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Author Topic: Anime Vs Cartoons  (Read 22397 times)

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2009, 04:11:36 AM »
bump :p

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2009, 07:26:56 AM »
Sorry 'bout not uploading the Conan O'Brien thing yet. The video is actually hosted on Hulu. There are 2 complications: I have to use multiple proxies at the same time just to access it (I live in Canada, not USA), and even after that, it is next to impossible to save the video. I browsed though the page's sources, tried downloaders, everything!

The only option I have left is to do a screen capture, but the video quality either sucks, or the video lags.

So basically, I'm stuck =(

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #62 on: September 26, 2009, 05:07:28 PM »
The next two sections are done, Themes and Character.

I need to know if there are any problems.


Q: Unless the anime has been Americanized to the point where the opening and ending themes have been remade for English distribution, the Themes are probably the best way to tell Anime and Cartoons apart.

P: There are a number of differences between the two. Focusing on the opening theme first, the length of the intro is different for each case. Cartoons’ intro length is rather varied from 30 seconds to one minute. There’s no real specific time, but usually it’ll be closer to one minute.

Q: Anime openings are almost ALWAYS a minute and a half. Not only that, but they are all short versions of regular full length songs that are 3 or 4 minutes. I’ve yet to see a Cartoon Opening that has an original full length version.

P: The Title of the show is also important. A cartoon’s title will usually be displayed one time, either at the beginning or at the end, and the design will consist of usually one color for the letters and maybe a few other symbols like Hank’s head for the “King of the Hill” Title.

Q: Anime titles could be displayed multiple times throughout the opening, as if we didn’t catch it the first time. It might not be shown right at the beginning or end, it could be somewhere in the middle. Whoever designs these titles puts a lot of work into it, as there’s always some sort of attention grabber like “Death Note’s” title is shown on a cross, with some of the letters reversed or sideways.

P: “Venus versus Virus” has almost TOO MANY things with its title.

Q: Another thing with the openings is that Anime Openings are 98% of the time SUNG by people. Whereas cartoons are, most of the time, instrumentals.

P: A Cartoon opening might have people singing, but it’ll probably be the characters from the show singing.

Q: Of course, there are Anime openings where the lead characters sing too. But they are PROFESSIONAL singers. Aya Hirano sang all the opening and ending themes for “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” not necessarily with her “Haruhi” voice, and she was accompanied by two of the other characters for the ending themes.

P: Aya Hirano is a real singer, and she has released many songs besides anime themes. Another note is that long-run anime have more than one opening theme. Cartoons stick to their single opening.

Q: Watching an Anime opening can give you hints about what you may find in the series. Cartoons usually just show you the characters. Another thing I like about the Anime openings is how they are more like shorter Music Videos.

P: That’s right. The clips are very synchronized to the music. Speaking of clips, Anime openings almost never use clips DIRECTLY from the episodes. Maybe 1% of the time they will use clips.

Q: Now we’re going to show you some theme examples. We’re going to show two Cartoon themes and one Anime theme, as it is longer.

P: Picking an Anime opening was more difficult, we needed to find one that was in English so that people who aren’t used to Japanese themes could understand it better.

Q: We found one, but it’s still sung by Japanese singers, so there is an accent involved. We’ve provided subtitles.

P: We’ve provided notes during these themes. Now let’s go on and play them:

(Play Family Guy Theme, Spider-Man Theme, and "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" )

Q: To rap this section up, we’ll have a short discussion about the ENDING themes of the two categories.

P: Anime ending themes are similar to the opening themes in many ways. They use a real, shortened, song, which is sung. They incorporate a video with it, but they don’t have the title or synchronize the clips to the music as often.

Q: Cartoon endings will usually be the same theme from the opening, maybe a little different in some way, and the credits are shown over a single background. Could they be any more different?

P: I believe that Characters is our next topic of discussion.
Q: Wow, this section has a lot of stuff in it. We’re gonna have to cover a number of things during this section.

*PowerDodge places his index and middle fingers on his forehead and vanishes*

Q: It’s your line, Power… Wait what the hell? Where did… DODGE! Where’d you go? Damnit… Now I have to do this section by myself… I should probably use the script.

Well, there are a number of differences between Cartoon characters and Anime characters. The most basic thing to notice is the eyes. Cartoon character eyes will often be a simple round white circle with a black circle in the middle, this black circle can vary in size depending on the show, and will have a varied color if big enough. Something I noticed recently is that some Cartoon characters don’t even have eye brows!

I think it’s no secret that a lot of Anime characters have really big eyes. Usually eyes this big are only used for female characters and children. Basically they serve as an innocence factor. More serious characters, most often male teenagers or older, will have narrower eyes. Female characters can have narrower eyes too, but that usually symbols how mean they are. The pupils themselves are much more detailed and can be any color.

Hair is a big difference. Hair doesn’t seem to have much movement in Cartoons, it’s rather stabilized. In Anime, hair moves with the slightest shifting of the head. Like eyes, hair can be ANY color. Hair for an Anime character is often used to express the character’s personality through its color or style.

We all know that some, not all, cartoon characters are missing a finger. This is corrected in Anime; all characters have 4 fingers and a thumb.

I don’t know why I have “Mouth” written here in my notes… I think it had something to do with how the sizes for mouths in Anime are proportionate to the volume they are speaking.

Height… forgot why I wrote that too…

Traits… I don’t know how much this relates to Cartoon characters, but in Anime, characters often have a unique personality. Actually, I think I can elaborate on this. Using the SOS Brigade as an example, looking at their faces, you can distinguish each personality to some point.

I really wish PowerDodge would come back, cause I’m not doing very well on my own right now…

Oh! This one is definitely an Anime Exclusive trait: Chibi Form! Also known as Super Deformed.

Anime characters are designed to look as realistic to human beings as possible, down to the last muscle joint. But when things are feeling too serious, they use a special comic relief technique called “Chibi form” where the character suddenly becomes smaller and less proportionate in body parts.

This is usually applied when some random event occurs or when someone makes a strange comment. I’ve seen the reverse happen too, when something so depressing happens that the character suddenly becomes old and ugly looking. Of course, these deformations last a few seconds before they return to their normal versions.

I don’t think I can get any further with Character without help. So let’s move on to Plot.

*PowerDodge teleports back wearing a tourist T-Shirt with “I <3 Japan” on it and a camera around his neck*

Q: Where the hell did you go?

P: Ano… Nihon ni ikimashita.

Q: Wait… what? You disappeared for an entire segment!

P: Soo desu ka.

Q: Stop that! Why are you speaking Japanese?

P: It says so in the script.

Q: No it doesn’t! I wrote the script, and—Oh hey it really does say that.

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2009, 03:28:29 AM »
(Sorry for dbl post but it's been a while since last update and I had a question)

Well, I finished the entire script. It's pretty long and I need help. I wanted people here to read it to see if there is anything wrong/missing/etc but I dunno if anyone here is interested.

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2009, 05:46:16 PM »
I'll gladly give my opinion about it if you post it.

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2009, 09:09:49 PM »
Q: Hello, I’m QuizGuru

P: And I’m Mike

Q: This is the first video we’ve made together.

P: And it wasn’t easy since we live 8 hours away from each other.

Q: But we made it, and so we’re here to present to you our (insert time) long episode entitled “Anime Versus Cartoons”

P: So why did we decide to make this?

Q: Well, I guess it all started when I was having a forum debate about the subject and I suddenly got the idea to make a video to prove the differences between Anime and Cartoons.

P: Fair warning, most of the things we explain will be based on the average Cartoon and Anime.

Q: We are well aware that some shows don’t apply to all the things we say.

P: We’re going to be specifically referring to episodic show, which means no movies. This is mostly because movies are a little more complicated in differentiating between Anime and Cartoons.

Q: We’re also going to be taking 3D animated shows out of the equation for similar reasons. So as much as we’d all like to talk about the new Astro Boy movie made in the U.S. sadly it won’t be covered in this video.

P: So anyway, here’s the schedule for the show, first we will be discussing the differences in Genres.

Q: Next we will go into the Themes, as in the opening and ending sequences that all shows have.

P: Following that will be how the Characters are portrayed in the two different show types.

Q: Plot will then be discussed as it is one of the most crucial differences between Anime and Cartoons.

P: Then we will get into the more complicated parts, beginning with Detail

Q: After that is Angles…

P: And finishing up with Content.

Q: Then at the end, we’ll have a special performance, aided by two of our other friends.

P: But before we get into any of this, I think we should answer this question “What is the definition of an Anime and a Cartoon?”

Q: Well, luckily, we looked them both up on the internet dictionary. Let’s start with Cartoons.

P: “Cartoon: A sketch or drawing, usually humorous, as in a newspaper or periodical, symbolizing, satirizing, or caricaturing some action, subject, or person of popular interest.”

Q: “Anime: A style of animation developed in Japan, characterized by stylized colorful art and often adult themes.”

P: So right off the bat, by definition, Anime and Cartoons are different. So why are we making this long video?

Q: Some people are not satisfied with this by itself. In fact, I have a direct quote from the person I was debating with on the forum, Lum-Chan.com. This was shortly after my denial of anime being a type of cartoon. Ahem…

“So anime isn't a series of pictures displayed at a speed that gives the illusion of motion? Is that what you're saying? Because that's what a cartoon (of the animated variety) is.”


Q: Okay, first I did not say that anime wasn’t “a series of pictures displayed at a speed…” etc etc. I said it wasn’t a type of cartoon.

P: There’s something wrong with that statement… EVERYTHING you see on a TV or a movie screen is “a series of pictures displayed at a speed that gives the illusion of motion” not just cartoons.

Q: Before we move to Genres, there’s one aspect we have in our notes that I wanted to mention, as we couldn’t fit it in another category. Here you read it.

P: Let’s see… It should be fairly clear that most of the time, Anime is derived from Manga. Cartoons, therefore, are derived from comic books or comic strips.

Q: However, Manga to Anime seems to occur more often, and there are a number of Anime AND Cartoons that aren’t derived from a prior media at all.

P: So if Manga and Comic Strips are the origins, when were these created?

Q: According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_strip), Comic Strips started in the 1930’s as adventure stories.

P: 1930’s??? That’s almost 80 years ago!

Q: I know. However, according to an article by Matt Thorn in 2005 (http://www.matt-thorn.com/mangagaku/history.html) Manga was developed in the 18th century. That’s between 200 and 300 years ago!

P: That’s nuts, so manga is older than comics?

Q: Not quite… according to his article, the Manga from this era are not DIRECT ancestors of modern day Manga. More like the content was transferred over, but the presentation of multi-panels was adapted from comic strips.

P: Ahh… so then manga comes from comics then.

Q: That’s not quite true either. Who’s to say that modern day Manga would be the same if not for the 18th century manga content, content which we will discuss later in this video.

P: According to Matt’s article, there were some differences between the first manga and the comics of those days. For starters, Comics were seen as more of a children’s entertainment. But Manga stayed with people through high school and even college! There are adults who read manga too. Another thing is that while comics were seen as a boy’s thing, Manga had a sort of split between Boy Manga, Shounen, and Girl Manga, Shoujo.

Q: I think that completes our first segment of the video, from this point on we will no longer be talking about Manga or Comic Strips. If you want to know more of the history, check out Matt’s article. Moving on, we’re going to discuss Genre.


P: Alright, so starting with Cartoons, the only genres you seem to find are either Comedy or Action. To this day, we’ve yet to see many Cartoons that are horror, romantic, dramatic, or sportive.

Q: Cartoons are sometimes violent… but even then it’s more like comedic violence like… Itchy and Scratchy!

P: Yeah, like if you watch Cartoons like American Dad, the Simpsons, or Family Guy, there are occasions where there is violence and blood, but even then it doesn’t seem to be taken seriously.

Q: However, we’re talking about Genre FOCUS, as in the genre of the series as a whole. Having one or two episodes outside the comedic genre doesn’t count; cartoons have a main Comedic or Action focus. The shows mentioned so far are Comedy, that’s that.

P: As for the Action Genre, these normally apply to super hero shows like The Batman, The Spectacular Spider-Man, and all your other favorite comic book heroes.

Q: It is these types of Cartoons that carry a more seriousness throughout the show. With action types, you can’t help but have some violence and drama, and unlike Comedic Cartoons, the violence in Action Cartoons is serious, not funny.

P: It is the Action type of Cartoons that seems more like Anime in terms of genre, which we shall discuss now.

Q: Anime can have a series focus of almost any genre. There are Anime that focus on Romance, Psychology—

P: Mind Blowing

Q: Sports, Martial Arts, Thriller, Mecha, all this in addition to Comedy or Action, like Cartoons.

P: “Slam Dunk” is a sport Anime, it focuses around Basketball. There’s also “Prince of Tennis”, which is, obviously, a Tennis Anime, and “Big Windup” is one for Baseball.

Q: There are Anime that don’t have a genre focus of Comedy or Action at all. “Death Note” is an example of a somewhat Thriller/Psychological Anime. “Death Note” is NOT FUNNY… EXCEPT FOR MISA… Who is the only Comic relief character in the show.

P: “Death Note” involves a lot of killing, actual killing… and by the main character too.

Q: Basically he’s killing all the criminals in the world and anyone who tries to stop him.

P: There are too many Martial Arts Anime to count. “Dragon Ball Z”, “Kenichi”, “Yu Yu Hakusho”, I guess “MAR” might count as one… and Romance Anime include “Ouran High School Host Club”, “Clannad”, “Hatsukoi Limited”, “Karin”, and many more.

Q: Mecha is basically an Anime exclusive genre that involves giant mechanical humanoid robots that pilots control. Transformers wouldn’t really count, I don’t think, cause nobody pilots them. Any “Gundam” Anime counts as Mecha, as well as “Code Geass”, “Eureka Seven”, “Neon Genesis: Evangelion” and the list goes on. If there are giant robots piloted by people usually between 14 and late 20’s, then you’re probably watching an Anime.

P: Oh, and then there’s Slice of Life Anime. Slice of Life is a genre involving the characters going to school or work or whatever. When Slice of Life is the focus, generally there are no super natural happenings throughout the anime, it’s kinda like “Friends” or “90210.” Examples: “Azumanga Daioh”, “Clannad” again, “Hatsukoi Limited”… again… A lot of Slice of Life Anime seems to carry the Romance Genre as well… “Ouran High School”… Again… “Kenichi” Again, but that was a Marital Arts before. “Lucky Star”…

Q: “Lucky Star” is the ultimate Slice of Life; the main character is an ANIME FANATIC.

P: “Welcome to the NHK” is Slice of Life… but it’s also a Psychological Anime and…

Q: Creeps me out…… There’s a lot of suicide attempts… Love it…

P: I think we made our point in terms of Genre…

Q: Ya… just for the record, there’s also Sci-Fi, Magic, Game, Music, Military, Drama, Fantasy… and many more, some of which I can’t mention…

P: Okay so we’ve discussed Genre, the next segment is all about Themes.


Q: Unless the anime has been Americanized to the point where the opening and ending themes have been remade for English distribution, the Themes are probably the best way to tell Anime and Cartoons apart.

P: There are a number of differences between the two. Focusing on the opening theme first, the length of the intro is different for each case. Cartoons’ intro length is rather varied from 30 seconds to one minute. There’s no real specific time, but usually it’ll be closer to one minute.

Q: Anime openings are almost ALWAYS a minute and a half. Not only that, but they are all short versions of regular full length songs that are 3 or 4 minutes. I’ve yet to see a Cartoon Opening that has an original full length version.

P: The Title of the show is also important. A cartoon’s title will usually be displayed one time, either at the beginning or at the end, and the design will consist of usually one color for the letters and maybe a few other symbols like Hank’s head for the “King of the Hill” Title.

Q: Anime titles could be displayed multiple times throughout the opening, as if we didn’t catch it the first time. It might not be shown right at the beginning or end, it could be somewhere in the middle. Whoever designs these titles puts a lot of work into it, as there’s always some sort of attention grabber like “Death Note’s” title is shown on a cross, with some of the letters reversed or sideways.

P: “Venus versus Virus” has almost TOO MANY things with its title.

Q: Another thing with the openings is that Anime Openings are 98% of the time SUNG by people. Whereas cartoons are, most of the time, instrumentals.

P: A Cartoon opening might have people singing, but it’ll probably be the characters from the show singing.

Q: Also, I have never seen an Anime theme where the name of the show is somewhere in the lyrics.

P: Whereas in a Cartoon, the name of the show is almost always in the lyrics of a its theme and is practically inevitable.

Q: Of course, there are Anime openings where the lead characters sing too. But they are PROFESSIONAL singers. Aya Hirano sang all the opening and ending themes for “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” not necessarily with her “Haruhi” voice, and she was accompanied by two of the other characters for the ending themes.

P: Aya Hirano is a real singer, and she has released many songs besides anime themes. Another note is that long-run anime have more than one opening theme. Cartoons stick to their single opening.

Q: Watching an Anime opening can give you hints about what you may find in the series. Cartoons usually just show you the characters. Another thing I like about the Anime openings is how they are more like shorter Music Videos.

P: That’s right. The clips are very synchronized to the music. Speaking of clips, Anime openings almost never use clips DIRECTLY from the episodes. Maybe 1% of the time they will use clips.

Q: Now we’re going to show you some theme examples. We’re going to show two Cartoon themes and one Anime theme, as it is longer.

P: Picking an Anime opening was more difficult, we needed to find one that was in English so that people who aren’t used to Japanese themes could understand it better.

Q: We found one, but it’s still sung by Japanese singers, so there is an accent involved. We’ve provided subtitles.

P: We’ve provided notes during these themes. Now let’s go on and play them:

(Play Family Guy Theme, Spider-Man Theme, Bleach theme 4)

Q: To rap this section up, we’ll have a short discussion about the ENDING themes of the two categories.

P: Anime ending themes are similar to the opening themes in many ways. They use a real, shortened, song, which is sung. They incorporate a video with it, but they don’t have the title or synchronize the clips to the music as often.

Q: Cartoon endings will usually be the same theme from the opening, maybe a little different in some way, and the credits are shown over a single background. Could they be any more different?

P: I believe that Characters is our next topic of discussion.


Q: Wow, this section has a lot of stuff in it. We’re gonna have to cover a number of things during this section.

*PowerDodge places his index and middle fingers on his forehead and vanishes*

Q: It’s your line, Mike… Wait what the hell? Where did… MIKE! Where’d you go? Damnit… Now I have to do this section by myself… I should probably use the script.

Well, there are a number of differences between Cartoon characters and Anime characters. The most basic thing to notice is the eyes. Cartoon character eyes will often be a simple round white circle with a black circle in the middle, this black circle can vary in size depending on the show, and will have a varied color if big enough. Something I noticed recently is that some Cartoon characters don’t even have eye brows!

I think it’s no secret that a lot of Anime characters have really big eyes. Usually eyes this big are only used for female characters and children. Basically they serve as an innocence factor. More serious characters, most often male teenagers or older, will have narrower eyes. Female characters can have narrower eyes too, but that usually symbols how mean they are. The pupils themselves are much more detailed and can be any color.

Hair is a big difference. Hair doesn’t seem to have much movement in Cartoons, it’s rather stabilized. In Anime, hair moves with the slightest shifting of the head. Like eyes, hair can be ANY color. Hair for an Anime character is often used to express the character’s personality through its color or style.

We all know that some, not all, cartoon characters are missing a finger. This is corrected in Anime; all characters have 4 fingers and a thumb.

I don’t know why I have “Mouth” written here in my notes… I think it had something to do with how the sizes for mouths in Anime are proportionate to the volume they are speaking.

Height… forgot why I wrote that too…

Traits… I don’t know how much this relates to Cartoon characters, but in Anime, characters often have a unique personality. Actually, I think I can elaborate on this. Using the SOS Brigade as an example, looking at their faces, you can distinguish each personality to some point.

I really wish Mike would come back, cause I’m not doing very well on my own right now…

Oh! This one is definitely an Anime Exclusive trait: Chibi Form! Also known as “Super Deformed”.

Anime characters are designed to look as realistic to human beings as possible, down to the last muscle joint. But when things are feeling too serious, they use a special comic relief technique called “Chibi form” where the character suddenly becomes smaller and less proportionate in body parts.

This is usually applied when some random event occurs or when someone makes a strange comment. I’ve seen the reverse happen too, when something so depressing happens that the character suddenly becomes old and ugly looking. Of course, these deformations last a few seconds before they return to their normal versions.

I don’t think I can get any further with Character without help. So let’s move on to Plot.

*PowerDodge teleports back wearing a tourist T-Shirt with “I <3 Japan” on it and a camera around his neck*

Q: Where the hell did you go?

P: Ano… Nihon ni ikimashita.

Q: Wait… what? You disappeared for an entire segment!

P: Soo desu ka.

Q: Stop that! Why are you speaking Japanese?

P: It says so in the script.

Q: No it doesn’t! I wrote the script, and—Oh, son of a bitch, it really does.


P: So what’s next?

Q: We’re doing plot now.

P: Okay. While plot is probably one of the most distinct differences you could possibly find between Anime and Cartoons, there’s not a lot we can say about it.

Q: What it comes down to is that, on average, most of the time, Anime has plot and Cartoons do not.

P: Like we said at the beginning, we are aware that not all shows follow this rule, we can name a few Anime that don’t really have a plot, and a few Cartoons that do.

Q: While we’re at it, we just need to point out that we are referring to the plot of the show as a whole. This means that the episodes are connected. Example, shows like “Friends” and “Seinfeld” do not have the plot we are talking about.

P: “Heroes” would be a good example of a plot using show. But seriously, there’s not much else to say about plot, beyond that Anime is highly plot containing compared to Cartoons.

Q: That being said, let’s go into Detail.


P: This one is strongly differs between the two. Let’s start with the realism.

Q: Like –I– said during the character section, hair is very stable in Cartoons and moves a lot more in Anime. The same thing applies to the clothing people wear among other similar things.

P: Anime and Cartoons both have their own type of, let’s call it, laws. In an Anime, some characters have a type of eyes called “Kitsune Eyes” which usually implies deviousness.

Q: A more umbrella look of the eyes would symbolize happiness more. There is also a type of symbol that shows the character is angered.

P: Cartoons, on the other hand, have different techniques. A very surprised character will have their eyes popping out of their head or their jaw dropping to the floor.

Q: Another Anime one is the sweat drop which is a little hard to explain.

P: We could go on and on with these “laws” but since we’re pressed for time, we’re gonna have to close that chapter.

Q: One of the things that annoys me the most in a cartoon… Moving objects are SUPPOSED TO have SHADOWS!!!

P: It’s bad enough that a lot of characters in cartoons don’t have any shadows coming off their clothing or anything, but you don’t even see their shadow against the floor!

Q: Unless the room is dark to begin with, I have NEVER seen an anime without shadowing.

P: Another good aspect is that for backgrounds, more specifically outside in a park or something, everything is colored in fairly solid and constant and stuff in Cartoons.

Q: Anime, grass moves, trees move, nature is actually ALIVE.

P: We should probably move on to angles.

Q: How are we for time?

P: Don’t ask…


Q: The angle of scenes is our current topic. I have found that if you watch a Cartoon, the angle the scene is shown from will usually have whoever is talking in the frame, which makes sense. Additionally I found that, watching family guy, the characters almost look like they are standing at an angle when they are talking to each other and when you stop to look it looks a little weird.

P: Anime, it’s very realistic in that it uses real shots used in movies and TV shows. People who have studied film in some way may recognize the terms: Over the Shoulder Shot, Establishing Shot, Close up, Mid Shot, Wide Shot, Cutaway, Cut-In, Point of View Shot, Two Shot, etc. All these angles can and are used in various Anime.

Q: Anime really takes advantage of the unlimited possible angles, doesn’t it?

P: And because of which, they mood feels more… real… like back to the way the characters looked like they were facing diagonally, Anime characters will be shown facing each other with the angle being something like over the shoulder.

Q: Also, the person who’s talking doesn’t actually have to be in the frame. Anime also incorporates a little more scenery into its shots to establish a mood.

P: Alright, let’s rap this up with content.


Q: Finally!

P: So what’s content got to do with anything? Well a lot. Cartoons are usually rated for family and only in cases such as Family are they rated 14+.

Q: Anime can be rated for teenagers and mature audiences, on top of the lower ratings.

P: Anime can, but not always does, contain: Cursing, Animated Blood, Violence, Alcohol or Drug reference, and Partial Nudity.

Q: Of course, we are aware that some Cartoons also contain such things but as mentioned in an earlier segment it is usually used as comic relief.

P: Seriously, when these things are listed on an Anime DVD, parents should probably be aware of the extent to which these refer to.

Q: So we’re gonna show some example mini clips. But don’t worry; we’re using Annotations to block the following clips if any underage viewers are present, just be sure to turn the annotations off if you are of age and wish to enjoy the content.


P: Well now that that’s over and done with, we have one more aspect that Anime has that Cartoons likely don’t have.

Q: Bloopers!!!!

P: Because most Anime, but not all, comes from Japan and is revoiced for English, bloopers occur during recordings and so they are released on the DVD. Lucky us!

Q: And we have compiled about 3 minutes worth of bloopers from various anime that we could find on youtube. Enjoy.

End of video
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 09:14:13 PM by UruseiNeo »

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #66 on: November 13, 2009, 12:01:00 PM »
NGE has what? Porn?!?! NO!!!! xD

Look, no one said Hentai wasn't porn. I also consider it porn. What me and Falling think it should be in video is that Hentai and Ecchi should be TALKED ABOUT not showed!!!

Evangelion does have nudity in it, but it isn't pornographic. There is a big difference between nudity and pornography: pornography is shown purely for the purpose of arousal in the audience whilst nudity is used to convey a theme, weakness or it could show honesty.


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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #67 on: November 13, 2009, 04:34:41 PM »
Good script. Like we said, "we still miss hentai and ecchi" but it's your video.

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #68 on: November 13, 2009, 04:49:43 PM »
So there aren't any problems with it as of now? My friend will be coming christmas time which is when we're gonna try to get this done.

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #69 on: November 30, 2009, 04:06:11 AM »
anime vs cartoons??

easy to answer, i preffer anime always.
cartoons are for kids.
anime is for every aged.

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2009, 04:27:37 AM »
"Anime vs Cartoons" is a video me and my friend are making ^_^

We have the script, now we just need to film it.

Till he comes down though, I'm working on the write up for our next project, hee hee

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #71 on: December 01, 2009, 05:25:44 AM »
I'm doing a project too... and I need someone to help...

Its called Ecchi vs Hentai... I need someone to help with the writing... and stuff... while I'll be researching some video material... for... ideas. XD

Now seriously... I'll be waiting to see the finished work Neo.
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #72 on: December 01, 2009, 04:30:57 PM »
lol, that was actually funny.

Unfortunately, even though we should be done filming it through Christmas holidays, we probably won't release it until early September 2010.

The reason is that my friend doesn't want the gap between the release of both projects to be too long, and our second project (94 episode series) HAS TO air somewhere between October 17 and 21.

So it won't be released for a while, but I'm trying to think of ways I can let you preview it.

  URUSEI YATSURA EPISODES!!! At www.youtube.com/Neo1Fox & www.veoh.com/users/NeoYatsura

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #73 on: December 02, 2009, 01:05:43 AM »
September 2010... that's so far away...

You can do a 3 min. preview and put it up on youtube for 24h for us to see and then remove it...
"It is said that only a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man from the mistakes of others."-"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
I wonder which one is true!?

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Re: Anime Vs Cartoons
« Reply #74 on: December 02, 2009, 01:22:07 AM »
like an advertisement? If I can think of a good one to make, maybe.

Although, I could also just put it up for friends, then take it down after

  URUSEI YATSURA EPISODES!!! At www.youtube.com/Neo1Fox & www.veoh.com/users/NeoYatsura