Forum > Western Games

What games are there like Runescape?

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I used to like playing Runescape but I'm sure their must be better similar games out there. Anyone know of any?

Like Runescape? Free MMO RPG?

I think you'll find something to your liking. I did.

Thanks falling star, I'm downloading Eden Eternal, an anime style MMORPG. I wanted to get World of Warcraft but my graphics card isn't good enough to play it.

Hmm... I gave Eden Eternal a try and I must say it was better than I expected. Visually its a very nice game, very easy to get to the quests/missions, hard to level because I have to fill 2 experience bars to 100%... I haven't seen/explored much of the game world but this game looks like a good for casual weekend/end of the day game play fun.

Btw... if you see a guy in a Yellow armor that goes by the name Fallen_Perv... that's me. ;D

I was playing DOMO myself a while back... I've tried Eden Eternal and I am impressed with it as anyone else is. However I'm waiting 'til it's more updated before I get into it.


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