Forum > Troubles

[SOLVED] Session Timeouts

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I'm getting "Session timed out while posting" alot.

If I try to log out, "session verification has failed, please try logging ou then in again".

Brilliant, that.

I can sometimes get it working by disabling cookies, but there's some kinda pattern to it that I haven't figured out yet...

As in, if I do it wrong, I can't even log in.

So, any help?

Uhmm, strange, I ever had every kind of net trouble, but not with this forum... :/

Just now it's working more than well... :)

Well lookee here.

Cookies = enabled, and yet, I'm posting this.

Oh well =|

Necron 99:
I can no longer post on any of the Apple computers in my house. I'm posting using my brother's computer. He'll be pissed if he finds out about this, and thus I can't afford to use this computer often. I keep getting the same messages Gulanzon mentioned in the first post in this thread. What the hell's going on? Is this website, like countless others, sabotaged to work only on Microsoft computers?

No one else seems to be having problems (at least I'm not), and you say you can post from that computer, so it must be something wrong with your computer.

Try doing stuff like deleting the temporary files (don't think this helps, but give it a try anyway), checking your computer for any viruses or spyware and making sore your internet connection is OK.

If none of tis works you better ask someone else for help, because I don't think it could be anything else...


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