The World of Urusei Yatsura's Lum

Universal => Archive => Topic started by: Lum-chan on October 23, 2004, 12:45:46 PM

Title: Does ANYONE know Rumiko Takahashi's Address?!
Post by: Lum-chan on October 23, 2004, 12:45:46 PM
By uruseiranma on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 - 07:42:
I've been askig this question, butnit seems to be as obscure as Area 51 or a second gunman on the grassy knowl: What is Rumiko Takahashi's Address? I want to know, becuase I want to send her fanmail. As well, something to have signed. i'll never probably meet her in person, but something signed by her would satisfy me, that or a pic of Lum & Akane Tendo with Long Hair back to back for my pages. If her address is that top secret, wil lsomeone, if you have it, please email it to me? I won't tell anyone else, just let me know at
Michael Wayne Howe
Title: Re: Does ANYONE know Rumiko Takahashi's Address?!
Post by: Lum-chan on October 23, 2004, 12:45:55 PM
By robert bezold on Saturday, August 7, 1999 - 08:30:
Michael? Years ago when I was in Japan, I stopped by the offices of Shogakukan to pay my respects and tell Ms. Takahashi how much I admired her work. The people at the office were very polite (and gave me a cute UY phone card!) but it was basicly their job to keep people like me away. I was told she didn't even come into the office anyway; she did all her work at home. I suppose you could send a letter to Shogakukan. They might forward it, but there is no guarantee of a response. Your other option might be to send a letter to the letters page of Shonen Sunday (I think that's the manga she writes for) and see if your letter gets printed and gets a response. It would probably all have to be done in Japanese. Get in touch with me. Maybe we could put together a very nice letter/card, circulate it among the members of this bulletin board and the UY ML for signatures and then mail it to her office. Its worth a shot...