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Author Topic: Character Discussion and Defining  (Read 58794 times)

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #45 on: April 07, 2008, 01:51:45 AM »
Okay, I think we can start on Ataru now?

Character 2: Ataru Moroboshi

Well this could be difficult to think about... how about we start with discussion on why he runs from Lum but does not ant her to leave him

Again, this topic is for diverse discussion and to help writers with their stories.

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #46 on: April 07, 2008, 03:02:37 AM »
The reason Ataru runs From lum is because... He shy. He never really had a girl to love him, he so use to chasing Girls around that it never came to him that one girl really do love him. In my "Ataru really do mean it" story he overcome his fear of shynees to lum

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #47 on: April 07, 2008, 03:23:56 AM »
I think it's a little more than that. I believe that Ataru fears commitment with Lum.

I have one idea. That Ataru does not want to be married to Lum cause he wants to be free and such and do his girl-hunting thing and all that other stuff. But he does not know whether or not he'll change his mind about committing to one person later on in his life (he is only 17 after all, the high area) and so he wants to keep Lum around in case he decides on it later cause she's the only one who likes him. This would also be a reason for why he occasionally gives in on going out for dates, to keep her hope up so she doesn't leave him.

So basically, one theory is that he is covering his bases. And that explains why he hates it if someone tries to take her cause she's really the only one he's got. I think that Ataru would eventually settle down with Lum cause whether or not he loses his energy, he still grows older so... can't do it forever

Plus I'm pretty sure Ataru is just smart enough to think that if by the time he is 30 and they still don't get together, Lum might be leaving soon in which case he might settle.

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Offline veehive

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2008, 03:47:01 AM »
First: Ataru is a Contrarian: if you tell him "no", he'll say "yes"; if you say something's green he'll insist it's red. He's an astrological birthsign Aries the Ram (yeah, I used to play around with Astrology) so it's his nature to butt heads with any and all obstacles; his Moon Sign would be Libra (born under a full moon; from the 1st manga story) so he's just that much more inclined to counterpoise any situation.

So, what do you do when your Dream Girl falls into your lap (or on your head, in his case)? If you're a Contrarian, you RUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!

Second: Ataru is afraid of girls. He even tells us so in TV episode 3 (and, just as he admits it, his contrarian nature asserts itself and he leaps to the railing of his balcony to proclaim his defiance of it). His over-the-top come-on's are designed to get him rejected (his 1st line of defense against intimacy).

So, what happens when a girl isn't repulsed and gets Too Close? RUUUUNNNNN!!!!!

Third: No Self-Esteem. Ataru has had NO plan for his life, hasn't applied himself in academic endeavors ... and he knows it. He's unprepared for Adult Life and Adult Responsibilities (Good Grades leading to University leading to Providing for a Wife and Family). He views himself as Not Good Enough.

So, when the prospect of a Wife and Family comes flying in the window? RUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!

Ataru may be the first guy Lum's ever encountered who hasn't fallen head-over-heels for her (okay, second guy, but Rei was just Too Dumb to do so) so she's intrigued by this. However, I doubt that Ataru "knows" he has to keep running from her to keep her interested.

Remember -- YOU ASKED!

(takes me forEVER to type -- 2 replies since I started -- so this'll be out-of-chronology)

« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 04:37:28 AM by veehive »
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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2008, 03:54:38 AM »
For some reason that makes sense but at the same time it just doesn't go... Most of ur stuff is based about the beginning of the series but Ataru's pretty different later on.

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Offline veehive

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2008, 04:31:35 AM »
"... Most of ur stuff is based about the beginning of the series...."

An accurate statement: I'm only up to TV ep. 78, after all. If you prefer replies from only those who have seen the entire TV series, I'll voluntarily step out of this discussion. Just let me know.  :)

"...but Ataru's pretty different later on...."

Dear Lord God In Heaven , I HOPE SO!!!!!  ;D

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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2008, 04:58:50 AM »
oooo well then there's a few episodes you haven't seen that would contradict your statement here he actually runs to save her sometimes.

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Offline sidzero

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2008, 05:47:22 AM »
And here's where I show you that I know a lot more than just my Lum....

Moroboshi Ataru. To be hit by a fallen star. Such a perfect choice for one cursed with such horrible, terrible luck. At least that's what he's SUPPOSED to be. Read the manga, understand Ataru for Ataru, you'll see what I mean. Ataru was the character most affected by the perversion of the anime. They changed him from the unluckiest boy in the universe, to the most lecherous boy in the universe. I strongly dislike the anime characterization of Ataru, so the Ataru I know, is the one from the manga.

I've always hesitated before, but I might as well admit it. Ataru is my favorite character in the UY Universe. It's almost scary, but when I see him, I see myself, taken back 10 years and driven to the extreme. Trust me, I know where he's coming from because I've pretty much been there, and can easily see myself in his shoes. And it's not really somewhere I'd want to be.

The reason why Ataru is the way he is in regards to Lum, is simply a matter of experience. A little bit of understanding of his personality goes a long way, too. First off, you gotta hand it to the kid, he's braver and smarter than most people take him for. Think about it... you've got your best friend Shinobu, who's been his friend since childhood, and quite obviously the friendship is progressing to a relationship. Considering that he's still just a kid, and demonstrates pretty clearly that he never wants to lose her, she's probably his first love. Makes sense to me, make sense to you?

All of a sudden you're having a fight over some small thing, you have a lousy run-in with some psychotic midget monk, and you come home to find out that the fate of the world is in your hands. But at least things seem to be cool with Shinobu now. And then all of a sudden you find out all you gotta do to save the world is "play tag" with some ultra-hot model looking alien girl who you are quite physically attracted to. As any typical inexperienced teenage boy, it's a knee-jerk reaction. Of course it's another fight with Shinobu, but now the whole world is staring you down and sizing you up. Seeing if you're worth the meat you're made of, because if you're not, they're going to butcher you. Instant fame at a heavy price, I guess.

Now you're all psyched up, and the tag match is ready to start. The gun goes off and all of a sudden the girl can fly. And shoot lightning bolts too. All of a sudden the world is forcing you to prove yourself. I'd be freaked out of my mind if you ask me. Especially when it looks like you're about to lose everything. Then the night before last day, the girl of your dreams, the girl you love more than life itself (that's usually what it feels like right around then)... asks you to marry her. There's a swift kick in the pants as far as morale goes, you'd think.

So he wins the tag match and celebrating your fabulous surprise last minute victory, excited about the way things are going with Shinobu, shouting to yourself about it, and all of a sudden this ultra hot model-looking alien girl (with fangs and horns and pointy ears that can fly and shoot lightning) thinks you're marrying her, right then and there. What the hell is that?

Of course, that starts another fight with Shinobu. Things start looking good again and all of a sudden your best friends are kidnapping you and forcing you into some weird ritual to summon space aliens. And with Ataru's bad luck, of course, it's some kind of alien taxi cab. Of course he doesn't KNOW it's an alien taxi cab, just that he's being abducted by aliens. For me, this would be big freak out explosion number two. I mean come on, you know what happens when you get abducted by aliens. Anal probes. I fear anal probes. Excuse me.

Then the alien drops you off at home and he's like "No anal probes?" somehow slightly disappointed. But that's another story. And not the kind that should be told here. This is a family show... somehow... behind the tits and the cleavage and the girls flying around in underwear and near molesting of nearly every single female character. Anyway... now you owe all the oil on Earth, because you know, your friends kidnapping you and getting in another fight with Shinobu and now being forced into a situation where this ultra hot psychotic space bimbo is the only one that can SAVE your ass and all that is somehow YOUR fault. And to prove the point, you get the shit beat out of you for it by practically everyone you know, the bitch is laying the waterworks on to manipulate you already, and all you want is for all this drama to go away so you can be nice and happy with Shinobu.

Fortunately that doesn't happen because your space-stalker who insists that you're married refuses to let it. She won't even go back to her old boyfriend when he comes begging (and destroying your neighborhood in the process). You'd even give it all up just to go away. Ignore the fact that you meet the hot older lady that turned out to be a nutcase miko? Ignore the fact that you meet the hot alien snow princess of Neptune, even if she's your stalker's friend? Ignore the fact that you meet another hot alien, this time a biker chick that's another one of your stalker's friends? Ignore the hot alien sleeping beauty that only wants a one night stand, despite your stalker's obsessive attempts at preventing it (the hell is it her business anyway, SHE'S the one that thinks she's married, NOT him)?  Then all of a sudden the girl who you were so in love with won't even LOOK at you because she's only got eyes for this rich cocky little bastard that just transfers in? Yeah, I'd probably give up right around there.

Try and try again with Shinobu, and what do you know, every time something looks to be going for the better? Someone butts in. Lum trying to keep you from what you want, or Mendo trying to steal your women... both your women. You could really care less about Lum, but not Shinobu. It's like fate telling you you will never have what you want, you will never be happy, things will never go your way, you are ultimately screwed. This is your life, take it or leave it. You don't like it, but you take it anyway, because what other choice do you have? But you got the girl that's supposed to always be there. Don't you?

Yeah, until around the time you find out that you find off that her space alien daddy is trying to marry her off to someone he thinks is better than you. She seems to go along with it, and you crash the party and find out it's not just someone he thinks is better than you, it's ANYONE he thinks is better than you. The hell is up with that? And she's still going for? Turns out your big spy mission turns into a rescue party when she pulls her head out of the clouds and realizes what's going on, finally.

Anyway... you go though all this garbage early on in the relationship. Including putting up with her bratty little cousin that floats around in his stupid tiger striped diapers who's breath just happens to be a friggin flamethrower. Including her equally crazy, but equally hot childhood best friend who hates her guts and is trying to steal you away (though honestly, could you care less?). Including repeated attacks from her bottomless pit of an ex boyfriend who somehow turns into a giant bull-tiger monster and is obsessed with Lum. Including many times having great opportunities to meet beautiful, NORMAL women and every time being destroyed because of Lum's stalker-like obsession with destroying anything that could resemble ANY kind of relationship with anyone BUT her. But somehow, somewhere along the line, you ended up falling in love with her. After all your antagonizing her, after all your trying to get away from her, after all the times you've had to rescue her from stupid situations she got herself into to prove herself to you, or stop you from doing what you want to do (and all you want to do is find a nice normal woman to spend your time with... not some crazy alien, or hulk-strength amazon woman, or weird nurse-miko older woman, or uber-rich and either uber-strong or uber-snotty younger sister of someone you know... despite your constant flirting with them), you still fall in love with her. You've also found a rather odd assortment of friends and associates who are all out of their minds, but at least the girls are hot who you love equally (though a little less than Lum). But you know, with all that's going on in life, can you blame a guy for not wanting to really settle down right then and there? With all his wacky adventures, who'd want to? That just means life will get boring, I mean look at your parents. I don't know about any of you, but if you get to know your parents, and really get to know them, what they were like before you came along, before they got together... you know they had a lot of cool stuff that would go on in their lives, but always the same thing, once they get married... it's over. Everything fun goes away and it's just... being married. Who wants to get married?

That, to me, sums up Ataru's entire perspective on his relationship with Lum. After things start to settle out between them, and they grow accustomed to one another, and he starts to fall in love with her, there are some pretty powerful factors that weigh against just settling down and letting it happen. Pride is a big one. His pride as a man doesn't want to admit that she was right and he was wrong and that they were just meant for one another. His pride as a man doesn't want to admit that he loves her after spending so long, and trying so hard NOT to love her. The other big factor is that he's just having way too much fun with his life to let it go and settle down. If you went to a theme park that had all the coolest rides, and you didn't even have to wait in line, and never closed... when would you leave? When you get tired? When you get bored? Never? There are a lot of other little factors too, but the two big ones make up the bulk of why.

It's not because he's a "Contrarian" or whatever you want to call it. Sure, that may factor in a little that he likes to do what he's told not to do, and doesn't like to do what he is told to do. But that's just normal for a teenager. That's what they do. They want their independence and take any small liberties they can.

I really completely disagree with him being afraid of girls. Trust me, someone who's afraid of girls isn't going to get that close to them. Fear of rejection doesn't allow for such bravery. He disproves his whole "what happens when a girl gets too close, RUN" theory by his behaviour towards both Ran and (early in the series) Shinobu. And if you wanna go by the anime, I can throw in Elle as well. We can even ignore the many times he actually runs TO Lum as well, though they're always prompted by the idea of losing her.

I also completely disagree with him having no self-esteem. Trust me, someone with no self-esteem isn't going to run from an opportunity like Lum. If someone in Ataru's position had no self-esteem, then instead of Lum chasing after him, he'd probably be smothering her and trying to get AWAY from him. Trust me, I've seen how people with no self-esteem operate when it comes to relationships... they take whatever they can get and run with it, because no matter how good or bad it is, they're afraid they'll never find anything better. I think losing your self-esteem is the reason why people get married, personally. They find something they like, and afraid of still not being able to find anything better, they settle for it and grow into their accustomed little lives. Lack of self-esteem pretty much characterizes everything that Ataru is NOT.
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2008, 06:23:51 AM »
wtf man? I'll read that tomorrow

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2008, 06:40:46 AM »
Excuse me, have you seen my mind? I seem to have misplaced it...

Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2008, 06:57:44 AM »
Just something I forgot to say for Lum.

I have a feeling that once she manages to get Ataru settled down and married that she would probably do whatever she can to make him feel comfortable with it. After all even she must understand how he felt about marriage so it seems only fair to reward him however she can.

Although I don't really know what she would do to make him feel comfortable...

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2008, 05:54:21 PM »
I think one of the things that annoys me the most about Lum's character... she DOESN'T understand how Ataru feels. Not at all. He wants freedom, she wants to do everything she can to interfere with that freedom, even though she knows he'll always come back to her. If she really understood how he felt, she would understand that the best way to make those feelings in him grow are to give him freedom, but give him comfort. Let him go out and do his girl chasing (which she should have learned quickly that he never succeeds at it, so why she's afraid someone can take him away in the first place I just don't know), and when he comes back, be there for him, learn to make him comfortable then. Why wait until she "has" him before she does what she needs to to "get" him in the first place?

But she's not the brightest bulb in the drawer, either.
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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #57 on: April 08, 2008, 12:18:28 AM »
I meant that after she gets him to marry her she would most likely treat him really well, as well as she could.

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2008, 04:34:21 AM »
I doubt that. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Even if you're the old dog you're teaching the tricks to yourself. Like a leopard can't change it's spots or a tiger can't change it's stripes.

And it's even harder to break a habit you don't even realize you're doing.
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Offline UruseiNeo

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Re: Character Discussion and Defining
« Reply #59 on: April 08, 2008, 05:04:32 AM »
I don't really understand why she would treat him worse after they get married...

Also, I admit that at the beginning of the series I pitied Ataru very much. It was a while before I started to see Lum as more of the good guy, probably cause Shinobu left. But basically before season 2 Ataru was mostly the person who's side you'd be on. He eventually grows to be too much of a womanizer to agree on and so Lum seems like the right person to cheer for.

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