Forum > Who is your favorite UY Character?

Anybody here a fan of Chibi?

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Clown Prince of Crime:
Chibi from Lum's Stormtroopers. He has a funny voice, he's usually the one doing the most humiliating things (remember the Summer Christmas episode?), and he takes the most abuse. Mostly, though, I just really like his funny voice. So, anyone else here like Chibi?

Necron 99:

Yeah, he definitely is an amusing character. BTW, did you know that the Japanese voice actor who voiced Chibi also voiced Yusaku Godai from Maison Ikkoku?

Clown Prince of Crime:
I think I remember hearing about that, but I forgot about it until you just mentioned it again right now.

And that screenshot you showed... heh, I love that episode! If I remember correctly, Chibi's about to turn into a wolf, just before getting hit by Megane. XD

you are correct...

Clown Prince of Crime:
Is it me, or did Chibi start off normal size, but get shorter and shorter as the series progressed?


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