Forum > Chit & Chat

The Ugly Truth

(1/5) > >>

A side of me I don't normally see (but everyone else does):

The DREADED BALD SPOT ::) :'( :?!!!

I had to laugh. =X

Don't worry, VH. It's not that bad. If you were a woman, it would be worse, trust me. ;)

If it wasn't laugh-worthy (and if I couldn't bear the laughter) I wouldn't have posted it. ;)

That's actually from the good side; the bald spot is off-center to my right! How strange is that?!

Hmm... you're 54... I'm 27... And I have a bald spot... not as big as yours but... it will get there eventually... ;D

Damn you genetics...  }:| (waves fist at sky)  ;D

Hey, at least you're not like this guy, who have been bald his whole life, except when he got old:


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