicate the process partially, by giving her an Ice power, as you may or may not have seen by now."

"To make up for the lack of extra powers, Ginkobot gave her the tactical finesse of our finest soldiers, and a lot of strength. She won't back down no matter what the odds are, and she is very crafty."

"After a time, Ginkobot released the specimen, and gave it a name, Terra. After a short introduction, she then proceeded to break out and go on a rampage. Ginkobot later learned of a small bug when the memory was implanted, as it was accidentally put together from a combination of Zard, who you may be familiar with by now, Lum, who has an extensive history that she and I would rather not reveal at this time, and a few various other soldiers of ours."

"After Ginkobot learned of what had happened, he began to follow Terra around to see what would happen. He gradually learned that she was under the impression the Oni kingdom was "not right" and it was her duty to correct that problem. By spreading false propaganda to our furthest of outposts, she put together her own army and commenced war."

"Ginkobot decided to assist her. What his motives are, I am totally unsure, but all of our attempts to capture him have failed, he's extremely slippery. Loose sight of him for one second and you can spend months before you'll locate him again. All I know is, Ginkobot provided a false letter and a few various other trinkets to make Terra's history appear more 'true'. Quite frankly, what she told you may be true in one sense, because that is what she remembers, but I can personally assure you I had nothing to do with her rage."

"I do hope this clears it up for you. Be extremely cautious when dealing with her, and don't be afraid to use every single means necessary to take her down. She's extremely crafty, don't assume her dead untill you see her remains scattered all over the ground."

"Invader out."


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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2004, 02:46:47 PM »
By Jocko on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 02:53:

Warren listened to Invader's message and turned to Shutaro and Ryouko.

"I believe his story, until I know more."

Hudson turned away and went to a window, there he saw some US Medics taking care of the Mendou wounded and dead. Warren's thoughts focused on Terra with sympathy, if Invader's side of things was the truth, the girl had been horribly used by Ginkobot. He wondered if there was a way to make her see the truth, if she could comprehend another truth besides the one Ginkobot had programmed into her.

"Shutaro, signal the forces to intercept Terra and give her a message: Tell her I've decided she's telling the truth and I would like to speak to her alone in order to work out terms for...er...reparations."

The elder Mendou nodded, and his guards went to work.


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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2004, 02:46:59 PM »
By Parias on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 03:35:
Onboard the Spartacus, Terra growled at the console.


"What the hell is taking you guys so long? We were supposed to be ready almost 20 minutes ago!!"

"The power grid has exploded highness. We're dumping every scrap of power into getting the drives online, but it's damn difficult."

"Gargh! The galaxy for a competent crew and a working ship!!"

Dr. Ginkobot, who had just arrived on the ship, came up behind her.

"Calm down my dear, I'm sure they are doing their best."

She whirled around. "Well their best is not enough! I want my victory NOW!"

"Patience. I will go down and see if I can assist them."

Terra's face softened up. "If there's anybody who can get this working, it's you."

Ginkobot simply turned around and walked off the bridge without another word.

A few moments later, the console turned green. "SUB-SPACE DRIVE CHARGED."

"Finally! Set a course for- huh? What now?"

The comm panel beeped. "Terra, we have thought over your story and we believe you. Hudson wishes to talk with you alone to work out terms of a possible alliance..."

"Sorry bud, I'm about to claim my victory. Maybe in a few hours after I've utterly annihilated Invader, I'll swing by on my way to take out Lum and maybe have a little chit-chat. Taa taa! Helm, engage sub-space drive!"

Terra laughed as the drives whirred up and opened a massive portal, which engulfed the ship. For the first time in months she was enjoying herself.

Back on Earth, Zard was talking with Shinobu while the city was rebuilt around them.

"So this is really true Zard?"

"Yes, I know it's hard to accept, but that's what happened."

"Then.. I guess I should call you dad..."

"Hah, Zard will do for now."

"So what about my current family? What happens to them?"

"Well, that's your choice. I felt compelled to open up your past to you, but if you wish to stay with them, that's up to you."

"I'll have to think it over.."

"Take all the time you need." Zard stood up. "I'm going to go make sure that Terra is really dead so this fighting will stop. I'll be back in a few hours. Later!" He took off down the road.

Meanwhile, Lum, Ataru, Ten, and Tyler had reached the Mendou mansion, or what was left of it. Tyler was still gawking. "What the heck could have caused all this destruction?"

Ataru, who had taken an intense disliking to Tyler, sneered at him. "Gee, I wonder? Maybe a massive attack?"

Lum looked behind them, and noticed a group of 4 running towards them at an insane pace, kicking up a large load of dust behind them. As they got closer, they turned out to be the stormtroopers, cheering all the way. They mobbed the group and began pelting a load of questions at them. Tyler just stood there stunned, Ataru rubbed his hair and laughed from getting all the attention, and Lum just tried to stay away from the groping hands. Ten was hovering a ways above, just looking around.

One of the techs in the Mendou mansion looked up. "Sir, we've got some bad news... Terra has just jumped."

Hayes stood up. "Invader is helpless. I've got to go and try and hold her off." Sergei looked over. "That ship is covered in weapons! It would be suicide to try an attack alone."

"Well we've got to try.." Hayes and Sergei ran out the door and boarded the Under New Ownership.


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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2004, 02:47:13 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 04:37:
Woops I missed the prat with the space taxi. oh well I guess I'll have to reintroduce the Jariten 6000.
RP on

Tyler was off flirting with some girls and telling them how he had defeated some aleins and other storys. He was having a bit more success with them then Ataru and this was making Ataru a bit annoyed. Ataru couldnt interfere without getting stuck to him again though. Ten was watching this and thought would be a good oppurtunity to play a trick on them. Unknown to Ten something else was watching him. In a tree 1 mile away sat the exact double of Ten. It zoomed in to close range with it's telescopic vision. Then it took careful aim.
Ten noticed Kintaro come up beneath the tree and started to fly down to talk to him. But just as he moved the spot he was standing on got blown away.

The fake Kintaro saw the look on Ten face and knew it had been discovered. If Ten were to say anything it could ruin its mission. It flew toward theyre position at super speed and landed in front of Ten. It said "And where do you think your going?" Kintaro said "Hey Ten that guy looks like you? You never told me you had a brother." Ten said "I dont have a brother! Look pal I dont know who you think you are but for ripping off my good looks you burn!" Ten blasted the fake Ten with his fire. The Jaritan 6000 walked through the flame with only it's silouet and glowing eyes visible making it look evil!!!!! The Jariten 6000 raised a fist. Energy began to gather around its fist. Ten said "Hey I think this guys a robot!" The Jariten 6000 jumped into the air and tried to punch Ten but it's glowing fist hit a tree. The tree was split in half by the immense power. Ten had been knocked down and it was closing in for the kill. Suddenly a large metal object slammed into the Jariten 6000s face. It was Kintaros ax. Kintaro said "Ten get outta here! I'm going to take him on myself!" Kintaro struck a dramatic poze and said
" You think you can come down here and replace my freind eh? Well first you'll have to go through Robot hunter Kintaro!" The Jariten 6000 rubbed a breatch in it's synthetic skin on it's cheek that exposed metal. It said "Your quite strong for a child. However your far from being my equal. I suggest you quit while your ahead." It began to power up it's fist again. and it took a swing at Kintaro who jumped out of the way. It's fist hit a boulder splintering it into dust. Kintaro jumped into the air and brought his ax down on the fake Ten who caught the balde in one hand and flung Kintaro about 20 feet. It broke the blade of his ax in half. The Jariten 6000 walked over survetying the surrounding looking for him. Then a very large rock about the size of Ten landed on it's head. Kintaro jumped down and started punching the Jareten 6000 in it's face. It caught one of his fists dislocating his shoulder. The Jareten 6000 grabbed Kintaro by his throat and lifted him off the ground propping him up on the side of a tree. Energy began to gather around his free fist as he prepared to smash Kintaro into the tree. Suddenly a large bear tackled the Jariten 6000.

Dr Ginkobot was in his lab. He was alone and he took off his wig. Underneath was a strange looking horn it was shaped like the creast of a moon. Dr Ginkobot said "Soon maybe I can take back planet oni that was stolen from my kind along time ago and the Tengu shall rule it once again."

note: as you may know an oni was origenaly a demon from Japanese folklore but it was used in Rumiko Takashis story as an alien race. A Tengu is another type of demon from Japanese mythology who has wings.

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2004, 02:47:24 PM »
By Parias on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 04:58:
The UNO took off into the sky, and headed into space, where it immediately initiated a sub-space jump.

"It will take us at least 10 minutes to reach the coordinates, considering how we cold-started the engines so fast." Sergei muttered.

"Fine, just get us there."

Over top of the Oni homeworld, out in space, a sub-space vortex appeared, and the Spartacus shot out.

"Haha! Invader is helpless! My revenge is well worth waiting for! Charge all the weapons and bring us in low!"

"Princess, we're gonna rip this ship to pieces if we actually try to commence an attack! We've got zilch left in our auxillary systems, and the backup batteries have barely anything left!"

"I don't care! We must take him out now! Follow my orders!"

Now trailing sparks, the ship began to move towards the planet.

The communications officer of the Body Smasher looked up in alarm. "Sir! Our space monitoring stations report that the Spartacus has entered the system, and is headed our way!"

Invader stood up. "What? Damn! What defenses have we got?"

"Uh.... we've got one missile rack partially operational, aside from that, nothing! We're defenseless!"

"Damn! Ok, load the missile rack and man your stations. If we die on this day, at least we go down fighting!!"

Outside, the various techs and mechanics scattered and ran for cover, while a single small missile rack emerged from the top of the ship's hull and aimed at the sky.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Zard was walking down a street, searching for Terra. "Man what a mess.. it looks like it stopped for now though.." he muttered to himself. Suddenly he heard a gasp behind him, followed by a "I recognize that voice..."

Zard spun around, only to see Lum standing behind him, growling. Zard held up his hands.

"Hah! Surrender? Not after what you did!!" Lum fired a massive lightning bolt at Zard, sending him smacking against a wall and knocking him out cold. Lum moved in for the kill...


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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2004, 02:47:36 PM »
By Jocko on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 20:00:

Meanwhile Hudson watched from Mendou Control as the Spartacus left Earth space and disappeared into transwarp.

He smacked the communications board hard, which startled Ryouko. "Hudson Sparrow to Fleet, intercept and protect Invader at all costs."

"Acknowledged, Sparrow. Beginning Transwarp folding...now."

Hudson turned away and rubbed his temples, feeling a headache begin. "I hope to God the fatman's not lying about Terra, I hoped I could find a way to make her see the truth, maybe offer her a new life."

Ryouko nodded quietly and placed her hand on Warren's arm, "You did all you could..."

"Maybe, maybe not." Hudson turned to Ryouko, "Now all I know is that I'm going to have to kill a lot of people who are either trying to right a wrong, or are just being jerked around by some mad scientist I used to only think existed in comic books. Either way I'm killing innocent people in a way, and since last week a whole hell of a lot of blood has gone under the bridge and I'm responsible for a lot of it."


The fleet that's going to Planer Oni to defend Invader is made up of ten heavy battle cruisers, fifty smaller battle ships, and roughly five hundred personal fighters. They are a melange of US-Earth/Oni technology.

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2004, 02:47:49 PM »
By Parias on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 23:51:
The dim white tunnel of sub-space suddenly exploded into a mass of stars as the Under New ownership emerged.

"Sir, I've got a lock on the Spartacus, but it looks like she's already begun her attack!"

"Damn! Engage full thrusters, we've got to catch her!"

"The jump meter is ramping up.."

Suddenly a mass of other ships emerged behind the UNO.

"This is Commander Beckett, leader of the US Space Navy. We're here to take down Terra and cover Invader."

"Roger that Beckett, we're here for the same reason. Follow us in."

"Roger that."

The fleet moved in on the planet on blaring thrusters. Below, Terra had begun her assault.

Explosions rippled across the hull of the grounded Body Smasher, tearing the single remaining missile turret to pieces before it could fire off one shot. Inside, the officers panicked.

"Sir! We've taken massive damage to all decks! Punctures all over the place! Weapons, comms, and just about everything else are down! We're helpless!"

Invader simply sat in his chair growling while the whole ship exploded around him.

On the Spartacus, Terra laughed, untill her comm unit bleeped.

"Highness! The auxillary systems are overloading! The reactor is going critical! It's gonna bl---"

Explosions were seen on the screen, followed by static. Then the entire bridge went dark as the ship began plummeting.

"Dammit! I'm not stopped yet!"

Terra quickly rushed to her emergency pod at the left side of the bridge, and found Ginkobot waiting inside. "You were expecting this weren't you?"

Ginkobot nodded. "I did all I could, but there was just too much damage."

"Never mind, that doesn't matter now." Terra stabbed a button, closing the hatch and seperating the pod from the ship. She brought it in for a landing on the ground, removed her Desert Eagle, loaded it, and rushed out. Ginkobot simply waited in the pod, fiddling with some experiments of his.

Terra looked around and saw a mass of techs and engineers running from the ship. One of them looked at Terra, then dug into his vest to pull out a gun. Terra simply laughed, took aim, and shot him in the leg. Shoving aside panicked personel, she worked her way onto the ship and began moving to the bridge, blood on her mind.

Up above, as the UNO emerged from the cloud layer and came into view of the surface, Hayes saw three things. For one, he saw the Spartacus go down in flames, impacting some distance away and exploding. Two, he saw a pod land and a familiar green-haired girl rush into the ship. Three, he saw the Body Smasher, which was looking like it was falling apart at the seams.

"UNO to all units. It looks like Terra has boarded the Body Smasher. I'm going in, I suggest the rest of you land and back me up as soon as you can. Sergei, take us in."

"This is suicide! You know what happened last time..."

"Yea but I'm prepared. Lets go."

The Under New Ownership moved in for a landing, while a mass of ships split up and flew on, setting up their own landing zones a small distance away.

Back on Earth, Lum was just about to deliver the killing blow to Zard, when Ataru ran past being chased by angry citizens who, as usual, were blaming their problems on him. Lum unleashed a lightning bolt, only to have it slam into Ataru and the mob, who all collapsed in a heap. Lum just stood there and gaped.



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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2004, 02:48:05 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Monday, December 13, 1999 - 03:43:
It's getting kind of crowded here maybe we should make a new place to continue the storyline.

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2004, 02:48:24 PM »
By Parias on Monday, December 13, 1999 - 03:59:
Naw, should be ok..

..Aside from the fact that it probably takes about 5 minutes to load for the bandwith impaired >)

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2004, 02:48:51 PM »
Aahhh bandwidth should be bigger within a few days

We are working on this ;)

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2004, 02:49:08 PM »
By Parias on Monday, December 13, 1999 - 10:44:

By "Bandwith impaired" I was referring to those unfortunate people in the world who lacked a cable modem.. heh

But bigger bandwith? Nice.. considering how even on my cable line, this page takes a hefty while to load... about 20 seconds, ack the pain!!

*evil psychotic laughter*

Oh well, since I'm bored, I'm gonna add in a bit more here... why don't you join in Lum-chan? Everyone's welcome.

Terra, snarling, finally reached the door marked "Bridge", after circumventing the many sealed off decks. She checked the ammo in her Desert Eagle, then holstered it, removed her sword, and decloaked it. She took a breath, and yelling, she plunged the sword into the door, then yanked it up, ripping the door off of it's bracings. Invader and the rest of the bridge crew turned around to see what the ruckus was. The navigation officer got up and moved to intercept Terra, only to painfully die as Terra shoved her sword into his chest. She yanked it out of his corpse and turned to the rest of the group. Invader grumbled.

"So, we finally meet Invader. It's rather a pity that I'll be walking home tonight with your head on a stick, it's been one hell of a long 3 years, just to end so easily..."

"You'd be a fool to think you're winning this day Terra."

"Hah, some words from a guy who's about to have his head chopped off! But enough talk, prepare to die!"

Terra held her sword high above her head. Suddenly the other door to the bridge was blown open, and Captain Hayes and Sergei stepped through, both aiming their guns at Terra.

"Dammit Hayes! Didn't you ever learn to take 'No' for an answer?"

"Afraid not Terra. Now, if you'll drop the sword and come with me..."

Terra scowled and quickly pulled out her Desert Eagle, and aimed it at Hayes' head. A loud bang was heard on the bridge.

Terra screamed out in pain and crouched down, trying to stop the blood pouring out of her leg.

"I'm serious Terra. Drop it now and surrender."

"Go to hell Hayes!!!!!" she screamed, whipping out a knife and tossing it at Hayes. He doged to the side, but the knife caught his hand, pinning it to the bulkhead behind him. Sergei took aim and fired, but Terra jumped back behind what was left of the door. Invader stood. "Enough!" he bellowed. "Terra, you will surrender now and stop this endless killing!!"

"Shove it old man!" She rolled out into the open again, and flung her sword at Invader, catching him in the ribs. He scowled and crouched down, groaning in pain. Terra rolled behind cover again as Sergei fired a few more shots at her.

As she was peeking around Invader's chair, trying to get a shot, she suddenly heard a loud crash behind her. She whirled around and saw a massive squadron of troops quickly rushing to the bridge. She cussed loudly and backed up to the forward area of the bridge, grabbed Invader by the neck and pointed her Desert Eagle at his head.

"Make one step closer and I'll kill him!!"

Hayes growled in pain as Sergei finally removed the knife from his hand. Rubbing it, he glanced at Terra. "I believe that was your intent from the start, wasn't it?"

"I'm not kidding around Hayes!" She moved the gun forward slightly and fired it off in front of Invader's face. Everyone on the bridge flinched.

A small disturbance was seen behind the mass of troops, and a middle-aged man in a blue uniform stepped forward.

"Terra, there is something you must know, about your history..."

"There's nothing to say about my history! Invader has to die for killing Carl!!"

"Terra, Carl is fictional. A figment of your imagination if you will. Ginkobot is using you."

"HAH! You expect me to believe that?"

The man removed a small device from his pocket, and pointed it towards the middle of the bridge, where it showed a small projection. He hit a button on the device, and said "Many brave souls died getting this so as you would know the truth."


A small lab appeared, dark, with tubes and cryogenic pods hanging all over the place. An odd looking specimen that resembled a mass of tentacles and muscles was inside of one of the pods. A young man in a white lab coat walked in front of the screen.

"Log entry, Cygni Project, #02. Initial reports are favorable.. it would appear that my specimen has reacted to the girl's DNA in a rather unique way.. I believe it may be possible to copy the power. The EKA output shows a high level of andrenaline in the specimen, which is rather odd.. there also seems to be some form of intelligence inside of it.. I shall have to examine this more closely."

Static appeared on the screen for a moment, then the lab was shown again, but the specimen had changed to a small girl. The man in the lab coat, who was now identified as Dr. Ginkobot, walked in front of the camera again.

"Log entry, Cygni Project, #21. I have managed to sucessfully integrate all of Lum's natural attributes into the specimen's systems. While her powers are extremely difficult to copy, as I was forced to change her DNA encoding to even get a glimpse of the technical details, I may have managed to slightly replicate the lightning shooting ability. There seems to be a problem with keeping the charge capacitated, as it is charged at a sub-zero temperature which is difficult to maintain, but perhaps an ice ability will function..."

The display fuzzed with static a moment, then the view was seen yet again, but the specimen in the pod was now older and resembled Terra in a small sense.

"Log entry, Cygni Project, #57. Success! I have managed to replicate Lum's horns and install them on the specimen. 'She' continues to mature, growing at a rapid pace. I have finished my work with Lum, gotten all the information I need out of her, so tomorrow I shall be wiping her memory of this incident and sending her back to Invader, whom I'm more than certain will be happy for her 'safe' return. Meanwhile, I have taken some genetic samples from some of the best tactical minds and strong figures in the Oni army and installed them into the specimen. If this succeeds, I may have the most powerful weapon I have ever created, then maybe I can put some of my more ambitious plans into effect.."

As static filled the screen once again, a figure that now looked exactly like Terra was seen in the pod.

"Log entry, Cygni Project, #91. I've done as much work on the specimen as I could, and I believe she may be ready for first contact. I am now going to bring her to life, and see what happens."

Terra, who was already gaping in shock at the display, watched the display as Ginkobot hit a few buttons on a nearby console. The pod opened, and a few sparks were seen as electricity was pumped into the specimen. The specimen then opened it's eyes, and looked around, with a surprised look on it's face. Ginkobot walked over.

"Welcome. My name is Doctor Ginkobot, and I am responsible for bringing you to life."

"Who... am... I?" the specimen said.

"That is a good question. How would the name.... Terra sound?"

The projection fuzzed out. Terra gasped, and a loud clang was heard as her weapon hit the floor. Invader, who was now unconsious, hit the floor with a thud, and medics rushed in to take him away. Terra held her head, tears filling her eyes.

"No.. can't.. be true..."

"It is. Come on Terra, let's.."

"NO! It can't be!!!" Lightning suddenly began flying around Terra's head, and she screamed. She sank to her knees, mumbling "No.. it can't be true.." over and over. The lightning flashed again, and she screamed and passed out.

When she came to, she found herself in a dark room, sitting at a desk. She noted that she wasn't bound to anything, which was odd considering how all of her other interrogations had gone on the rare occasion she was captured, then reflected on what she had seen a short time ago.

A door opened, casting a small amount of light on the room, then shut again. A figured walked over to the other side of the desk, sat down, and switched on a small light. Hudson's face could be seen.

"Now Terra, are you willing to listen to us?"


That should get you going pretty good, take it from here Jocko >) Hopefully I didn't disturb any of you by that.. I think that may have been a little dark.. heh

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2004, 02:49:33 PM »
^_^ Yeah that's correct. It's still running on the old server http://www.lum.hastec.nl . But it will migrate this or next week to the server of the space-provider who offered us unlimited disc-space and unlimited traffic (wow!!).
All other scripts are already migrated but not activated yet. As soon as all scripts are activated testing will begin and if everything works great all the messages of this board will be moved to the new server YAY!

Then the loading would me less than 2 or 3 seconds at this page (estimated ofcourse)

Keeping you all informed!
*** END OF NO RPG ***

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2004, 02:49:44 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Tuesday, December 14, 1999 - 04:00:
Dr Ginkobot watching this elsewhere said "Oh well nows as good a time as any." he removed his wig exposing his horns and two large wings burst open tearing his shirt apart. He sat down on a special chair and five oni horns were installed into his head. Ginko bot laughed and glowing blue vains bulged all over his body. "I may be in this alone but I wont go down easy."

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2004, 02:49:58 PM »
By Bladeofkintaro (Bladeofkintaro) on Tuesday, December 14, 1999 - 04:05:
Meanwhile Kintaro stumbled throiugh the woods trying to get to the mendo manshion. both the robot Ten and his bear had dissapeared when he woke up. "That bastard! I'll get him and his money too!"
A mack truck was driving along when it hit something. It stoped. The man inside got out to see a green haired boy with half a robot face exposed "Get out!" he said and flung the driver out of the truck. The fake Ten started to drive toward Mendo manshion.

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Re: The first UY rpg storyline here
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2004, 02:50:19 PM »
By Jocko on Tuesday, December 14, 1999 - 05:38:
Thanks Lum-chan! I'm already thinking of a new rpg storyline, more comedic...Ataru gets a job at a lingerie store.

Parias, it was great storytelling, thanks.


Terra blinked, felt a stray tear fall from her left eye. "I..I...I" she broke off, glaring at Hudson then wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

She removed her hand to find Hudson holding a box of tissues in hand and a small glass of liquid in another. Hudson set both items down on the table, "Kentucky bourbon," he indicated the glass, "it'll calm you down."

After Terra wiped her eyes, blew her nose, and cautiously took a sip of the bourbon. Then glared at Hudson, "I suppose I'll drop dead in a minute?"

"No, Terra. I don't consider you my enemy anymore."

Terra didn't seem to believe that, 'time, Warren,' Hudson told himself.

Terra looked around the dark room, "how long have I been out?"

"Three days."

"What of Ginkobot?"

"In Oni custody, I'll be testifying at his trial in a few months," Hudson shrugged.

"And my crew?"

Warren sighed, "we've decided to let those few go back to their homes and families."

Terra looked down at her feet, just plain drained from her ordeals. "Where am I?"

"On Earth, Mendou Mansion...and Terra," she looked up at him, "I found out about what Shutaro Mendou's torture people were going to do before Ginkobot cut the deal for his...sex change cure. I want you to know I did not know about that, nor did Ryouko-sama or Shutaro's parents, he has been punished and his torture specialists dealt with by me. I am truly sorry."

Terra nodded and whispered as more tears flooded her eyes, "I would've been more cruel in his place."

"That doesn't excuse it," Hudson said as he looked straight at her in the dim light, "nor does the fact that it was a matter of life and death when there were other means of interrogation other than burning your skin off."

Terra looked at Hudson, "why are you helping me?"

"Because I want you to make a choice, Terra. What happened to you was not your fault, there will be no charges brought against you. Understandably, you'll have to do a lot of soul searching...as will I."

"You, Hudson?"

Hudson looked away, "my job isn't easy Terra, I've been sending people to their eternal reward since I was your age. I...can't write or face all the families of the slain men and women I've either sent into battle or had blasted out of the stars, water, air, what-have-you. I think I know something about what you're going through. My parents died when I was an infant and I grew up working on my uncle's farm," Hudson's face hardened momentarily, "he was an abusive man, he used me...like Ginkobot used you. Only Ginkobot used you by acting like he was your friend, my uncle used me by theft, work, and humiliating punishments."

Terra sat in stunned silence, after a while she finally spoke, "how did you escape?"

"I couldn't, not until I was old enough. I turned eighteen, war broke out, I enlisted."

She nodded, "what am I to do now? Everything I am is a lie!"

"Yes, but you've been given the chance to make a fresh start. You can be anything you want to be, Terra."

Terra stared at Hudson for a few minutes. "Aren't you going to turn on the lights?"

Hudson chuckled, "sorry, I'm a fan of 40's and 50's film noir."


"Uh...I'll tell you later." And with that Hudson pressed a switch near his hand. The lights revealed a nice sitting room and the desk where they were seated was made of finely carved oak. "Ryouko thought it would be more relaxing for you not to wake up in a locked suite."

"That idiot Shutaro's sister?"

Hudson grinned, "yes. Would you like to meet her, she also would like you to make a choice."

Terra thought it over, "all right."

Warren went to the door and opened it, "Ryouko-chan, Terra would like to meet you."

Ryouko came in and took a seat. After exchanging pleasentries and apologies with each other Terra started to understand what Hudson and Ryouko were offering her; a chance to help her build a new life for herself, or allow her to go on her merry way...provided she didn't go back to starting wars.
