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Anime News Network Rumiko Takahashi podcast


ANN made a Rumiko Takahashi podcast for anyone who is interested.

It was interesting to listen to, but those two speakers are like nails on a chalkboard. They seemed like they were trying to fill some time up because they almost didn't know what they were talking about at times.

Neither of them had a real appreciation for Beautiful Dreamer, they basically referred to it as a Mamoru Oshii film, and not a UY film (at least from what I took from them talking). But what annoyed me was they said the movies aren't canon.

Other than flashback episodes, the show didn't even treat itself as canon.

Only You referenced the matchmaking episode from the TV Show and The Final Chapter referenced a retrospective of how Ataru feels about Lum when he vowed he wouldn't forget Lum.

However, the show seemed to bash on a lot of the work post UY of Rumiko (again, my opinion). Was an interesting listen, but I'm glad I didn't catch that live or I might have had a aneurysm.

The movies always seemed to be canon to the anime series as you pointed out many examples yourself.

As a writer on the side, I tend to pay attention to all the nuances of a series of any type, as UY is my favorite anime series, I paid a lot of attention to it.

I like other series, but not enough to get all the blurays from Japan and the digital reprints of the manga.

And to clarify my writer statement, I don't write for the purposes of publication. I've had some blogs in the past, written long stories and even did all the required character/lore/world building for a fantasy series, but as much as I like writing, I hate the concept of 'fame'. I like being 'just another face in the crowd', it allows me to be me.


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