Forum > Alternative Endings

Alternative ending 2

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I can cooperate in that fiction if it goes to nightmare battle,i am dying to show you what i can express with lum  :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~

Cosmic King:
I can imagine what you have in mind for Lum and Ataru,alumxander,maybe if ya behave a little i shall allow you inda tale  8) (btw,it is gonna be at DM2 not NB)

Necron 99:

--- Quote from: Cosmic King on August 15, 2007, 11:36:10 PM ---Any plans 4 a sequel,necron99?

You can always make a "what if" tale where Lum and Ataru are slowly becoming into constellations and its effects on Tomobiki,you can call it "Wishing upon a star"

--- End quote ---

I don't see how they could slowly become stars. Seems like it would be instantaneous. As far as effects are concerned, all of their friends and family members would be grieving over the fate of our favorite couple. Mendo and the Stormtroopers would be sad due to the loss of their beloved Lum-chan. Such a fic would be a total downer. :'(

Lum's parents would probably want to unleash their wrath upon the Earth as revenge for the "death" (if you will call it that) of Lum.

Perhaps the only positive aspect would be that Lum and Ataru are together as constellations.

Cosmic King:
I meant slowly cuz i wanna explore their last moments as organic beings,to give a little suspense,my confused friend,besides who said i was refering the normal lum and ataru,just wait and see what i will unleash

lets wait


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