Forum > Suggestions

Where has the snow gone?

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There used to be snow on this website at Christmas but now its gone! Why?

Oh thank goodness! "ON THIS WEBSITE". I thought you were referring to Around Your (and everybody else's) Habitat.

(Me? I HATED last year's snows -- one of the snowiest Winters we've had here in North-East Ohio -- and this year's mild start to the Season is VERY welcomed)

Actually, that snow effect eats into bandwidth and makes the site load a little slower. Guess I'm not a fan of snow HERE, either?

Last year it was the coldest winter in 31 years, -22.3 degrees C in the UK with a mean temperature of 0.6C and it snowed for two months. Because it got very cold during the winter lots of people in the UK who don't understand that climate change is a long term change thought that this meant global warming was not happening despite it was globally the warmest winter ever recorded.

It was horrible last year as it was really cold, difficult to walk around and a 45 minute car journey to New College Durham I go to took three hours (I didn't have my automatic licence then, my Dad works at the there). On the flipside I did get a whole week off because they closed it.

It has snowed pretty much everywhere else in the country only just missing us and I might have missed it this year as its going to gradually get milder.

Thanks for pointing that out. I tried the old snow version, but it's not working for this version of SMF. I found a nice working version of 'snow' to work with this board (with some adaptions to get the code working).

It's now really winter @ the forums but here in my region, there's no snow yet...

You can't see it very much since the background is white.


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