Forum > Why do we love Lum that much?

Things Girls can Learn from Lum

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Dabu Sensei:
Meves: Excellent! I had never noted that about Lum, but it's so true--she certainly is ready to learn and accept Earth culture.

Necron 99: That sure is a powerful statement about self-sacrifice. Isn't that in fact the essence of true love--sacrificing self for others?

And yes--Lum's Innocence is at the heart of her adorable nature. "Lonely Teacher" would _never_ work if we thought that she's just mean spirited.

Forgotten Lum: That's a great insight too--about Lum's clumsiness actually being endearing because she _tries_ things--like Meves noted about being open.

Here's one more I thought of:

7. Ingenious

In "Exciting Christmas Eve" when Ataru is setup for a fall on that fake date, Lum _on her own_ ingeniously turns the tables on Megane. Wow! In "Return of CaO2" she conjures up a half-dozen pranks against their teacher. Finally, she held off Ataru in "I'm Lum the Notorious" until he stole her bra.

Suggestion for girls: use your brain! We may end up really liking it.

Yours in Lum,

Dabu Sensei

Posted on: April 03, 2007, 08:28:10 AMNow, I know I haven't mentioned how beautiful Lum is, but that's a gift she has and way tough to imitate (although grooming helps).

Okay, here's one more I thought of to add to the list:

8: Playful

Oh, I am so thankful that Lum is fun to be around--look at the things she does with her alien friends (like in "Return of CaO2") or with Ten or even in her dreams (like in "Beautiful Dreamer"). Serious she is not. She doesn't appear to manipulate people or try to get her own way all the time. (Okay, I'll admit she's possessive of Ataru, but she really thinks he'll be happier with her alone. I would be.)

Not to be redundant, but look at how she acts in "Lonely Teacher"--she seems to really enjoy herself, even though she knows this "date" is only a put-on to embarrass him. She's just naturally playful right up to asking him to kiss her good night.

What girls could learn: relax! Nobody likes a pushy "friend". Worse, being uptight just makes you seem afraid. Life's got a lot of problems, and having to figure out yours so you aren't afraid isn't the most attractive personality trait you could have.

Dabu Sensei

Necron 99:

10. Courage, Bravery

Lum fights for what she wants. When her friends (mostly Ataru) are in danger, Lum doesn't care if she could get hurt or even worse. Lum does everything that could help to rescue her friends. She doesn't think twice. She doesn't quit, also.

 I don't think that only girls could learn from her. I think that everyone should learn from Lum.

I would say this to someone: Never quit from what you really want. Everything is possible, you just need to fight for it. Don't think twice when someone is in danger or needs help.

Necron 99:

Arigatou gozaimas Necron-kun.


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