Forum > Urusei Yatsura General Discussion

Low Rage - Rant Zone

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theres' no fenders on that xj o.o, but yea that's a jeep alot like mine, where did you see that at?

--- Quote from: FallinG_StaR on February 10, 2006, 02:45:39 AM ---
Next time im geting smaller wheels.

--- End quote ---
judgeing from the flags i would say a state park someware, the fact that there are alot of jeeps aroudn would dictate a jeep jamberee, that or a 4x4 club event, is that Oklahoma Trail Chaisers?

I saw that in a forum and I just found this pic funny

I think its in New Jersey...

nods, i thaught the BBS's were extinct (Buleton Board System) O.O thats some serious Ol' School technology there useing there if there useing a BBS system lol, that's still a pretty cool pic, i showed my dad, he got a laugh out of it 8)


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