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UY manga volume covers


I have looked at the Urusei Yatsura volume covers (I'm not sure if they are the Japan or American release ones) and I noticed that Lum's hair colour is different from the TV series. Why?

manga hair colour seems to almost never be the same in the anime (shampoo in the ranma 1st opening was green haired and Ran had orange hair in the UY opening. I assume that they were still unsure of the official anime art at those times)

A possibility: early manga color art showed Lum's hair to be dark (black?) but the shine & light-highlights were rainbow-hued. Her hair was irridescent in the light. THAT would have been collossally impractical to do with animation, so I imagine a decision was made to simplify her hair design and make it a two-toned green in the anime.

Notice also that her eye color changed from manga to anime: hazel in the manga, blue in the anime (and green in the new OVA).


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