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Messages : 51 to 60
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Number of messages : 85
on 14/11/2007 at 16:00
Pedro Pinto (Lousada, Portugal)
Score : 9/10

I Love it... Unfortunatly we can never get any episodes to watch in the net cause the links are all down...
on 07/09/2007 at 18:18
Score : 10/10

I Love this site!
on 03/06/2007 at 14:32
$ora (Manila, Philippines)
Score : 10/10

urusei yatsura is one of the best Anime... LumXAtaru 4ever
on 19/05/2007 at 20:21
Line-chan (Hillerød, Denmark)
Score : 9/10

Lum is just the cutest alien in the world. :3
Messages : 51 to 60
Page : 6
Number of messages : 85