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Welcome to our new Chat Module. Please click on the link below to open a new window and get started.

Join The lum-chan.com Channel

General information:
This chat-box enables you to communicate with like-minded people in real-time.
You can drag and drop, re-size, and minimize the Window like an instant messenger application.
When it is minimized you are notified of new messages by a gentle sound effect.
You can disable this sound by clicking the sound icon below your user-name.

Private Messaging:
To start a private conversation just click on a user-name in the user list.
A new tab with your private channel appears automatically.

Registering your nick:
If you're going to use it on a regular basis, register your nick and use a valid email-address.
You will receive an activation mail with instructions. If you don't receive receive this mail and
you're using Hotmail/Livemail, check your Junk-box. It can take up to 5 minutes before you
actually receive the activation-email.
After you log-in with your credentials, your nick can't be mis-used by other people.

/nick [name]Change your nickname
/clearClear channel
/helpOpen help
/quitQuit Chat-box
/ignore [name]Ignore user
/unignore [name]Stop ignoring user
/unignoreallStop ignoring all users
/ignorelistList of ignored users
/invite [name]Invite user
/joinJoin channel
/leaveLeave channel
/leaveallLeave all channels
/me [action][name] is *
/privmsgPrivate message

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