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Does anyone remember Jem and the Holograms?

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--- Quote ---Project A-Ko wins at life.

I just felt the need to establish that, and also that I declare Jihad on any who would contest this fact.
--- End quote ---

I second that...

And yes Ataru would go crazy around Jem's mostly female cast, hell he'd do that anywhere there's a majorly female cast

We should so totally make a doujinshi about that.

"Ataru x Pop Culture: The Tired Concept"

It sounds good!!!
It sounds veeery good!!!! :P

Doujinshi....what's that?

Doujinshi (or Dohjinshi) is the name of unofficial products made by fans about famous charecters.
They may contain simple illustrations, complete episodes, fanfictions or even crossovers between completely different anime/manga.

The quality of drawings is obviously related to the skill of the fan, but there are fabulous piece of art amongst them! :P

A great part of doujinshi creation is about hentai version of famous characters, so often most people consider doujinshi synonymous of Hentai... :'(


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