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Slow forum


As we having some traffic troubles on the forum-location it can sometimes be very slow to non-responsive  :-\

This happens most of the time between 1300 GMT+1 and 2300 HMT+1

As we are working on a relocation of the forums we'd like you to know these troubles won't be permanent...

Thanks you for your patience with us...


--- Quote from: Parias ---Aye, there seems to be a few quirks here and there.. some internal server errors and other assorted problems keep randomly popping up on my end. With this being presently hosted on a public Lycos server though, I'm not surprised.. heh. Other than that, seems pretty much all functional as far as I can tell, and it's doing my cable modem some nice justice.
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--- Quote from: Lum-chan ---Yes I know. From time to time the server has some strange hicups which results in error 500 from the server. This is nothing strange since the server is heavily overloaded. A refresh or a back and try again is always a good solution atm. I hope to have the whole forum migrated in a few weeks depending on the account-creation on my new host.
Sometimes it times out unfortunate but I heard they were working on it (yeah right...)

Well, I hope the forum will work until it's time to migrate the whole thing ^_^
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