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Hyaku Anime Laws

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I found this website a while back but didn't remember it until just now
this a very resourceful site you should check out

I don't get it, what's this for? o.o

Btw, we have currently filmed 12 episodes, about 50% of opening scenes, and about 7.5 Digital Shorts :D

Since our first project, "Anime Versus Cartoons" has been completed, uploaded, and discussed already, I think it's time to move back to our major project which is "Anime Laws" :D

(Could someone lock the other topic, please? Or am I able to do it cause I opened it :S ?)

Okay, so currently I need a lot of help. There are some laws that I haven't been able to completely pick out anime to use yet.

--- Quote ---#7 First Law of Temporal Mortality

"Good Guys" and "Bad Guys" both die in one of two ways - either so quick they don’t even see it coming, OR it’s a long drawn out affair where the character gains much insight to the workings of society, human existence or why the toast always lands butter side down.

*NOTE: Sometimes, Anime heroes or villains never really die! In these rare cases they were a clone or cyborg and the real hero/villain’s suspiciously missing in "Malletspace", or something.
--- End quote ---

We already have anime examples for the note ("they were a clone or cyborg") and for the "quick death".

It is the "long drawn out affair" death that I have trouble finding. Possibly because the example would be lengthy which we wouldn't have time for?

Regardless, I'm hoping someone here can point me in the direction of a clip or perhaps something I can time lapse to describe this part of the Law.

1st... Do you want to lock the Anime vs Cartoons topic? I don't see why... people can still have something to say about it...

2nd... The "long drawn out affair" situation is probably when only they're about to die that they figure something out... (for example is there a God) or it could be like Freeza in DBZ after being cut in half (or more parts) he still stays there talking... and stuff then attacks Goku and finally Goku kills him... or so we think... but he returns as a parcial cyborg... (opposite of the note) to be killed for real by Trunks when they come to Earth.

A better example and easier to put as a clip... is the death of
Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun. That guy really took long to die.

#Invalid YouTube Link#

Only found it English dubed... another one could be the death of Yagami Light... Well ever since he started wrighting names in the book he is considered a dead man...

I would like to appologise to anyone that I might have ruined the ending or part of a series you are or would watch... XD

If you feel people still wanna talk about it, you can leave it open (though I haven't gotten many great views for the movie yet)

I thought about Light but... takes too long for him to Spoiler (hover to show) die XD 37 episodes :p

The clip you gave me was a beautiful example, I'll likely use part of it (obviously too long for one episode since I have to include two other anime clips) so you'll have to apologize to all of youtube for the spoiler XD

With that, I have clips picked out for the first 9 episodes :D

the 10th? well it's not that it's hard to find... it's that when I see it, it happens fast and I don't pay attention enough to realize I can use it for the clip...

--- Quote ---#10 Law of Dramatic Multiplicity

Scenes that only happen once, for instance, a "Good Guy" kicks the "Bad Guy" in the face, are seen at least 3 times from 3 different angles.
--- End quote ---

That'll be one hell of a short clip XD but if necessary, unless I can find one exmaple that takes up more time, I may use multiple anime clips and do a little montage.

Any suggestions?


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