Forum > Why do we love Lum that much?

lum rules the world because...

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I guess. Native shows (animated or not) get away with tons that networks wouldn't allow in anime.

It's just like killing. Killing and hitting someone is not allowed on real life. However is portrayed in movies and telenovelas, which kids can actually watch. Usually, this gets the character punishment but it doesn't allways happen. Besides, news on TV broadcast wars during prime time and kids always watch them because parents want to watch it.

But anyways, violent behavior depends on the familiar enviroment the kid is in, in my opinion. I've always watched Power Rangers, Pokemon, Looney Toons, etc when I was a kid and I never punched someone because of what I saw on TV. I eventually got into fights because kids are cruel to each other sometimes and it's proven that violence is a natural instict. However, it should be punished when violence is used as we grow up because the more we use it, the more violent we'll be.

No, Lum never rules the World, but rules Ataru Moroboshi.

It is destiny Ataru can't escape from Lum.

Lum acts as ghost because she haunts Ataru.

Lum acts as prison because she limits Ataru's freedom of girl hunting.

Lum acts as power station because she is definitely a power station and almost supply electricity to Ataru.

Cosmic King:
I think you are supposed to post why you like Lum Invader in this topic, Ataru+Lum, and not some weird theories of Lum acting like a "Haunted Power Prison"

This topic's title is meant to be taken as a metaphor of Lum been the ruler of our hearts

Anyways, Ataru+Lum, please tell us why you think Lum is the ruler of your heart

Ataru enjoys freedom, he doesn't like to be haunted by Lum.

However, most of the Earth boys, may include you and me want to be haunted by Lum.

It is odd in real World, whether a man doesn't mind to be haunted by a beautiful, sexy and perfect but violent girl friend?


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