Forum > Why do we love Lum that much?

Thanks for the memories

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By Ataru Devo on Friday, November 26, 1999 - 00:53:
Well, it's thanksgiving today. And I think we all
need to give a little thanks for the world of
Urusei Yatsura. We owe it that much.

I remember it like it were yesterday. It was 1984,
and I was just a little kid wandering through the
anime section of the local video store. And then I
saw her. Maybe it was the green hair, maybe it was
the beautiful art on the front cover, but
something just drew me into renting it.

And I was hooked. I thought it was hilarious,
sweet, witty, and incredibly well written. I began
searching for the other videos and manga (pretty
damn hard in 1984), but it was worth it. My
friends thought I was nuts, they were too busy
playing with their G.I. Joes to pay any attention
to some Japanese product. But I wasn't.

Then came high school. I quickly joined up with
the anime club, and eventually became president. I
discovered that there were many others like me,
and suddenly my hobby wasn't so lonely anymore. I
would have girlfriends, but Lum was still number
one in my heart.

College time. In my freshman year, I had a tattoo
of Lum done on my arm, a la Matthew Sweet. I was
either a geek or a rebel, I don't remember which.
But the love of UY never went away. I would take
country-wide tours of anime cons, scouting out the
UY fans and discussing favorite episodes for hours
on end.

And here I am now. UY still remains the best anime
ever, despite what the Ranma 1/2 freaks think. And
I wouldn't change it at all. UY gave me a sense
that I didn't simply have to accept what I was
spoon-fed each day, that the weirder things in
life are the better, that laughter and admiration
can bring people together. What a long, strange,
and wonderful trip it is.

Thank you, Mrs. Takahashi. Thank you, LUM

By Majin Mendou on Friday, November 26, 1999 - 06:11:
That's spoken like a true stormtrooper.

By Parias on Friday, November 26, 1999 - 10:00:

I basically found her the same way you did, except it happened to me a few weeks ago.. found the first 8 episodes, picked em up. I was pretty skeptical at first, after getting into the likes of Ghost in the Shell and whatnot I was into a lot more mature stuff, but after seeing how Ataru won the game of tag, I got pretty interested...

..and then I found this page, spent a good hour checking out all the images and info, and am now trying to find some way of getting ahold of the rest of the series.. pretty tough since I'm up in Canada, but hell, there's probably some way.

I'd also like to send out a thanks to Mrs. Takahashi and everyone else involved for making this series possible, and of course to the webmaster of this page for spiking my interest in the series. And as for the rest of you guys (even though thanksgiving isn't really up in Canada at the moment), Happy Thanksgiving!

By the way, if any of you are on ICQ, my number is 1293359, contact me anytime if you want.

By Jocko on Saturday, December 4, 1999 - 04:47:
1984? Who released this video?

By Ataru Devo on Sunday, December 5, 1999 - 09:51:
;) It was an independant neighborhood store, and
the dude who owned the place was enough of an
anime nut that he had them imported, mostly so he
could show them at his college.

hey, i thought you had left with the others. man,
what happened to this place?


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