Forum > Western Games

Battlefield 3 Vs Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Which is better? Which has better aiming? Best weapons? Which has controllable vehicles? Which is more strategy orientated and which is more arcade in your opinion? Which is the most fun? Which one has the best multiplayer and which has the best single player? Which has better voice acting? Which has a better story? Which has the best graphics? Which one gives the best overall fun factor? Which has the most online players? Which console do you prefer it on? Which has better enemy AI and which has better friendly AI? Which is the most difficult?

The only military first person shooters I have played is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3 and World at War on the Wii.

Please do not complain about or say something is better than the other when you haven't played them, you are allowed to compare based on reviews but try to post a link to your source if available i.e internet reviews . Back up your arguments; do not say '[this one] is rubbish because it sucks!'. Be honest, don't be biased.

If I have to pick COD or Battlefield, I. Pick COd since it has a good plot and enjoyable mulitplayer. But I don't mind the graphics in battlefield 3 plus the gameplaybof battlefield which it is nice. I got black ops and MW3 on the wii (despite my wii is almost 6 years. Old), but battlefield looks great. My vote is COD MW3.

I've got Battlefield 3 and its great, don't know if MW3 is better or not because I've never played it and if its anything like MW2 I never want to play COD again.

I have both and i like BF3 more cause MW3 and MW2 is like same game but maps are new :/

Lets see. I would go with bf3 for the destruction,tact based gameplay and vehicle control. But if i wanted a fast paced rambo style game with some vehicles i would go with mw3. But to me i would go with bf3. I like to run away and shoot but then again i like to control a tank,fly a heli myself and plan things out(hey u go over there and i will flank em)


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