The World of Urusei Yatsura's Lum

Urusei Yatsura - General => Urusei Yatsura General Discussion => Topic started by: kyo on February 15, 2008, 09:08:44 PM

Title: list of things that make you angry
Post by: kyo on February 15, 2008, 09:08:44 PM

okay we all have those things that tick us off. you can make a list of everything (this is my way of getting to know everyone plus I dont feel like reading all of the topics... that could take me weeks)


2)bigamist (because they take all the women ! :( )

3) hentai (so so creepy)

4)lack of urusei yatsura fanfics ( I'm trying my best to make trying to edit out the mistakes)

5)when ever you get a really great movie... and they ruined it (spiderman 3 anyone ? )

6) lemon fanfics of urusei yatsura ( except for the prince and the lecher that was awsome)

7) racist stereotypes ( those stupid 1929 cartoons really screw me up)

8) when they killed your faviorite superheros ( bring superboy and flash back dc !)

so what tick you off ?
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: Kroptik on February 15, 2008, 10:25:05 PM
1. My internet sucks because of the priority system.

2. Stupid jokes like this (, Which I already asked to be deleted.

3. People who like to provoke other people in any way.

There are a lot more, but those are the main 3.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 16, 2008, 02:38:28 AM
Only one thing really makes me angry. Stupid people who choose to be stupid, and act superior to those who don't because of it. Sure there are other things that might irritate me for a short time (and plenty of them, far too many to list). But that's the one thing that constantly sets me ablaze. If I had the power, I would remove these people from existence.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: kyo on February 16, 2008, 03:19:49 AM
1. My internet sucks because of the priority system.

2. Stupid jokes like this (, Which I already asked to be deleted.

3. People who like to provoke other people in any way.

There are a lot more, but those are the main 3.
wow... that was a stupid joke
Posted on: February 16, 2008, 03:19:09 AM
Only one thing really makes me angry. Stupid people who choose to be stupid, and act superior to those who don't because of it. Sure there are other things that might irritate me for a short time (and plenty of them, far too many to list). But that's the one thing that constantly sets me ablaze. If I had the power, I would remove these people from existence.
that would be quite a feat
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 16, 2008, 10:07:27 AM
It would probably eliminate all but the smallest handful of the human population on earth, I'm sure.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: FallinG_StaR on February 16, 2008, 12:13:56 PM
1. My internet sucks because of the priority system.

2. Stupid jokes like this (, Which I already asked to be deleted.

3. People who like to provoke other people in any way.

There are a lot more, but those are the main 3.

Huh? What's wrong with that? Can't you take a joke? I'm sure your breath smells like roses... Hell I don't know... It's just a simple joke... if its stupid or not that I don't know... I really don't understand why you brought this up after all this time... if you didn't like it you could of simply send a PM talking about it.
Anyway... if you want that picture removed plz send me a PM and this time try not to be rude.  O-)

And Sidzero, "removing people from existence" for being stupid or acting stupid and superior  towards others don't you think that... by saying that you include yourself in the people that you want to remove?  :?
Because that sounds like a stupid thing to do at the same time acting superior to others.

I don't know... this is probably the lack of sleep talking...

Oh... btw, one thing that really makes me angry is people that lie...

Have a nice day... and contact your local psychiatrist... they know a thing or 2 about anger management.  8| 8)7
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: DarkDevil on February 16, 2008, 01:40:38 PM
1- Insulting or injuring women.
2- Remembering some happenings in the past (not history)
3- Viewing all the facts, that I gathered, in reallity, or by calculations. (the world spin on numbers, I think)
4- Calling my brother perfect, when there is no one, never was, and never will be, any one perfect.
Edit: There are more.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 16, 2008, 02:53:01 PM
And Sidzero, "removing people from existence" for being stupid or acting stupid and superior  towards others don't you think that... by saying that you include yourself in the people that you want to remove?  :?
Because that sounds like a stupid thing to do at the same time acting superior to others.

Of course. It's nice to see someone who actually caught on. I thought maybe the whole "leaving only a small handful of people" thing would have given too much away. After all, who would want to live in a world like that? Thouroughly impressed, I am. The phrase "removing people from existence" amuses me, and I felt like using it. :)

Although I am utterly disgusted with modern society's glamorization of ignorance. What is society really teaching kids when such things like MTV say "it's ok to be ignorance, you're happier that way, and if you go out and seek knowledge to fix your ignorance, you're a nerd or a geek or some other derogatory term, and there's something wrong with you". Really, that's at the top of my "things I hate and wish to destroy" list.

1- Insulting or injuring women.

So basically you're saying that all women are inferior to men to the point that they need protection from the nastiness of the world? And what if it was one woman doing so to another? I don't mind the idea of protecting someone who needs (and deserves) protection, but some of the ridiculous ideas brought on by bogus ideas of chivalry... just something the world can do without. Not all women are weak just as much as not all men are strong. Bigotry reinforced by a sense of righteousness... another thing on my "things I hate and want to destroy" list.

And then, I also want to mention a pet peeve of mine, just for the record... though I wouldn't really say it's worthy of the "things I hate and want to destroy" list (which is a lot longer than it probably should be), it's something that irks me every time. It's when people who use writing (or typing as would be more appropriate for a message board) as a primary source of communication, who should normally be quite capable of using the language they're using, either don't or won't read over what they're writing (or typing) as they're writing it. It annoys me to no end when people who call english their primary language can't use the damned language properly. I'm not saying everyone should go around spouting off using big fancy words (like I have a nasty habit of doing), but at least know proper usage of simple grammar, and spell things correctly. It doesn't take an english major to know how to use the right forms of words in the right sentences. It barely even takes a third grader. Now of course, when the person doing the writing (or typing) can't claim english as their primary language, I can understand. And if they apologize for their lack of skill with the language, it's all the better... that's as good as asking for help. But if you're old enough that you need more than 2 hands to count your age on, you should be old enough to know how to use your own damned language. It also amuses my sick sense of humor how the majority of people I've come across to whom english is a second language, know the language better than most primary english speakers. Funny considering the typical attitude of english speakers in regards to learning second (or third, fourth, fifth) languages... "I know english so everyone else should know it too, and to hell with their languages!" I hate that. Why do people from english-speaking nations (IE: England and the US) only learn and use one language in their lives, when pretty much everyone else in the world is learning their native language, english and sometimes up to half a dozen other languages before they even graduate high school (or it's equivalent)? I'm from the US, so I was brought up in that attitude too. But I always tried learning any other languages I thought I would enjoy.

This probably just stems from my hatred of willful ignorance, and that's enough ranting for now.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: DarkDevil on February 16, 2008, 04:04:22 PM
Just a few nears ago, women couldn't vote.
I want women to reach the same level as men.

The action you'll take will always do harm to ones and others benefit from it.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: Kroptik on February 16, 2008, 04:21:00 PM
1. My internet sucks because of the priority system.

2. Stupid jokes like this (, Which I already asked to be deleted.

3. People who like to provoke other people in any way.

There are a lot more, but those are the main 3.

Huh? What's wrong with that? Can't you take a joke? I'm sure your breath smells like roses... Hell I don't know... It's just a simple joke... if its stupid or not that I don't know... I really don't understand why you brought this up after all this time... if you didn't like it you could of simply send a PM talking about it.
Anyway... if you want that picture removed plz send me a PM and this time try not to be rude.  O-)

Because of that "simple joke" I didn't come on for about 3 weeks. That's why I didn't complain earlier.

I'm tired of people making fun of everything about me: looks, personality, whatever. My life has been hell because I was always teased by my whole class for 11 straight years. I never undertood their reasons either, because I never did anything to them. And one of the things I was always teased about was my breath (which wasn't true, because I could be shouting a mile away and they'd still complain). I'm tired of being the nice guy, because apparently we are the ones that get joked of all the time for no reason at all.

You honestly have no idea how much of a hell my life was. I couldn't move an inch without getting laughed by half my class. I tried ignoring them, didn't work. I fought back, was 1 vs 10, had no choice. In classes, they teased, I fought back, and the teacher would tell ME to be quiet. Have you ever came back to school crying because your "friends" are a bunch of assholes? I have, several times.

When I moved to Madeira I was finally able to make some friends, because of the fact that no one knew me. But even today, I still feel everyone talks bad about me behind my back. I was treated so badly for so long that I don't trust anyone.

So please just do my a favor and delete the damn picture. Or ban me if you want, I don't care anyone. Apparently I'm the wrong thing in this planet, not everyone else.

Sorry to take your precious time. }:|
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: kyo on February 16, 2008, 04:39:07 PM
agreed with you sidzero, there this sandwich shop in philly where on the window a sign read : "THIS IS AMERICA SPEAK ENGLISH WHEN ORDERING YOUR FOOD," I Never gonna eat at that place again.

another thing that irks me :Rappers Now excuse me if I go into Race but  I'm african american, whenever I hear a rap song  That just more reason not to trust us. A friend of my brother decided to join the navy (dont' know why the hell he that for...) and  they posted him in thailand. everyday someone made racist remarks to him because they heard and saw rappers on A buggy tv srceen. he recorded some of they remarks and brought it back to America, after that the navy posted him in hawail. That why I am going to learn japanese, if they make one racist remark than I can curse them out.

Than I am AFRAID america may go broke because we fought that stupid war. if you watch something seven or six years ago you get somthing like joined the Army ! or  Help us take down terroists !
now it : America may go into a depression ! more at 11PM

 why cant' we all get along ? no one better than anyone else. no one perfect .

just a few thought from my head.
Posted on: February 16, 2008, 04:28:56 PM
1. My internet sucks because of the priority system.

2. Stupid jokes like this (, Which I already asked to be deleted.

3. People who like to provoke other people in any way.

There are a lot more, but those are the main 3.

Huh? What's wrong with that? Can't you take a joke? I'm sure your breath smells like roses... Hell I don't know... It's just a simple joke... if its stupid or not that I don't know... I really don't understand why you brought this up after all this time... if you didn't like it you could of simply send a PM talking about it.
Anyway... if you want that picture removed plz send me a PM and this time try not to be rude.  O-)

Because of that "simple joke" I didn't come on for about 3 weeks. That's why I didn't complain earlier.

I'm tired of people making fun of everything about me: looks, personality, whatever. My life has been hell because I was always teased by my whole class for 11 straight years. I never undertood their reasons either, because I never did anything to them. And one of the things I was always teased about was my breath (which wasn't true, because I could be shouting a mile away and they'd still complain). I'm tired of being the nice guy, because apparently we are the ones that get joked of all the time for no reason at all.

You honestly have no idea how much of a hell my life was. I couldn't move an inch without getting laughed by half my class. I tried ignoring them, didn't work. I fought back, was 1 vs 10, had no choice. In classes, they teased, I fought back, and the teacher would tell ME to be quiet. Have you ever came back to school crying because your "friends" are a bunch of assholes? I have, several times.

When I moved to Madeira I was finally able to make some friends, because of the fact that no one knew me. But even today, I still feel everyone talks bad about me behind my back. I was treated so badly for so long that I don't trust anyone.

So please just do my a favor and delete the damn picture. Or ban me if you want, I don't care anyone. Apparently I'm the wrong thing in this planet, not everyone else.

Sorry to take your precious time. }:|
that happen to me, For nine year everyone treated me like i am weak because...  I never was mad. but when it come down to it : who answer the most questions in class ?   ME !    who always GAVE GOOD ADVICE in class ?   ME !   who trying to learn Another language ? That right ... ME !

man do i feel better, so yeah kroptik I know how It feel to always get the evil eyes and the rude jokes. }:|
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: FallinG_StaR on February 17, 2008, 12:59:07 AM
Because of that "simple joke" I didn't come on for about 3 weeks. That's why I didn't complain earlier.

I'm tired of people making fun of everything about me: looks, personality, whatever. My life has been hell because I was always teased by my whole class for 11 straight years. I never understood their reasons either, because I never did anything to them. And one of the things I was always teased about was my breath (which wasn't true, because I could be shouting a mile away and they'd still complain). I'm tired of being the nice guy, because apparently we are the ones that get joked of all the time for no reason at all.

You honestly have no idea how much of a hell my life was. I couldn't move an inch without getting laughed by half my class. I tried ignoring them, didn't work. I fought back, was 1 vs 10, had no choice. In classes, they teased, I fought back, and the teacher would tell ME to be quiet. Have you ever came back to school crying because your "friends" are a bunch of assholes? I have, several times.

When I moved to Madeira I was finally able to make some friends, because of the fact that no one knew me. But even today, I still feel everyone talks bad about me behind my back. I was treated so badly for so long that I don't trust anyone.

So please just do my a favor and delete the damn picture. Or ban me if you want, I don't care anyone. Apparently I'm the wrong thing in this planet, not everyone else.

Sorry to take your precious time. }:|

Hmm... So that's why... Like I said if it bothered you you could of simply asked for me to delete it... not stay away for 3 weeks...
Anyway, even I got bullied in school... just because I was a quiet guy... and all around good guy... or maybe it was for flirting with other guys girlfriends... I don't know... ;D I had the same feeling that everyone talks bad about me behind my back. Every time someone laughed behind my back I thought they where laughing at me... but w/e that only made me stronger and better. Well I still hate when people talk behind my back... even if they are talking about Cars and stuff I just can't stand having people behind me talking. Probably that's why in my last years of school I started sitting in the back...  :-\

P.S - I will remove picture...  _/-\o_ You are my hero...  :P
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: Kroptik on February 17, 2008, 01:14:20 AM
Well the hero thing was a bit too much, but thanks anyway for removing the pic. :P

I admit I was kinda mad when I started writting that last response, and I got madder the more I wrote, because I still think those years have ruined my life, at least so far. Sorry if I went a bit over the top there. :@

And thanks for understanding guys. Glad too see at least that someone understands how I feel and doesn't just laugh his face off for what I wrote.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: DarkDevil on February 17, 2008, 01:35:31 AM
That is why this topic is all about.
Edit: I think.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: kyo on February 17, 2008, 05:39:51 AM
That is why this topic is all about.
Edit: I think.
hate to admit it but darkdevil right, that why this topic is here  if you get angry and have a bad day write it here, someone will respond

offtopic : anyone noctice that we all got on in school ? because that kind of sucks :)
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 17, 2008, 01:53:13 PM
So, this topic is turning into a "lets complain about our miserable lives and compare our misery, then we can all have a big cry about it and feel better about ourselves because we got in touch with our feelings" fest, eh? Should have seen that one coming.

Why is it that everyone has to whine about having been bullied in school? I was picked on too, but I don't complain. I learned from it. I grew up and moved on. Compared to the rest of my life, I kinda miss those days. There are much, much worse things that can happen than being picked on in school.

Looking back, it was kinda funny, and I probably deserved it all anyway. Especially at the end of my senior year of high school after that whole Columbine thing happened, and I was seen as the "goth" kid in a redneck high school, and I started pointing out to people how perfectly I fit the psychological profile of a serial killer (except for the fact that I always abhorred the idea of violence as a solution to problems... but I tended to leave that part out). I think I rather enjoyed the look of fear in the eyes of... well... everyone that didn't really know me. Yeah... high school was a blast. :)
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: Kroptik on February 17, 2008, 03:05:20 PM
So basically you're saying you got picked in high school because you were the mean kid?

Well, my situation is kinda different. I never did (or don't think I have) done anything to deserve all the picking I got. If I had diserved it I'd have gotten over the matter probably.

And you say you miss those days too. I don't think I'll EVER miss those days...
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: Forgotten_Lum on February 17, 2008, 05:36:18 PM
look, take the good with the bad, sure high school can be hell, i've had people pick on me, steal my wallet, sucker punched in the middle of history class(long story short he didn't stop after one punch), hell i've even been held at knife point, but compared to now i kinda wish i was still in high school
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 17, 2008, 06:13:57 PM
So basically you're saying you got picked in high school because you were the mean kid?

Well, my situation is kinda different. I never did (or don't think I have) done anything to deserve all the picking I got. If I had diserved it I'd have gotten over the matter probably.

And you say you miss those days too. I don't think I'll EVER miss those days...

No, I was picked on in high school because I was weaker than everyone else, so I made an easy target, and I was smarter than everyone else, so they had reason to be jealous. The reason I say I probably deserved it was because even though I was picked on by most of the school, I wasn't any better about it. I would take any opportunity I got to find ways to rub in their face that I was better than them. I was no more mature about it than any of them were. We were all kids. That's the point of being kids. Like I said, school is about learning how to deal with people... the good, the bad, and the ugly. You grow up, you move on. No one enjoys the high school lives they often whine about. Even the ones that every looks at and think they have it good. Teenagers are still at a phase in their growing where you're learning to cope with your emotions, as well. It just adds up to problems all around.

The reason I say I miss those days is because of the life I've had since graduating high school. Those days were so much simpler. Yeah, you have to put up with a lot of crap in high school, but once you get out in the real world, you'll understand. Not only do you have to put up with all that same crap (because so many people these days just seem to have never grown out of it... I blame the education system for the poor job it does),  but you have a whole lot more crap thrown on top of it. Give it 5 to 10 years, you'll understand exactly what I mean. The real world can be a rough place. High school was nothing compared to how it is out here.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: DarkDevil on February 17, 2008, 08:36:58 PM
That last one is very true, Mr. Sidzero.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: FallinG_StaR on February 18, 2008, 01:09:53 AM
Yes... DarkDevil I'm sure you know a lot about that... :-\ being 17 and all... :&
Especially coming from a guy that thinks he's the devil reincarnation in a cat body...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: DarkDevil on February 18, 2008, 01:17:48 AM
The body that has just arrived has 17 years. (or atleast is what the company says)
And second, it would be call reincarnation only if I was rebron, Ninja boy. In my case I didn't had to pass through youth, which is a good thing, but I can't die, nor get old, which is a bad/good thing.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 18, 2008, 02:49:48 AM
Escapism by living one's life through fantasy.

I guess it works.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: kyo on February 18, 2008, 03:50:15 AM
really the only reason i made this topic caused we have no real way to get rid of our anger. oh sure the nightmare battle is there, but who  gonna start that up again ?

on with the show :

the thing that get me mad is... news media that devoted their jobs for things that not news.  case in point who gives a flying baka over some movie/music/sports star that got in trouble with john law ?
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: sidzero on February 18, 2008, 02:54:45 PM
really the only reason i made this topic caused we have no real way to get rid of our anger.

I'm sorry, but I don't think all of us suffer from that predicament. I for one, have many ways to get rid of my anger. Even if I didn't, I'd really rather not use someplace like this to do so. People on the internet have many uses, but I don't think it's any fairer to take my anger out on them than it is anyone else. I prefer not to expose others to my emotional... problems.
Title: Re: list of things that make you angry
Post by: kyo on February 18, 2008, 05:33:40 PM
yes true there are others ways to get rid of anger but not everyone has a way to express to express it.

on with the show:

next thing that make me mad is when people start saying that video games caused violence. That just bullcrap >:(