Forum > Events comes RUMICON VI !!!


Yes, it's almost time!  ;D

Sixth edition of Rumicon will be held in Reggio Emilia, and there will be a lot of things, as usual: games & retro-games, a Rock-Band station, cosplay contest, anime cover band concert and all you can find in a comic convention, even if it's still quite little...and still FREE! ^^

Here is the link with all the details:

I know, most of you live quite far from Italy, but I guess there is a lot of italian people reading this forum!  ;D

It's one of the best UY site of the world, afterall!  :*)

If there is something you want to know about it, feel free to ask!
I'll try to reply as soon as possible! :angel:

Huuummm... Foooorse ci riesco a fare un passo... perchè probabilmente c'ho le premiazioni di un concorso di corti e come partecipante ci devo andare anche se non becco nulla asd (speriamo di beccarlo un premio però! lol)
Cmq se riesco ad esserci ti faccio sapere ;)

Ma benone!! Più gente c'è, meglio è!  ;D

E in bocca al lupo per la premiazione! ;)


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