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September 30th, 2000
At last! All the cgi-scripts are working now. As we are testing some last thingies this evening, there can be some small troubles when using the scripts. As far as we can see, all the tweaking and tuning will be done somewhere around 220h GMT+1 this evening.
Thanks for your patience with us!

September 14th, 2000
Our lame excusess for the messy updating but due to some networking trouble we haven't beeen able to update as much as we wanted to. Please bear with us as we are fixing several things together with our ISP.

April 5th, 2000
Finally, another little update. We have updated the MP3 Voting section. A new song called Good Luck has been put on-line. We are aware we don't update that often as we used to be, but we are having some technical difficulties to get connected to the net and try to update the site. As we have a good connection for two days now we will try to catch up on all the pending updates. First we have removed the music part in the site. We decided to remove this to speedup the site a bit. In the near future we will put all used .MID's on-line in a separate page on the site, so you can download each one of them if you like to ^_^
Further changes are some minor typos but we were told there are a lot more, so we might need your help. We know there are so many pages on our site and the spell-checker of HomeSite isn't that accurate (sigh) So if you happen to find one please let us know on which page and which word. As we live in The Netherlands, our knowlege of the English/American Language isn't that good, so we can make typos easily... Thanks in advance for your help...

As we are writing this we are almost five (5) years online and have used three or four locations. So we are thinking of a complete redo to be placed online in the month we are online for 5 years (November 2000). You won't be able to notice anything on the site about this, but we are working already on this on one of the local machines used to update the site and create new graphics and stuff... I suggest you to have some patience and wait until November 2000 ^_^

March 5th, 2000
Fixed wrong email-addresses on the links pages which were pointing to our old address

February 26th, 2000
Finally we have changed some menu's and some small errors on several pages! The Episode Guide and the TV/Video/OAV sections have been changed to give it a bit of the same look like The Urusei Yatsura's Lum Forum, including a extra menu to navigate through these two sections much easier. We have updated not much lately so this will be one of the first real updates for this year.

As you might have noticed, the MP3 Voting Section has been changed. This due to an incorrect working external script. We are still working on this, but maybe we may need some help... We will let you know if this is needed or not... Until we have fixed this, we will try to update the MP3 Voting section ourselves without any voting. This will be started next Tuesday (February 29th 2000) and will continue until we have found a good and well working solution.

January 11th, 2000
We have finished our link-check to all external site links... All links are working now. We know how it feels when you follow a link which doesn't work anymore, so here it is ;-) Enjoy all those shiny new working links YAY!!!

January 6th, 2000
We have started a new session to check all our external links. We do have a very fast connection to the internet to do this so this shouldn't take much longer than 3-4 days... You can see if a page has been checked by us by taking a close look at the top of each link page ;-)

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