Forum > Recycle Bin

Re: urusei yatsura cameos



Bluray made possible to see things impossible to read from DVD...

...try to read the name of the 3rd and 9th ship in the list...


Bluray made possible to see things impossible to read from DVDs...

...check the 3rd and 9th ship name from the list!!

That was one of the oldest episodes from Star Trek Next Generation! :)

Huh that's actually neat xd
Also you know that you could put in the cameos topic.

You didn't need to create a different topic

Also of note in that list: the ship name above "SS URUSEI YATSURA" is the "SS BUCKAROO BANZAI". Oh my goodness!

"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" is a movie from 1984, a "cult-classic" which parodies sci-fi movies of its time. It's pretty weird (definitely a B-movie) and the humor's very dry, but it's delightful in its own way.


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