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Author Topic: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil  (Read 34588 times)

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #180 on: October 24, 2004, 05:43:24 AM »
By Parias on Friday, March 31, 2000 - 12:29:
Just nabbed it today through Napster (both original Elvis and Dead Kennedy renditions), so I've got the gist of it in my head >) Not too bad a song..

As Sergei finished his second glass of the as-of-yet unnamed beverage, he checked his watch.

"Just a few more minutes.. we're going to have a band perform first, then we'll go on with the actual ceremony, and spend the rest of the night partying! Sound good to you?"

"Assuming my muscles don't give out, it should be one hell of a time!" replied Cygni with her usual grin. "So who's performing?"

"Ahh I wasn't too sure what you'd like, and I'm not familiar too much with the songs and bands on here yet, so I let my friends worry about that."

"Sounds good.." Cygni glanced at a passing couple with an odd expression. The female had a small tentacle snaking out between her eyes with a thick blue colour. "Where did you get all these people?"

Sergei shrugged. "I know quite a few friends.. told them about the wedding, had them invite anybody they could!"

"Well hopefully the lot of them don't have odd appearances.."

"Well, most of them do actually, but I had as many as possible go through a camoflauging process first, so it wouldn't arouse any alarm. A few refused, however.. but it seems to be managing fine so far."

They turned their attention to the stage as the lights dimmed and an announcer took the mike. A few various spotlights concentrated onto him while Kurokos moved around a few objects to make room for a dance floor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.." he started, taking a sip from a glass of water while the noise all around the area ceased at once, as if switched off like a lightbulb. "..May I have your attention. First off, I'd like to thank each and every person here for joining us on this fine evening to celebrate the bonding of two souls. It isn't too often a wedding of this magitude takes place in our town, and I'm grateful for everyone being here."

He cleared his throat. "We've got quite a lineup tonight. As you've probably noticed, we're going to have lots of music and dancing, but we've also got contests, a massive buffet that's being prepared as I speak, and much much more! Please, feel free to help yourselves to whatever you need, it's here for a reason."

He stopped to check the massive clock hanging against the front wall of the building and listened for a second as an assistant whispered something into his ear.

"But anyways, I won't bog things down much longer. We've got a group lined up to set things in motion tonight before we go on with the actual wedding. So without further ado, here's 'The Jolly Ranchers', playing the hit 'Viva Las Vegas'!" He motioned towards the waiting band and stepped back to admit them as they moved forward and began setting up their equipment. Additional spotlights were trained onto the dance floor that was simply a storage area for crates a few moments ago, and people began filtering into the wide open space.

Sergei took Cygni's hand. "Shall we dance?"

"Don't get left behind." she replied, with a wink. They stood and headed towards the dance floor.

Nearby, Ataru was out of breath as he finally caught up to Lum.

"Lum.. sorry... earlier..." he gasped, collapsing to his knees. She turned around and helped him up, smiling.

"Oh, Shinobu? Don't worry about that." She paused a moment and cast her eyes downwards. "..If you really want to dance with her though.. I guess I understand.."

"Are you kidding? I didn't spend 15 minutes digging through crowds for nothing! Come on!" He grabbed her arm and began leading her through the throbbing masses before she could reply. Shinobu watched with a small smile on her face.

"That was pretty impressive... he DID take a bullet for you." said Zard, laying a hand on her shoulder.

"More like 20.. but anyways, I need to pay you back for lashing out earlier." She turned to him and held his hand. "Will you dance with me?"

"Of course." They turned and headed off to take their place on the floor.

After a few moments, Frank signalled that they were ready and grabbed his mic. He nodded to the rest of his group, gave a three second countdown via hand signals, and began.

Hope I'm not out of whack or anything with that quickly-thought-up band name, assuming that one is already taken by something else (couldn't find anything in Napster) then we'll use something different for future posts >)

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #181 on: October 24, 2004, 05:43:55 AM »
By Jocko on Saturday, April 1, 2000 - 05:54:
Parias, I like, NEED this Napster tool!

BTW, should we do something with Blade of Kintaro's old characters?

And what about Shinobu's Diary? Conveinantly burned up along with the UNO or floating around somwhere? :)

We could also have them sing some UY songs since they constantly use them in the shows themselves.

You know, "Space is Super Weird!"


Warren and Ryouko were the first to begin dancing. Followed by Sakura and Tsubame.

Frank Lewis of the Jolly Ranchers happily belted out...

"Bright light city gonna set my soul
Gonna set my soul on fire
Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn,
So get those stakes up higher
There's a thousand pretty women waitin' out there
And they're all livin' devil may care
And I'm just the devil with love to spare
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas"

Lum and Ataru joined the two couples on the floor. Soon things were very crowded in front of the stage...

Hudson and Ryouko stopped dancing as Frank stopped singing; motioning to the band to draw the music out, and for Warren to get up on stage.

At first hesitant, Ryouko gave him a good shove. Warren was then practically lifted onto the stage by three fast moving Kuroko.

Immediately Lewis threw Warren a mic; landing it square in Hudson's right palm.

Frank nodded to Warren and gave the band a hand signal. Hudson took over...

"How I wish that there were more
Than the twenty-four hours in the day
'Cause even if there were forty more
I wouldn't sleep a minute away
Oh, there's black jack and poker and the roulette wheel
A fortune won and lost on ev'ry deal
All you need's a strong heart and a nerve of steel
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas
Viva Las Vegas with you neon flashin'
And your one armbandits crashin'
All those hopes down the drain
Viva Las Vegas turnin' day into nighttime
Turnin' night into daytime
If you see it once
You'll never be the same again
I'm gonna keep on the run
I'm gonna have me some fun
If it costs me my very last dime
If I wind up broke up well
I'll always remember that I had a swingin' time
I'm gonna give it ev'rything I've got
Lady luck please let the dice stay hot
Let me shout a seven with ev'ry shot
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas,
Viva, Viva Las Vegas"

The song ended and the entire warehouse erupted into applause. Hudson took a bow, and turned to Lewis, "thanks. I didn't think I had it in me."

"Heyyy," Frank said in perfect Fonzie mode, "it was my pleasure."

Megane had joined Ryouko, Sergei, and Cygni in cheering Hudson to the point of breaking the sound barrier.

Already by this time Megane had had three drinks: two glasses of scotch, and he was working on a vodka/tonic. It was a good thing, he thought, that they didn't card.

But he was taking his time, not getting too smashed. Just enough to get him through dealing with Ataru and Lum.

Shutaro was being more responsible, making various good impressions with Asuka and her parents while Tobimaru discussed "real" baseball with Onsen-Mark, Kotatsu-Neko, Jariten, and The Principal.

Beavis and Butthead had split up, Butthead attempting to dance with unescorted ladies (and some escorted ones as well) while Beavis had just stood in the middle of the dancefloor with Cygni's Stormtroopers while Sergei and his bride-to-be happily danced in front of them.

But Beavis was there for different reasons altogether. He firmly believed that "Viva Las Vegas" was actually "Beavis Las Vegas." It was a misunderstanding he and Butthead had had for years...

So Beavis just stood there during the song screaming out the lyrics as best he could. Sergei would later recall that Beavis was almost poetic in the way he was screaming his interpretation of what Lewis/Hudson were singing.


You remember that episode of B&B, right?

Viva Las Vegas
Elvis Presley
(words & music by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman)

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #182 on: October 24, 2004, 05:44:29 AM »
By Parias on Saturday, April 1, 2000 - 13:04:
Well, I've got some sad news to report.. I can't contribute any longer to this fiction. I'm just too damn busy lately, and my life's going to hell, and...

...Oh damnit, I always sucked ass when it comes to this stuff >) Happy April Fools everyone! Try not to get whacked in the head with a bucket or anything! *grin*

Anyways, as for Napster, you can grab it at www.napster.com, an URL which is so difficult that even the FBI has difficulty hunting it down (or something). Just download the little util, register, and go nuts! Simple to use, and it has everything you need! Even a built in Mp3 player if you haven't ganked WinAmp yet.. which I strongly suggest you get, because there's a whole assload of plugins and stuff.. there's even a UY skin sitting way back in the archives, although I'm probably gonna wait for a better one.. or try my hand at one myself >)

Heh, B&B and Viva Las Vegas.. that one was hilarious!

The crowd began dispersing again as the announcer took the stage.

"That was quite a performance, and we've got a lot more where that came from! But now, let us get on with the reason you're all here. May I have Cygni and Sergei up on the stage please?"

Cygni's heart nearly jumped into her throat when a spotlight was illuminated on them, but she calmed down quickly enough before her reflexes made a move for the knife she had hidden under her dress, "just in case". Sergei nodded to her began walking forward, his arm in hers. She kept pace with him, the crowd parting to form a line at either end.

("This is it!")

"I almost feel like I just got whacked with a concussion grenade.." she thought back.

("Never been on the stage before huh? Don't sweat it, it'll pass. You're doing great.")

They stepped up onto the stage via a hastily placed staircase and walked in front of the small pedestal that had been set up. The announcer walked behind it and took out a small book, then whispered to Sergei.

"You ready?"

He nodded. "Ready as we'll ever be, shouldn't have any complications."

"Good. Alright, lets begin." The announcer took out a pair of glasses from under his suit and put them on, then began thumbing through the book. Cygni felt a small burning sensation at the back of her skull, she knew how many eyes were on them at the moment.

"Great, no pressure.." she thought, letting out a small sigh and squeezing Sergei's hand. He squeezed back and winked at her.

The announcer began speaking. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the bonding of two souls, dedicated to spending the rest of their lives together. Through the hardest of times, they will be together..."

Cygni droned out a moment to consult her brain. "Man, I'm still having trouble biting this thing down.."

("Well, why don't you just stop the whole thing now and forget about it?")

"You're kidding!"

("Either spend hours wallowing in self pity or get on with it, but for godsakes do SOMETHING!")

"You got a point, screwing around like this won't get me far.." She tuned back into the announcer's speech.

"..And now, if there is anybody who feels that these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

"Like anybody ever says anything.." she silently muttered to herself. Her ears pricked up when she thought she heard someone yell out.

"No freakin way."

Her ears confirmed it as the voice yelled out again, a bit louder. The announcer looked around the crowd a moment for the source of the yelling. After a moment, a stubby hand was seen as someone tried to work himself onto the stage. When the figure finally did, another spotlight came on and fumbled a moment, trying to focus on him. He didn't bother waiting.

"I say this wedding should be called off because Sergei is marrying a GUY! And that's not right, is it?"

The crowd drew in various gasps as the spotlight finally centered on the figure, and Cygni felt her gut wrench up as she clenched her fists.

"Bakuto? What the HELL do you think you're doing?" She was about to run over to him and strangle him to death, but Sergei laid a hand on her shoulder, laughing.

"Hah, no need to take it personally! Calm down.. he's just kidding, probably drunk." He paused a moment and looked at her. "Uh, right?"

Cygni coughed into her hand and looked back, straining to smile. "Right."

"Now surely there's some mistake.." began the announcer. "No! I have proof!" Bakuto declared, holding up a large yellow envelope.

"YOU IDIOT!" came a scream from somewhere above, as a figure swooped down on a loose thick wire and landed in front of him. "Could you get any stupider? You already embarassed me enough in front of Invader before, and now you're trying to screw up a wedding? ARGH!" The figure lept towards Bakuto, knocking him off the stage and into the crowd.

("That was close..")

"A bit too close if you ask me, I'm going to have a talk with him later." Cygni replied, as the pair turned back to the announcer.

"Well, uh, if there are no further problems..." he said with a cough. "...then may I have the rings please?"

Jeriten's familiar form drifted up from the crowd and floated over to the pedestal, carrying a small black box. The announcer accepted it and thanked him. Ten nodded and returned to the crowd, muttering about how he always had to do everything.

The announcer handed the 2 rings to Sergei and Cygni, respectively, the former who winked to the latter and motioned her to just follow along.

"Sergei Grana, do you take this Cygni to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." he instantly replied with, slipping his ring onto Cygni's middle finger.

"Cygni.. uh..." The announcer fumbled a moment, digging through his notes. "Just Cygni." she said to him. All records of her previous life had been dumped when Radicus had performed the change and updated them.

"Right. Cygni, do you take this Sergei to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

("Spring it, don't hesitate. DO IT!")

"I do." she calmly said before she could think, slipping her ring onto Sergei's finger.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Sergei did so, and very passionately at that. Cygni managed to notice over his shoulder that the small diamond on the ring was changing colour, it went from white to red. They held the position for almost 2 minutes while the crowd cheered on loudly. The announcer, grinning, stepped back and admitted another band onto the floor, who instantly set up and began getting ready to play.

The pair finally seperated, not saying anything but simply gasping for air.

"That's.. got to be one of the longer kisses in history." said Cygni. She held up her ring. "This changed colour.."

"Yea, it's a mood ring, picked a couple up for us.. mainly for my benefit so I know when to avoid you."

Cygni landed a playful punch on his arm and turned to the roaring crowd below. She noticed Ran over at the bar, personally serving food to Rei.

"I'm starving, lets grab something!"

"Read my mind!"

They laughed and hopped down into the crowd below, Cygni making a conscious effort to land on Bakuto's head.


Hopefully I got at least something right with the wedding thing, it's been a long time since I've heard any of those, and I couldn't find any quick-reference stuff, so I had to make it up as I went along >)

Jocko, you pretty much got this thread going, so would you like the honor of ending it? I've pretty much played all my hands for this story *grin*

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #183 on: October 24, 2004, 05:45:01 AM »
By Jocko on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 07:35:
All right. It'll end in on a slightly dark note...

Ever seen the film "Trainspotting?"

Well, Megane's about to choose something other than life...but not suicide, mind you!


Ryouko and Hudson were shedding tears as they approached Cygni and Sergei. Telling them how happy they were for them.

Cygni laughed, and leaned in close to Ryouko, "Just make sure we get front row seats," Cygni winked and motioned her head to Warren who was giving Sergei repeated slaps on the back and shakings of the hand.

Ryouko grinned, "Don't be surprised if it is bigger than this," she elegantly motioned around the warehouse.

Warren and Sergei laughed hardily, "Man," Hudson said, "so where's the Honeymoon going to be?"

Sergei frowned, "I'm not exactly sure; this was all so rushed..." he smiled at Cygni and Ryouko talking and giggling.

"All right..." Warren said with a lecher's leer, "should we just have food delievered to your house for the next week?" Hudson winked.

Sergei smiled coyly, but said nothing.

Next up for congratulating the happy couple was Sakura and Tsubame, Shinobu and Zard, and Lum and Ataru.

Last up was Cygni's Stormtroopers, Beavis and Butthead, and Megane.

Everything passed by in a blur for Cygni and Sergei except for Megane, who's face was ashen.

"Everything all right?" Cygni inquired.

Megane nodded with effort. "Will I ever be truly happy in life?" Megane asked this of Sergei.

"I truthfully don't know," Sergei sighed, "but I do know one thing, Megane..."

"What's that?"

Sergei smiled slightly, "that sometimes you have to grab life by the balls and squeeze until it's something you can love."

Megane nodded, "Okay, when I find life's balls I'll grab on, Sergei. Thanks a lot," Megane didn't seemed convinced.

Cygni stepped forward, "Put your hand out, Megane."

Megane did so. Cygni put a small card in his left palm. Megane looked closer and his eyes bugged out.


"Five Million American Dollars," Cygni grinned wide.

Megane looked at her, "But-but, why?"

"Well," Cygni chuckled, "if you hadn't flown off the handle, I would have never gone to Las Vegas and Jariten would have never pulled that lever on the slot machine."

Megane shook his head, "I cannot-"

"Yes, you can."

Megane casted his eyes downwards towards the floor, "Thank you, Cygni-san."

Cygni simply replied by giving Megane a hug. She whispered, "I want you to do whatever is necessary to make things have meaning for you again. Unless you want to hurt people," she chuckled.

Megane nodded and disengaged himself from the hug as Hudson came up and inspected the card.

"Shit!" Hudson exclaimed, "that's more money than I've made in my life!"

Ryouko playfully punched Warren in the arm, "Warren-kun, don't act modest."

Everyone laughed as Hudson blushed.

"All right, all right, I've made a *little* more than five million in my life..." Warren smiled.

This caused Ryouko to mimic Warren's trademark whistle and "innocent me" stance.

Ataru chuckled, "Hey Hudson, I bet Tobimaru-san will buy you a whole round of drinks for getting Ryouko-chan off his back!"

Ryouko beamed, "Already happened at my birthday party, remember Ataru-sama?"

"Lum and I were still climbing your birthday cake."

Everyone in on the conversation laughed at the memory.

Right then, Cygni and Sergei sank into another long-winded kiss.

Not wanting to be left out, Lum glanced to her Darling, and decided to take the initiative.

Lum gently grabbed Ataru by the hips, turned him around, and kissed him full on the lips in one fluid motion...and Ataru didn't fight it.

Jariten made a smartalec remark while Shinobu and Zard laughed.

Tsubame Ozuno smiled at the two couples kissing, and turned to Sakura.

The two shrugged, "I guess nothing can interrupt us if Moroboshi and Lum are kissing," Sakura slyly grinned. Soon Tsubame was holding Sakura in his arms...

"We're being left out," Hudson said simply and leaned Ryouko over for a 1950's Hollywood-style kiss. Ryouko happily reciprocated, thereby enabling them to hold the kiss longer than Sergei and Cygni.

Megane let a tear slip down his cheek freely. He was happy for them, all of them.

The synth-pop band was set up on the stage and the singer was a woman named Kyoko Tsuyouko; another Idol Singer wannabe.

The song she sang was "Good Luck-From Forever With Love."

"It's so wonderful--All right"
We can still make it...
"It's so wonderful"
...while there are birds
flying in the sky."

If there was any doubt Megane had in his mind about whether he could get through the day without crying like a lovelorn fool; they were confirmed now.

"It's so wonderful--All right"
Looking at it from here...
"It's so wonderful"
...it's just like a panorama
surrounded by light."

Shutaro was beside him, "Megane, you all right?"

"Mendou, this must be what heaven sounds like."

"Earth is a beautiful planet--
the only oasis
floating in the cosmos.
"Good luck"--I will protect
the planet of love on which you live.
How exciting it is!"

For a moment, Shutaro was able to tap into what Megane was feeling.

"Yes," Mendou said quietly, "it probably is."

"It's so wonderful--All right"
Tomorrow will be too late...
"It's so wonderful"
...because the sun will fade soon."

Warren and Ryouko finished their kiss; it was a good thing too, even Ataru was about to ask them to get a room.

"Travel to the East of Eden.
Even without a map,
you will return for sure--Boomerang."

Megane wasn't sure if he was about to have a nervous breakdown or turn into a superbeing right then and there.

"Good luck"--An angel's kiss
turns into a cobalt-blue star.
Terribly exciting!"

Sergei and Cygni were beginning to sing along. With Sakura and Tsubame following suit. Then Ataru and Lum.

"Earth is a beautiful planet--
the only oasis
floating in the cosmos.
"Good luck"--I will protect
the planet of love on which you live.
How exciting it is!"

Now Megane and Shutaro were singing.

"Good luck"--I send you telepathy
from here, with eternal love.
Truly exciting!"

The song ended slowly, the way it should.

Sometime later, cake was served; one for Rei and one for everyone else.

Cherry was giving blessings on stage and avoiding thrown objects with great agility.

Megane had found his home video retailer, Sakaguchi, sitting at a table slightly dazed but still there. The daze Sak was in seemed slightly different to Megane than just being drunk.

When Sakaguchi was asked he simply told Megane to meet him in the Men's Room later.

This puzzled Megane somewhat. But he was soon dragged onto the stage by Hudson.

"What're we gonna do?" Megane asked.

"We are going to make Devo proud," Hudson glowed.

A question mark could practically be seen next to Megane's head.

Warren was handed the mic. "Everyone, everyone, can I have your attention, please?"

The entire warehouse was soon silent. "Thank you," Warren smiled, "you may remember this next tune as 'Working In A Coal Mine' as performed by Devo."

Some people were heard clapping and cheering.

Hudson acted cool, "But now...it's our turn..."

"You drunk enough to be as confident as I am?" he whispered to Megane.

"Right now I feel like I could conquer the world in thirty minutes," Megane nodded eagerly.

"That's the spirit, lad."

The song went well, every so often Hudson would stop singing and let Megane have the spoken line: "Lord...I am so tired...how long can this go on?"

Afterwards, Megane remembered what Sakaguchi had told him. So he left the party and proceeded to the Men's Room.

No one was inside, Megane sighed, "Hey Sak! Where the hell are you?"

A stall opened and a fat guy around 37 years of age stepped out. "Hiding and waiting for you, Megane."

"Well what do you want?" Megane sighed, looking at himself in a mirror.

"I know you've been acting really shitty lately...and if you want something to...you know," Sak looked around; suspicious.

"No, I don't think I do," Megane using his trademark deadpan.

"You know what Dr. Johnson said, right?"

Megane shook his head in the negative.

"He said: 'He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.'" Sak smiled toothfully.

"Cool," Megane turned on a faucet, and began washing his face.

"I can take all the pain away, Megane."


Sakaguchi grinned and went back into the stall he appeared out of, he returned with a metal briefcase.

Sak set it down on a sink, clicked it open, and produced a small bag with a white powdery substance in it.

"Heroin?" Megane knew his smack.

Sak nodded, "I'm not going to lie to you. The life of a junkie is simply one black and white channel day in and day out until you die. There are some, like me, who can moderate and maintain something resembling a normal life on top of it. But a lot go down, some linger along for awhile, then there are those who get off of it and live."

"Why bring this stuff to me?" Megane asked, plaintively.

"I know that you're hurting, Megane," Sak smiled in a self-depreciating fashion, "You're a smack junkie waiting to happen ever since Lum and the Stormtroopers aren't what they used to be. You've never even been laid or had a girlfriend...your parents don't know or don't care what you're going through."

Megane glared at Sakaguchi.

"Hey," Sak threw up his hands, "you're my biggest porn and anime consumer, what am I to assume?"

"How did you know?" Megane frowned.

"A good home video retailer in the 80's has to be more than what a good bartender was in the 30's."

"Even if it means selling scag to high school students?" Megane glanced up at his friend.

"Even if it means making sure a friend doesn't screw himself up anymore than he needs to be," Sak smiled warmly. "It's a dangerous drug world out there, Megane. I'd rather you always know your dealer and only take what you can handle. After that, come what may," Sak gestured to the mirror.

Megane crossed his arms, "How long have you been a junkie?"

"Three years," Sak said slowly, slightly regretful.

"I never knew," Megane shook his head then chuckled, "you hid it damn well."

"Thanks," Sak motioned to his gear, "here I have smack, mescaline, pot, and coke," he turned to his customer, "you can shoot up with me for free, or you can forget this ever happened, you can also think about it."

Megane stood looking at the illegal substances. What was so wrong with it? It's not like there was anything he had to stay straight for. He had five million American dollars, that properly invested could set him up real nice for life or death. Whether that be for a life as a filmmaker or a quick, but albeit possibly brilliant, death as a drugsucker.

It would make a killer ducumentary, though...Toyko Smack Junkies in the mid 1980's.

Either way, he was only taking *himself* down. Frankly, that appealed to him in this moment and time.

"So what's it going to be?" Sak said gently, "I'll be your home video retailer and friend always, no matter what you choose."

"I choose the smack," Megane looked up at Sak, "but not here, I wouldn't want Cygni to find out that you came to her wedding with a briefcase full of drugs."

"Yeah, that's what I figured," Sak said, "these are all just fakes anyway," he clicked the briefcase shut.

Megane's jaw dropped, he laughed, "those are just your showpieces, right?"

Sak nodded, "Yes, it cuts down on risk if the police catches you when you're setting up a deal."

Later, when Megane shot up for the first time in Sakaguchi's one room apartment, he would remember a fleeting thought as the pain of his life turning to loose jelly shit around him was temporarily chased away.

"I was cured, all right..."

Even Later still, Megane began writing on a new Oni Laptop Computer he bought with the money Cygni had given him before getting a top-notch stockbroker and opening several bank accounts and safe deposit boxes.

"I feel like a monster reincarnation of Adlai Stevenson, a man on the move and just sick enough to be totally confident."


Sorry for ending things so negatively, Parias. I ripped some of the ending dialog from A Clockwork Orange and Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas.

Megane will survive. He just has a drug habit and the money to support it, he's disciplined enough not to squander the money as to endanger his future. He'll keep his grades up, and things will continue.

"Good Luck" is the ending theme for a few UY OVAs and it was the last ending credits theme used in the TV series. It's one of my favorite UY songs...

Official Credits...

Ending Theme: Good Luck - Towa Yori Ai o Komete
(Good Luck - From Forever With Love)

Performed by Minami Shooko * Lyrics by Agi Yooko
Music by Izumi Tsunetomo * Arranged by Mizutani Koosei

Special Thanks to Animeigo's online Liner Notes!

Proper legal stuff...

Urusei Yatsura © Kitty Films. Translation, Subtitling & Dubbing © AnimEigo. All Rights Reserved

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #184 on: October 24, 2004, 05:45:18 AM »
By Parias on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 09:16:

A damn fine ending if I do say so myself >) Good job!

For the congrats, I'd like to stick one out to Blade of Kintaro again, for the time he was here, for the humor of his posts, Bakuto was a pretty funny character. And of course you, Jocko, for being so knowledgable and helping me out where I needed it, half the time I didn't know where the hell it was going to go, but you always seemed to straighten it out in your next post. And I'd like to thank everyone, contributing or not, for putting up with my blatant ripping off of several games, movies, and other things along with my continual integration of Lum-like characters (in appearance anyways) and my "make-it-up-as-I-go-along" attitude in posting. Good job people! >)

..As for our next line, I've told my friend that we're finished on this, and he's considering on if he'll join or not. If he is, he'll start us off on the next line, if he isn't, well, I'll let you go Jocko, since you seemed to have a couple of ideas. He'll have his decision by Monday, at latest.

Phew, that was one of our longest running storylines yet...

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #185 on: October 24, 2004, 05:45:33 AM »
By Jocko on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 19:41:
Damn straight! I just spent all night watching Apocalypse Now twice and watching the clock lose an hour...

I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about true drug addition besides what I've read in Hunter Thompson books and what I've seen in some select movies. But I'd like to think I can portray both the good and bad...the story of Megane's artistic reinassance has appeal.

Example, Sakaguchi and Megane go "on assignment" to film the former's college ski team's ski meet whatever...basically the UY answer to Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas at a Japan ski resort. Like I said before, Sak is a blue collar guy who's clawed himself up into a high-class college film studies program. He gets a lot of shit from the young punks.

I'd like to figure out how I can also squeeze in Hudson's Time Magazine cover story, Benten's debt problems, and the love-raygun story.

And hell, maybe as a side story I'll do that "Ataru gets a job at a lady's evening wear store" anecdote. Or you could do that, Parias. You have the proper knowledge of the UY story to make it a success.

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #186 on: October 24, 2004, 05:45:46 AM »
By Jocko on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 19:52:
Oh yes, maybe we should forget about getting started on another story until we figure out how this can be assembled/edited/ironed out into a fanfiction.

I'd like to present this to the larger world of UY fans who have never seen anything like this before...for good or ill. Just think of the personal glory...a UY continuation primarily based on the foundation of psycho-political black comedy crossed with drug-addled sentimentality.

It would also rock for all of the fanfic archives to have to archive a series called...

"Urusei Yatsura: The Adventures of the Amazing One Million Pound Shithammer"

Hey, we needed a general umbrella title, didn't we?

We should also thank Ataru Devo for his contributions here, AD and Kintaro had potential.

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #187 on: October 24, 2004, 05:46:07 AM »
By Parias on Monday, April 3, 2000 - 23:58:
Oh yea! Almost forgot about AD.. blargh!

Hahaha, love the name there.. truely original >) Alright so assuming we're gonna get this thing posted, what's the plan gonna be to do that?

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #188 on: October 24, 2004, 05:46:19 AM »
By Jocko on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 - 02:33:
I wish the name was my own...I have a Chapter heading/thingy in HST's Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 to thank for that.

I also heard of a book about Punk Rock in Britain called "The Fascist Bathroom."

Since Megane is frequently discribed as a fascist...why not?

I guess we need to basically edit all three storylines, credit an introduction, transfer this to txt., zip it for some of the archives, and generally post on rec.arts.anime.creative.

It'll be a big job, but not too hard...I hope. We just need to reread everything with a fresh perspective and clear head...then correct any and all errors.

I mean realistically, how many out there read this on the board?

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Re: Third storyline: No Sympathy for the Devil
« Reply #189 on: October 24, 2004, 05:46:39 AM »
By Parias on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 - 01:50:
You got a point, be nice to get this thing out to the masses.. heh

Now the fun part is getting all this stuff done... hmm..

Might I suggest we begin another thread for this? Even though I'm on a big fat pr0n pipe, the page still takes a hefty 20 seconds to load >)